D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1145 1145 Dodgeball Dangers

Chapter 1145 1145 Dodgeball Dangers

Kat leapt at the sound of cannon fire. A wall of dodgeballs erupted from the cannons, and Kat used all of her time to look at them. Only half of the wall was lit up, so the dodgeballs didn't coat the wall from floor to ceiling. The dodgeballs in question… looked a little odd. They were black as pitch, probably because it was an ingredient in their creation. Most of them looked sticky with dripping bits of black sludge attached to the outside.

The problem were the ones that were closer to grey. Those balls were clearly just a thin shell around a liquid centre. *I certainly don't want to try grabbing any of those! Even with a tonne of care, they might explode anyway! Especially if Thyme has an enchantment on them to set them off.*

As Kat continued to rise, she realised that she'd overshot her jump in haste, even with the limiting around her wrist. Not wanting to miss the chance to grab a ball, Kat flared her wings then used them to flip in place, letting her arms reach out below her and catch a ball as it passed below her. Kat was surprised to find that it wasn't sticky at all, but it did squish under her fingers, even as lightly as she thought she'd grabbed it.

*I wonder what it counts as if you accidentally pop one of these things.* Kat finished her flip to end up right side up, and used the chance to look around at everyone else. Kat was at the bottom left corner of the circle, and across from her was Borgick, who seemed to have jumped too early. He just barely managed to miss the throng of balls on his way back down to the ground.

Above them both was Nell and Burnice, facing off against each other. They both easily cleared the cannons, but didn't manage to grab a ball during the wave. They were falling now, but watching the rest of the contestants closer. Waiting for someone else to make a move.

Finally, there was March, set at the top of the star, grinning madly as her eyes shone with inner fire. Apparently, her physical capabilities were insane. Despite having the least time out of everyone, March had managed not only to dodge the wall, but also to catch a ball. Not with her hands, but with her feet. As Kat watched, the mountain of muscle deftly pulled in her knees and used the momentum of her fall to catch the ball in her hands, just before everyone hit the wooden floors.

*Holy shit go March. She's definitely the person I want to get out… but I'm not entirely sure that I can. She's the furthest away and that was fucking impressive. I bet she could, at worst, just block me with her own ball if I tried to throw mine… and honestly? She might just catch it with her legs to show off. Apparently, she's pretty fucking flexible for someone with so much muscle.*

Kat licked her lips as she looked around the field, looking for an opening. March seemed to be doing the same, but she was showing off a bit by spinning the ball on her finger as she did so. It was just distracting enough for Borgick's focus to fixate on the ball for just a moment so Kat made use of it, hurling her own ball straight at Borgick, full strength.

Kat immediately felt the bracelet limiting her, but she pushed on and let it fly. Borgick was turning, just a moment after the ball started to fly, a panicked expression on his face. Sadly for Kat, his body was moving before he even truly know what he was doing. Borgick dived down and to the left to get out of the way…

Only for March to match Kat's throw, hurling her ball at the falling dwarf. When he hit the ground, he made a good effort to roll away from March's attack, but was struck on the shoulder, just barely clipping him. Borgick cursed but got to his feet, right as the cannons sounded again.

Kat looked at the two rows of cannons… but saw no cannon balls. Burning demonic energy, Kat slower her mind right down and her vision seemed to expand as she started to really take in her peripherals. Only to realise that the 'empty space' behind her had fire off some dodgeballs of its own. Kat wanted to curse, there was no time, it was RIGHT THERE.

Kat hurled herself towards the ground, using her entire body, wings including to drop her as fast as possible. Kat felt the wind being driven out of her when her back smashed into the ground, and though she bounced back up, ignoring the pain, as soon as the balls past over her head. Only for her to hear another round of cannon fire.

Kat glanced around in slowed time, and saw they were from coming from the same direction as the first barrage, but were being launched in a series of lines. Only every second cannon had fired, but they covered all the way to the ceiling. Kat would be fine, just needed to slip through the gap when it she was sideways…

But March had arms thicker then Kat's entire body. So how is she getting out of this? Kat couldn't spare a glance for Borgick, but he was presumably still in the game. In the air Nell could be seen pulling her hands about her head, stretching herself out and flatting just a bit more to fit in between the lines. Burnice didn't have any issue with the gap, having coincidentally lined up with them when she jumped over the first set of balls.

Kat watched March, who had, it seems, picked up another ball during the previous wave. She'd moved it to her hands… and that was enough to survive another. March pulled her hand back, so swiftly the dodgeballs had barely moved from the cannons. March then launched the ball with such strength that the wind from the movement scattered the nearby dodgeballs everywhere. March did have to duck into a ball to avoid getting clipped, but she made it through.

Not without cost though. Nell was watching and managed to catch one of the stray balls that flew straight towards her. Not a life off of March, but a weapon in the hands of an enemy. Burnice looked ready to try for the same, but realised that two were coming right for her. Acting quickly she leaned forward and caught the first, then threw it into the second, knocking it off-course and keeping her on two lives.

Borgick was far enough away to avoid the mess, and managed to grab his own ball for retaliation. As everyone landed, Kat looked at the floor. In a few places, the thinner dodgeballs had splattered against the floor, leaving behind a thick, tar like substance that would no doubt slow anyone attempting to cross it. Though… there were a few dodgeballs stuck to the black tar like substance. So perhaps braving it would be the right move. josei

Everyone glances around once again. Waiting for someone to make the first move. Kat kept an especially close eye on Borgick just in case he was looking for revenge. Nobody moved for five seconds. Then ten. Then the sound of cannon fire went off. Kat moved into slowed time and looked around for the balls… only to see nothing. She frowned, looking around. Nell and Borgick had jumped at the sound… but there was nothing.

What's going on? Kat released her increased mental speed, but she couldn't see any indication of balls coming from anywhere. It took her a moment to realise what had happened. Borgick to the chance to hurl the ball at Nell, trapped in the air as she was. Nell glared back, hands full, and made to intercept the ball with one of her own.

Burnice, seeing an opportunity, burst into motion and flew over to one of the stuck balls. She reached down to grab it and pulled… not prepared for it pulling back. She stumbled forward, but managed to catch herself at the last second. Nell was tempted to capitalise, to throw the ball in her hands at Burnice…

But she couldn't for it was in that moment she needed to block the dwarf's attack. Still, she could try. Nell smacked the incoming ball downwards, towards Burnice. Despite Burnice's lacking footing, she could still catch a ball, especially since it was just redirected. The ball found its way into Burnice's hands easily even if the elf was in a bit of an awkward position right now. It was worth it.

*Wait… does that count as a catch against Borgick?* As Kat asked that question mentally a piercing whistle cut through the silence. "Time out! You've managed to stumbled into another edge case. Stay where you are, while we discuss this,"

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