D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 743

Chapter 743

Chapter 743: Chapter 743 Long Distance Telegram

Kat left Vivian to freshening up and stood awkwardly in the hallway. The house had plenty of space, but currently Kat had no idea what to do with any of it. Lily was asleep in Kat’s room. Sylvie was asleep in hers, and Callisto was probably now in her room as well. Kat never really got into the habit of watching TV on account of there not being one at the orphanage, something Gramps had tried to rectify a few times but there wasn’t anywhere the children would agree to put it. There wasn’t space for a new TV room and as such it got shelved time and time again.

Another option was to go for a run, but that wasn’t terribly appealing these days. Not only was her body more than strong enough for such light work to have no effect at all on her physique, plus Kat wasn’t sure working out would do anything other then helping with muscle memory, Kat also had one final issue that was the real nail in the coffin. She couldn’t hide her wings or horns. Walking around in a busy shopping district was one thing, people in crowds might stare but they’d make no real fuss. Running around the block though, that would be memorable in all the worst ways.

So Kat was wishing for something to distract her when she got an alert from D.E.M.O.N.S. Checking it out revealed that it was a message from Kamiko, a long one for once. Kat had kept up with Minor, Kamiko and of course the people at home. She never provided proper details, they were best told in person, but it was more to inform her friends and family she wasn’t dead just yet anyway. This message from Kamiko though, it was a bit more detailed, and certainly interesting enough to focus on for a bit.

Hey Kat!

So, I’m informing you that, you and Lily need to come in for a check-up tomorrow or as soon as you can if that doesn’t work. I’m not quite sure if you are busy in your home dimension or whatever. Now that the boring bit is out of the way though... I’ve finished my Contract and Sue is apparently ‘celebrating’ the completion of her own. So we’d all be free tomorrow and maybe the next day as well for a sleepover? I mean, if you’re interested. No pressure of anything.

I just thought it’d be nice to do and I mean you have to come here anyway. Sorry, I think I’m rambling? I don’t really know what constitutes rambling or how long people usually make messages like this. I just have my family for reference and I don’t think that counts. Sue’s expressed some interest in meeting up again but I’m sending the request to her and you at the same time so I don’t know for sure that she’s going to be there just yet. Um... I can let you know when I find out if you want? I don’t mind but because it’s so soon I’m not sure there’s time to send so many messages back and forth.

Anyway. Just, let me know if you’re interested. You can come for the check-up whenever though, it’s part of Mum’s work and she can make time for that.


From Kamiko

*Sounds interesting. I’ll just have to check with Lily... who seems to be waking up sort of? I think that’s what I’m feeling through the link. Her mind is waking up? Maybe? I should probably pay more attention to it occasionally to see how it reacts in different situations.*

Kat paused at the door to her room, wondering if opening it would be enough to wake the sleeping cat. Deciding to instead wait a bit for confirmation, Kat stared at the door for no longer than thirty seconds when she felt Lily starting to wake up for real. Opening the door, Kat managed to time it to just as Lily started looking lazily around.

Faint amusement trickled across the link as Lily stared Kat down, [How long did you have to wait for that?]

“Not long actually. I was only outside the door for a minute tops. I think I could feel you starting to wake up through the link a bit before it happened. That’s why I was waiting. It was both confirming a hypothesis and making sure I was here to greet you when you woke up,” said kat as she strode over to the bed and started scratching around Lily’s horns. The Memphis immediately dropped back down flat on the bed and started to purr.

“So, I got a message from Kamiko offering a sleep over tomorrow. Are you interested in going?” asked Kat.

Kat was confused when she felt a flash of unease through the link and Lily sent, [No I’ll be ok. You can go by yourself if you want.]

Kat nearly paused her petting of Lily with how surprised she was at the response. Only the fact that she wanted to keep her girlfriend calm helped her push through that surprise as she started to use two hands for this. Lily’s unease slowly dissipating. “Now why would you say a silly thing like that? Surely you haven’t forgotten we come as a package deal already, right? If you don’t want to go together we can stay home?”

[No no... I do want to go... I just... she’s your friend and I didn’t know if you’d want me there...]

“Ok. Lily, I’m going to stop you right there. Why would you ever think that? Leaving aside the fact I literally couldn’t go without you, I wouldn’t WANT to anyway. Well, the fact it’s in the demon Hub would make it more difficult if you weren’t a Memphis because of the risk to your health but I’d still want you there regardless. Now that you can come, and safely at that, why would I not want to go with you?” asked Kat concern lacing her voice. josei

[Sorry. I... I don’t really know why I thought you’d want to leave me behind. I guess... I guess I’m not quite as secure with myself as I thought. I mean... I... I guess it wasn’t really an issue before because we didn’t have any other friends. I didn’t have to worry about being replaced a second time because there wasn’t anyone around to be a replacement. Now that you have other friends though... I guess the other part was that because they would be hard to visit it wasn’t a big deal but now you can...]

[I get that I’m worried about nothing really... but I guess I still have a few hang ups from Stella. It’s not really that similar but now you have demon powers and access to new worlds. That’s a lot more distance between us then moving to a new school and getting popular. I... sorry. I know you’d never do that, intellectually but apparently my heart isn’t so convinced...]


Kat let out a puff of air as she tried to think of a way to reassure her girlfriend. Clearly the whole ‘bound for eternity bit’ hadn’t sunk in for Lily as much as Kat thought it had for herself. *I don’t even know if I appreciate it. Maybe... maybe we rushed this a bit... but it’s not like I could have kept Lily from magic any longer and this really was the best race for a variety of reasons. The link is a drawback because normally you wouldn’t find two willing parties for it...

Still. Maybe it would have been better for Lily if I proved I was happy to stick with her forever before the bond got involved. I sincerely hope she isn’t thinking that’s the only reason I stick around.* “Lily, I’m not going to leave you behind. Not only are you my girlfriend, but you are my only friend I still have from when I was human. You stuck by when I turned into a demon from hell Lily. Most people would have freaked out a little bit,” said Kat.

[Well it’s not like you as a Succubus could make me feel anything I didn’t already. I already loved you and had to struggle against many desires to picture you naked a lot of the time or doing something lewd. Do you KNOW the struggle I experienced when you just let yourself get hit by water all the time? I don’t know how I managed to tear myself aware from just staring at you till your shirt dried. It wasn’t such a bit deal sticking by you honestly.]

Kat rolled her eyes. “Lily, I’m pretty sure we’ve both established at this point that neither us plan to go anywhere. I do understand that in some ways this looks a bit, just a smidge, like what happened with Stella. Here’s the difference though Lily. This time, it’ll be as a pair. I’ll stand beside you... well when I’m not carrying you around. Kamiko is very sweet and a bit like you. You’ll get along just fine.

“Sue... well... if she doesn’t make at least one joke about ‘liking pussy’ I’ll eat my hat,” finished Kat.

Lily mentally chuckled now she lacked the physical equipment for it. “She’d be right thought. And you don’t own any hats!”

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