D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 683

Chapter 683

Chapter 683: Chapter 683 Clean Freak

Kat got through two more bubbles and heard much the same thing as she did the first time, “company policy, can’t do it, yad yada,” and was really starting to question exactly how good this ‘company policy’ was overall. The only bright spot in her three attempts was the third group who had revealed the barrier would hold up against the fire for three days before it exhausted itself. Leaving them was by far the easiest choice she’d made so far because they KNEW it was good enough to last. The others assumed, and that comment from the first bubble about them failing occasionally was a slight damper on things but it was mostly fine.

*Still I wonder if my time could be better spent elsewhere. In fact, maybe I should turn back to Nixilei and ask her what to do? Three for three is fairly conclusive that this is the norm here. Is it worth searching for that needle in a haystack where I CAN actually help rather then being a glorified door to door salesman nobody wants?*

Kat approached the next bubble with a sigh, testing it lightly with her fingers before pushing her way through the bubble and shaking off the unpleasant feeling. She opened the door once again and set her face into a smile even if she didn’t feel it to ensure she didn’t look too scary... only to see an empty room on the other side. “Hello? Is my smile that scary?” said Kat with a joking tone she really wasn’t feeling.

Stepping into the room Kat glanced around and found it to be about standard for these kinds of bunkers if you ignored the lack of people. The beds were made, the floor was clean and the slightly surprising thing was that the light was on. Stepping forward carefully Kat wrapped her fingers around the door handle and carefully pulled open only to reveal stacks of canned food lining the shelves with bottles of water filling the floor space. Even if someone wanted to hide in here, there just wasn’t any room. All the space was being used up and unless they had the ability to shrink to such a small size not even Kat could see them, there was nowhere to hide.

*Food for thought. Do my eyes see through invisibility? I’d imagine they do, but when something is invisible I can see more, as in the stuff behind it, if I don’t... nah that’s dumb, I’m certain I can. That just means this place is empty. Why though? All the other ones had people inside them. What triggers the barrier?*

Kat walked outside to gaze out the shimmering defensive bubble for a few moments as she tried to work out what to do now. *I should mark this one as being empty somehow. Maybe with a big O? My first thought was an X but that might make people think there’s something important here when in fact it’s the opposite. Additionally, I’m going to go find Nixilei after this. Not being able to help anyone is getting annoying.*

Course of action decided Kat jumped onto the roof and used her nails to gauge a deep circle into the roof of the building and one of the sides. She hoped it would be enough to make it clearly distinct from the others before speeding off. Kat glanced up at the sky and saw the small black cloud gathering over the compound. It wasn’t very high up and trying to fly through it would just block her sight. Kat could see the water carefully flowing from the river up into the cloud and smiled a bit at the clear progress.


Kat ran back to the area she’d seen Gareth in before, keeping an eye out around the flames and shells of buildings for anyone, and was happy to spot Gareth after just thirty seconds of wandering, Kat pulled up beside him as she summoned a large stone wall and slammed it down on a patch of white fire... it didn’t work at all. The flames quickly burnt through the stone and just kept going. Gareth clicked his tongue at the molten rock, “Damn we need that water before doing anything else. I can’t make a wall solid enough to stop this,”

“Glad I’m not the only one feeling useless,” said Kat offhandedly.

Gareth spun around at the noise, not having heard Kat approach. His shield was in hand thrust in front of him ready to confront whatever ‘danger’ was there... only to realise it was Kat. “Um... woops. Yeah. Not too much to be done just yet I suppose... why are you feeling useless though? There are plenty of bubbles around near the fires,”

“Because they keep giving me the polite version of ‘fuck off we’re fine’ or fine enough really. Something about company policy stating they can’t give out details about the defences, so I don’t know if they’ll last long enough for everyone to be safe, and that they can’t leave without a superior officer letting them know it’s all good. I’ve accomplished nothing since entering the industrial district except some minor vandalism on an empty panic room,” explained Kat with some bite to her tone. She kept most of it from her words, it wasn’t Gareth’s fault at all, but she was a bit miffed that when surrounded by fire and offered an opportunity to leave, company policy was apparently still more important.

“Huh... I have no idea how normal something like that is. That’s more Nixilei’s wheelhouse,” mumbled Gareth not really intending for Kat to overhear, though not minding if she did.

“I know, I was looking for her, I just ran into you first. Got any suggestions at all?” asked Kat.

“My suggestion is find Nixilei,” said Gareth completely deadpan.

“Gareth... aren’t you the leader normally?” asked Kat with some concern.

“Yes, and as the leader I’ve decided Nixilei should be in charge for now,” said Gareth with a hard stare.

“Right...” said Kat slowly before dashing away at top speed. *That is perhaps the weirdest interaction I’ve had with Gareth... what’s his problem anyway?* Kat was cheerfully forgetting that dust and debris slide off her and that the literal tonnes of ash nearby and floating around in the air wasn’t causing her any issues. For Gareth, not only was it getting into his armour which would need a beyond thorough cleaning... it was getting EVERYWHERE and it was not a remotely fun experience. He was using his full experience as a noble to project a calm air of ‘this is fine’ and not start cursing.

So it was a bit more running later that Kat ended up next to Nixilei and her team of water mages. The process was interesting to watch. One mage held the spell maintaining the cloud, another pulled the water up while the third rested. They would then swap roles with water lifter maintaining the cloud, the one maintaining the cloud moving to rest, and the mage at rest would then pick up more water. It was a smooth process at this point that kept things going without delay but it was clear the mages were reaching their limits somewhat. josei

“Hey Nixilei,” said Kat with a wave to get her attention. Once Nixilei glanced over at Kat, the demon continued. “Sooo... I’ve been through a few of those panic rooms but nobody wanted to leave. Something about it being company policy to just... hole up until someone more important comes along. Most wouldn’t even tell me when the damned shield could go down.”

“Well that isn’t good...” grumbled Nixilei, “it’s not even a terribly common practice. I know some BIG businesses in the capital operate like that... but that’s because their employees have valuable company secrets, valuable enough for others to set a fire then use the rescue as an excuse to kidnap or poach them. I didn’t really think this town would be big would have any business that large, let alone three. Unless... hmm... if just one or two companies own the entire district then it COULD happen I suppose. It might be a major hub for a business or two.

“Yes... looking at it that way does make the most sense. The thing is though... I think that’s still where you can be best utilised Kat,” explained Nixilei with a nod before turning back and calling for another swap of the mages. Kat frowned at the news, pouting. *I don’t want to feel like I’m doing nothing though...*

“Surely there’s something better right? Anything? I don’t mind digging around like Gareth?” offered Kat as alternatives.

“Kat, I understand you want to FEEL useful. The thing is though, this really is the best job I can give you. We just don’t know how stable those barriers are or if all of them are rated fore multiple days. You getting people out is the best idea. Gareth and Kress are mostly just killing time while the cloud charges up. It’s not likely they will find anyone living. Normally I’d give Green the job I’ve given you, run around and scout basically, but you can do a bit more and Green’s completely out of it. This isn’t about feelings Kat. This is about results, and you can get the best results where you already are.”

Kat sucked in a deep breath before letting it out. “Ok”

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