D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Chapter 735: Chapter 735 The Great Book Quest

Eventually, it was time to go. Green had headed off a bit earlier to shower and go to sleep, while Kress stormed upstairs even earlier, pretty much as soon as the food had been eaten. Nixilei and Gareth stayed downstairs a bit longer and Lily was actually the first asleep. Still, Kat considered it time well spent, and bowed to Nixilei and Gareth. “I’ll see you all next time,” before the familiar world of fire engulfed her.

When Kat got back home it was night time still, and with Lily asleep it was quite obvious what the next course of action was... putting away Lily’s new book of course. Kat was tempted to place it nearby so that it was easily accessible in the morning... but Kat wasn’t willing to let Lily lock herself up all day reading it either. Instead she put it on the top shelf in her cupboard, a spot that while not terribly hidden would keep Lily from reaching easily. Kat wasn’t totally sure how good Lily’s wings would be on Earth but the room was small and the shelf wasn’t wide enough for her wings to fit anyway. With that done Kat was able to curl up happily with Lily on her stomach and go to sleep.

Lily was actually the first one to wake up. She’d finally caught up on sleep and had nodded off much earlier. The fact Kat got back in the middle of the night helped Lily as well. She uncurled herself on Kat’s chest stretching her body and giving her wings a light flap. Taking a look around the room, she couldn’t spot her new book on magic and tried to frown, facial features preventing that for the most part. [Hmmm...] Lily looked around Kat’s room and double checked her sash. [So she didn’t forgot to put it away... but I don’t see where it was... hmm...] josei

Lily sniffed the air and was pleased by the detail. Her soul was syncing up further with her body and she could understand smells in a way she never had before. While this was Kat’s room, Kat was often away doing other things. This meant the place wasn’t completely saturated with the same scent. She could smell the slightest hint of burning, presumably from the spot Kat returned and the pathway Kat had to take away from it.

Hopping off the bed, Lily sniffed the carpet, following Kat’s footsteps until... the cupboard. [That’s just rude. Can I even open this? No, despite my size I am strong... but I’m not sure that helps. Hmm... well I can check.] Lily pushed her paw up against the gap and thanked Vivian for designing the house with cupboard doors on wheels. When the door slid open Lily poked her head in enough to use her body to push it the rest of the way open for jumping back.

What she saw did not impress her. Or rather, Kat knew her a bit too well. The precious knowledge she was looking for was in clear view. At the top of the cupboard. On a small shelf that she would need to jump to if she wanted to grab. It was too close to the ceiling to drop down into, and too small to just fly in. It might be close enough to the ground for her to jump into though.


[The question is. Do I want to try? I doubt Kat did this just to annoy me... but... on the other hand... she said I could check it out once we got back home.] Lily shuffled around a bit, needing the carpet with her paws as she debated the merits of waiting for Kat, or trying to get the book herself. [Honestly the biggest argument against grabbing it is the fact that I’m not sure I can turn the pages. I’ll probably need Kat for that... and if I steal the book back now... hmm yes I guess I should leave it.]

Now, if Lily was still human that would be the end of it. The decision was made. It was more beneficial to wait for Kat despite her own desires. On the other hand, Lily was a Memphis and she was hunting. Perhaps not prey but her mind always valued knowledge highly. Something valued more highly then prey... well you can’t just give up on that can you?

So despite deciding not to actually take the book, Lily still very much wanted to get to the book. She prowled backwards, taking in the distance carefully and testing the spring, or lack thereof, the carpet provided. A few quick hops later and Lily was ready. She lowered her haunches and positioned herself perfectly. The angle was a bit steep, but Lily didn’t want to hop off the bed and risk waking Kat, that is, if the springiness from the bed didn’t kill her momentum. Lily ready herself one last time, and then leapt!

Straight into Kat’s arms.

See, Kat had gotten up in response to Lily’s rapidly changing emotions. She was well rested and didn’t resist the pull at all. So she just happily watched Lily mess around on the carpet and ready herself for the jump. Kat simply stood off to the side and remained still. Without any movement, Lily’s eyes wouldn’t be alerted the same way and her mind just blocked Kat out. Kat wasn’t a threat at all, so her mind didn’t deem Kat’s presence all that important to their hunt. Well, until they were grabbed out of the air.

*Good morning Lily.* Thought Kat as she gave Lily a small kiss on the head, careful not to get her eyes poked out by Lily’s horns. *I see you’re trying to get at your book.* Kat’s amusement was very prominent through the link. Lily didn’t even need to look up to see the big smile on Kat’s face.

[I wasn’t going to open it though! I just wanted to get it down] complained Lily mentally. Kat grinned. *Yes I know Lily, I heard that whole discussion.* [Oh] Kat sat back down on the bed, bringing Lily with her. *Oh indeed Lily. Now, as happy as I am to let you read it now. Perhaps we should go visit your parents first?*

[Do I have to?]

*Lily... why don’t you want to see them? It’s been a while since you spoke and I let you get away with not visiting after we returned from the Hub. We can duck over for just a bit, I don’t even have to leave you there Lily. Tell me what’s wrong?*

[I just... well... I just don’t want to deal with it honestly. It’s going to be really awkward that I don’t have my human form right now. It means you’ll have to translate for me and I just can’t picture it going over well. Mum will probably blow up about it. I don’t know if she’ll try to make it seem like I’m trapped like this, or pretend I can’t actually be a Memphis, or well she’ll probably just say cat.]

[It’ll become a whole big thing, and I can’t get you to yell at her for me. Even if I could get you to yell at my mum, it’d be wrong. I should be the one yelling, not my translator... but of course I can only really hiss at her. Maybe make vague threatening gestures with my claws. Can’t we just... avoid all that until I can transform?]

Kat pondered for a moment. Tail swishing around behind her, flicking at the creases in the bed. *I’m really not sure if I can or not. Even if I was willing to tentatively agree not to talk to them, Vivian would certainly pressure us into visiting. They are also your parents. They’ll be worried, or at least somewhat concerned. Is it really right to just avoid all that?*

[Yes] retorted Lily easily. [My mother ignored the fact that you were a good person for over a year. I can pretend that I live here. It’s not like I can go home on a more permanent basis until I can change anyway. I can’t really open doors and I need you to speak for me.]

*I could stay over instead? I don’t have to drop you off. I could spend time with your parents as well you know? I mean, we’ve really messed up the whole ‘introduce your date to the parents’ stage of things... That is a thing right?*

[Yes Kat it is... and I suppose we did... but I just... I don’t see the point? Or rather... I don’t think it would be worth the extra effort. My bed isn’t all that different to yours, just a bit smaller, but the real issue would be spending time with my parents. I already said it. I don’t believe my mother can stop herself causing a scene. Even if we started working on our issues... they aren’t resolved. Can... can I just stay here for a bit longer?]

*If you can convince Vivian.* Kat could feel Lily flinch at that judgement. She wasn’t changing it though.

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