D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 695

Chapter 695

Chapter 695: Chapter 694 That’s Right I do know Maid-Fu

Another strike came for Kat’s head, but she was expecting this, raising an arm to intercept Kat took the strike with her forearm as she was standing up. The Thyme that had been repeatedly hitting her took a step back before settling into a fighting stance and making a ‘come at me’ gesture. Kat wasn’t so easily baited, and instead took in the scene around her. There was a good number of servant Thymes all looking at her battle but they weren’t doing anything else other than watching for the moment. josei

Kat stared back at the maid that had been trying to smack her over the head and got into her own combat stance, tail flicking around behind her, just as ready to strike as any of her arms. Kat also summoned her fans to her hands and got ready for the fight. After seeing Kat just get ready instead of rushing her the buttle dashed forward trying to interrupt Kat’s, of course, her weapons could just be summoned to her hands so the chance to ‘interrupt’ a potential weapon draw was completely lost.

The maid kept the plate in front like a shield to try and catch the majority of Kat’s attacks. Kat however, was more than willing to turn to tried and true methods with so many unconscious people around her. Kat didn’t make a single attack on the maid as they approached. Closer and closer until they were within Kat’s guard. The maid looked shocked, like they didn’t actually think they’d get so far.

Improvising the best they could, the maid raised the plate up to slam into Kat’s chin. A slight tilting of the head so that the plate only clipped her face rather than slamming into her jaw reduced the effectiveness majorly and opened the maid up for retaliation. With the maid in so close Kat wrapped the maid up in her arms, pulling them in close and locking them in place. The maid struggled but this kind of strength wasn’t limited by the bracelet at all. Kat’s vice like grip held onto the struggling maid easily.

Kat was thinking about her options when she felt another Thyme approaching her from behind. She let her tail lash out instinctively but based on the ringing sound it was caught on a plate. Still, Kat felt the Thyme get shoved backwards and heard a small thump afterwards. *Hopefully that knocked them out or something. I mean, it’s probably just them hitting the floor but I can dream.* Kat looked over at the other Thymes but not a single other one had moved so she focused once again on the Thyme maid in her arms.

Kat bit her lip. *Chocking them out seems like the best idea but I don’t know if I want to risk letting go of them for that long. Currently I’m pinning their arms and legs with how I’ve positioned myself... but if I start going for the throat, literally, I’m not sure I can keep them contained.* That was when the maid decided trying to bit Kat was a good idea. They clamped down on her chest and Kat winced, surprised by the lack of pain. “Ok, first off, rude and indecent. Second off, that doesn’t even hurt that much,” said Kat somewhat hoping to discourage further attempts of the same. It didn’t hurt sure but it was awkward.

The maid looked up at Kat, staring for a few seconds as if trying to determine the validity of the statement. Of course the fact Kat could say it at all meant it was true... but how true was it and for how long. In the end, it turned out the maid wasn’t actually looking for anything in Kat’s eyes except perhaps a way to distract her. This was proven to be the case when Kat felt another plate slam into her head and because of the awkward angle her feet had been at to keep the maid locked in place Kat stumbled slightly releasing her grip on the maid allowing for them to slip out of her arms.


Kat grit her teeth and dashed forward making use of her supernatural balance with a bit of help from her tail to recover much faster than the maid could managed. Before the maid could properly right themselves and face her Kat used all of her strength to backhand the maid into the wall hoping either the flat of her fan would be enough to do some damage or the impact with the wall would break a few bones... if dryads even had bones.

The maid flew into and then through the wall, plasterboard following in the Thyme’s wake. Seeing that they were out of the fight, at least for now, Kat turned around to face the Thyme that had hit her before. This one was a butler but with a feminine figure and short bob hair. Kat didn’t really find that to be an issue and tried for a second backhand. This Thyme managed to bring the plate up in time and dig into the ground, taking the impact and only being shoved to the side slightly. What Kat wasn’t expecting was the form of the smallest Thyme dashing out from behind the butler and jamming a knife into her leg.

Kat bit back a curse kicking at the small Thyme as they dashed under the table. Kat grimaced as the weight from the kick settled onto her injured leg. She could feel the muscles moving around the knife, digging into it slightly. It wasn’t a serious wound but it was a rather painful and certainly uncomfortable one. Kat lashed out with her tail, forcing the butler Thyme to block as she bent down and wrenched the knife from her leg, dropping her fan in the process. Ignoring the teeth on it that dealt her a bit more damage as it came out Kat stumbled backwards as she felt the wound heal.

The small Thyme had been expecting this and pushed a chair into her path, causing Kat to almost stumble but her tail curved down, wrapping itself around the chair leg and using that as leverage to push her back to a standing position, if a slightly awkward one. Kat kicked the chair away, hoping to get the small Thyme with the act, but instead of a any sound she might have wanted to hear, she heard the clacking of two wooden chairs hitting each other, reminder Kat that other people were in the room, even if they were unconscious.

*Shit, I have to be more careful. I don’t want to injure anyone, especially not while the healers are asleep.* Kat moved off to the side, making space between her and the table, hoping to move the combat away from the downed individuals. She didn’t even notice the fact that behind her, the serving Thymes had picked up the second table’s team members and were leaving through the back doors. With the blood pumping in her ears and the narrow focus she didn’t hear them moving and they were careful to shut the doors without making any real noise.

Kat kept her eyes on the butler Thyme but her focus on the table. Now that she was further away from the table the smallest Thyme couldn’t use it for cover without exposing themselves somewhat, but they were still what Kat considered the biggest threat at the moment. They were the only one to get a good strike on Kat and the chair idea would have worked had she not had her trusty tail.

Kat summoned her dropped fan back to her hand while she stared at the butler Thyme. Neither willing to make the first move, Kat because she didn’t want to miss another Thyme and the butler Thyme because the stalemate was perfectly acceptable for the moment. Until the other two teams had been removed from the area they was happy to keep Kat’s attention solely on them. Seconds past without a movement before Kat decided to disrupt things.

Kat threw the fan in her right hand at the Thyme as fast as possible towards the butler’s head, as the plate moved to block it and cover the butler’s vision Kat dashed forward bringing her leg around and landing a solid kick to their side hoping to hit a second Thyme through the wall. If only Kat could be so lucky. Kat kept an eye on the Thyme as they flew, cracking the wall... and the support beam behind it. Kat heard the whole room starting to creak and grown causing her to freeze up. Of course there is no place for that on the battlefield, and Kat’s surprise gave the perfect opportunity for the smallest Thyme to throw a steel rope lasso around Kat’s body pulling it tight around Kat’s neck. Kat coughed as the metal dug into her throat, making it hard to breath. So Kat stopped breathing for the moment, and tried to think. *How can I get out of this one?*

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