D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741: Chapter 741 FIYAH

Eventually though it was time for lunch. Kat’s hearing was good enough to hear Callisto cooking underneath them and while Kat could safely skip meals without suffering any ill effects, in fact she struggled to eat three meals a day for extended periods of time, Sylvie needed the nutrients. Not only was she still growing, her short stature meant she potentially still had a lot of growing to do. Kat picked her sister up alongside her as Kat left the bed. “Where are we going?” asked Sylvie.

“It’s time for lunch,” answered Kat. Sylvie pouted, not believing that food was worth the interruption at all. Still, she showed her maturity that had been lacking the past few hours and simply nodded. Settling into Kat’s arms properly.

When they got downstairs Lily was missing, Kat quickly searched their link to see that Lily was asleep once again. Deciding against summoning her girlfriend Kat took a seat as Callisto finished up with whatever she was making. Vivian came downstairs a short time later and grabbed her own seat as well.

Callisto had some difficulty on deciding this lunch. She wanted something that would cheer Sylvie up. A wonderful idea in concept but something that was difficult in execution. Sylvie was mostly ambivalent to various foods on offer and even with Callisto’s excellent cooking skill she just didn’t enjoy food all that much. Perhaps something she caught form Kat, or because she ate the same things in a routine for so long growing up.

In the end, Callisto decided to make things fun in a different way. Callisto brought out an exceptionally large platter with only a few bits of food on it. Oh, there was still quite a good deal of it in total, but Callisto had made sure there was ample space around that food. There was a row of thin steak slices, a row of bacon, and at the bottom in the final row was piles of freshly baked potato chips. Kat didn’t really get it but Sylvie and Vivian had looks of surprised understanding so apparently there was something she was missing.

“Sure it looks nice... but I don’t get it...” said Kat after a few seconds.

Callisto smiled, “Knowing you would not be eating with us for lunch I took the time to... make things a little interesting. There is enough food for everyone to have two piles from each row with a single pile left over. The final pile was potentially for Lily but I see she is not hear. That is fine, the game works just as well.


“See, I have spiced everything here to a slightly excessive degree... but only a few unlucky ones from each row. The first row has only one super hot piece of steak. The next row has three and the final row has five. Everyone is likely to find at least once thing that I’ve spiced... but we’ll have to see how lucky everyone is. The others have varying levels of spice of course, but nothing as extreme as the super hot ones,” josei

Vivian gave an exaggerated frown at the explanation and turned to Kat, “What Callisto is trying to say, is that it’s bully Vivian lunch. Callisto and Sylvie can handle their spices fine but I can’t. I’ll probably be crying before the end of this even if I don’t find any of the super hot pieces. At least you’re skipping out on this. I don’t know if my poor heart could stand watching you down a super hot piece without flinching,”

Kat glanced at the plate again, not feeling the slightest amount of heat either from the cooking process or any of the chili that may or may not be on the pieces. “I see... quick question though. Doesn’t Callisto know where the spicy pieces are already?”

Vivian nodded, “Yes but I pointed that out to her before. This isn’t a new game Kat, just one that we haven’t played with you and Sylvie before. Callisto has probably told her about it,” Sylvie nodded, “and we came up with the work around for it ages ago. I select Callisto’s food. Not that it really makes much of a difference. She’ll happily eat the spicier stuff on her own initiative,”

“Yes but only because the one time I made things even hotter you complained,” Callisto informed the younger two attendees.

Vivian pouted exaggeratedly once again, “Fine fine make me out to be the bad guy. Not like I’m usually the one to propose this game. No, I’m the one stifling your creativity by limiting yourself to spices that us mere mortals can withstand!” said Vivian in as epic a voice she could manage, complete with sweeping hand gestures as well.

“Wait... do you like spicy food or not?” asked Kat confused.

“Oh I love it,” said Vivian reverting to her normal face. Which was of course, her bright smile and calm bearings. “I’m not great with spice and I’m not lying when I say I’ll be crying by the end of this whole thing regardless of what I pick... but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Remember what I told you about masochists Kat?” Kat nodded very slightly and looked away. “Yeah, not sure if I am one or not. I certainly don’t get sexual pleasure from this but it’s the good burn you know?”

*No Vivian. I have no idea what you’re talking about and I’m not sure I want to. Should I have been blocking Sylvie’s ears as well? I don’t really think she should be learning about this either... but she also knows what sex is because of her research into her father.*

“Well, any other questions? Kat? Sylvie?” asked Callisto, but seeing no reaction she continued, “Right in that case-” only to be cut off when Vivian stood up and heading for the fridge.

“I’ve gotta get myself some milk first. I nearly forgot and that would be a catastrophe,” said Vivian as she grabbed out the milk. Milk secured Vivian also grabbed a glass from the cupboard because while she was sure she’d need more than a single glass she wasn’t a barbarian. Returning to the table Vivian poured herself a glass of milk and then slid the rest of the carton onto the floor in case it was needed. Vivian glanced over at Sylvie, asking if she wanted any, but Sylvie shook her head and tapped the water already present on the table.

“Now we can dig in. One each please,” said Callisto.

Sylvie grabbed a random slice for her plate and Vivian prepared one for herself and Callisto. Callisto gave nothing away when she saw the choices. Everyone picked up their steaks in sync before Vivian and Callisto swallowed it hole and Sylvie took a large bite. Nobody begrudged her not simply eating the whole thing, it was a bit big for her much smaller mouth.

Vivian was already sweating, but based on the fact Kat noticed Sylvie’s face heating up as well, chances were it was actually Sylvie that picked up this rounds extra hot slice. Nobody said anything though. Sylvie finished the first slice completely and then as one Vivian and Sylvie grabbed enough for the second round.

They ate a slice in sync once again. Vivian’s face was bright red but she uttered no complaints, simply taking a small sip of milk. Callisto still looked completely normal and Sylvie’s cute little cheeks lost a bit of their colour already. Once again, nobody said anything. Kat wasn’t sure if that was part of the game or not, but if it was they all seemed to know it without Callisto mentioning the fact.

They went of the bacon next. Kat wasn’t exactly sure how you made spicy bacon, but considering it was there on the plate, Kat wasn’t going to question the possibility. Three pieces were chosen, and three humans bit down in sync once again. Sylvie smiled slightly as her piece gave a large crunch, but didn’t seem to heat up at all. Callisto seemed to pause for just a second on her piece but finished it anyway. Kat glared suspiciously at that, moderately sure Callisto found a spicier piece but the maid’s body betrayed nothing. Vivian had actual tears in her eyes at this point, but she was smiling through it all and didn’t have a pained expression on her face. Kat was counting that as a win at least.

The next round was unremarkable really. Nothing Kat didn’t expect so it was on to the final two rounds. Vivian dished out four piles of chips split between herself and Callisto while Sylvie grabbed two of them for herself. Kat raised an eyebrow at the change but didn’t say anything. They each lifted up a single chip and bit down.

Callisto let out a quick breath but otherwise remained stable. Vivian... well she didn’t change much but the spice had already been getting to her. Still, she didn’t make a sound. Sylvie just looked like she was eating a normal potato chip, if one that was a bit oversized.

They went in for the final round. Every took a bite all at once. Callisto instantly gained a bit of colour in her cheeks the first change Kat had definitively seen. Sylvie was sweating heavily now and Vivian was sniffling as tears run down her face in between gulps of milk. She quickly poured herself a second glass, smiling all the way.

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