D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Chapter 755: Chapter 755 Worth It’s Weight in Jelly

“What about Kamiko though,” asked ‘Lily’ “As the only lesbian in the room I can say that she’s more adorable than she is sexy,”

Sue shrugged. “I did say it was a minor ability. It changes little things all the time. It prevents the slow buildup of fat in places you don’t want it. That’s why it’s hard to find fat Succubi. For Kamiko I think at least half of the reason for her ‘cuteness’ is because of how she acts and what she wears. That and I’d guess she wants to go for ‘sexy cute’. Besides, it’s not like we change all that much unless we have serious image issues.

“I know I have larger tits than I probably should because they ballooned out after I got to Rank 1 and I had demonic power properly flowing through me. Even when I say that though it took a few months and I was normally quite hungry,”

“Wait!” said ‘Lily’ “If you were hungry that means the fat comes from your food. If it comes from your food can’t you have too much of it?”

“Heck if I know,” said Sue, “I don’t think so. Pretty sure we’d just burn it off automatically. I wouldn’t totally rule out the idea that Succubi have a variable metabolism. Can we get off this though? I can’t even tell if you’re excited or not and this is all BORING. I mean really. Why is the lesbian asking about how fat a Succubus can be... unless that’s what you’re into?”

[NO NEVER! Kat. Please enlighten Sue as to my main fetish.]

“I’ve been informed I should tell you. Legs,” said Kat. Lily grumbled internally at how Kat decided to phrase it but obviously couldn’t complain out loud.


Sue just gave Kat a quick once over. “Yeah that makes sense...” before turning on Kamiko. “Now. Back to interesting things. Kamiko, I want embarrassing stories. As many as you can throw at us because apparently eating your weight in jelly isn’t even slightly embarrassing for you. Well, that is if you have no romance stories. That still takes priority.”

“Oh this isn’t anywhere close to my weight in jelly,” said Kamiko reflexively as she slurped down a full cup of jelly. Everyone else froze at the action and words though. [Kat did she just imply...] *Yes Lily I think she did.*

It was Sue who was ready to ask the question though, “Kami... have... have you eaten your weight in jelly before?”

Kamiko paused, more jelly halfway to her mouth as she considered ways to get out of answering the question. That was until she decided that it was fine if they knew. It wasn’t even that bad. Right? “Well, yes I have. It’s something everyone in my family does at least once. It’s supposed to teach us something about how too much of a good thing is bad for you or that there is such a thing as too much jelly. It... it doesn’t normally work all that well. I think it’s just an excuse to let us eat a bunch of jelly when we are kids.

“It really didn’t work with me though. Not only was I able to resist eating jelly already, when given the go ahead, twice because I did double check, I devoured the whole thing without issue. Of course, because the jelly we eat isn’t particularly dense I know that my own weight in jelly requires a tub about 150% of my height give or take a few centimetres.”

Lily felt a slight bit of disgust welling up in her throat while Kat just nodded. For Kat, she’d seen plenty of kids do dumb things at the orphanage and while it was a surprised Kamiko managed to eat the whole thing, Kamiko didn’t mention if she was sick or not afterwards and Kat knew kids could be stubborn sometimes. Lily on the other hand did not like the mental image of stuffing yourself with that much food. She didn’t care if it was the tastiest thing ever. There really was such a thing as too much.

Sue seemed a bit more on the fence of things. She was no stranger to overindulgence, just in different vices. The real confusion was that Kamiko was actually able to eat the whole thing. It just furthered reinforced her idea that Kamiko had a powerful gluttony demon in her family tree somewhere. Most demons outside of Gluttony wouldn’t be able to process that much food. It was just a matter of logistics. Even still. She had her own pride and instead she said, “I know I joke about being able to swallow but it seems like Kamiko’s the real champ here.”

Kamiko coughed, as she inhaled the jelly cup near her mouth. Something Sue hadn’t noticed due to her position staring up at the ceiling. She struggled for a few moments, going bright red from two forms of embarrassment and the slight lack of air. Kat was about to get up and help, but Lily put a paw on her. [She’ll be fine Kat. Remember how long you can breathe. Plus, Sue just flinched a bit and remained laying down. I bet she’s fine.]

A few moments later Lily’s words proved true. Kamiko managed to properly swallow the jelly down and reassert her control over her breathing. “Sorry Kami. That wasn’t intentional. The choking, not the joke. The joke was very intentional but ah... sorry I guess.”

Kamiko took in a few more deep breaths before she replied. “No, no it’s fine. I know you meant nothing by it and I wasn’t in all that much danger. If there was even a chance of it being a real issue I’m sure my Mum or Dad would have come storming in. Just caught me a by surprise a bit there. Should have seen it coming really...”

Sue frowned. “Seriously Kamiko. I don’t want you to brush this off too much. I knew you were eating and I should have made sure that you weren’t in the middle of swallowing anything when I made the joke. Even if it might have ironically enhanced my point in some ways it was NOT my intention and I don’t want to be the kind of person who does stuff like that. I like seeing people blush, getting them to fidget and react. That’s funny to me, and maybe I’m a bit of a shitty person because of that. What I never want is to be causing permanent harm with my words. I have heard some nasty shit come out of people’s mouths and it is disgusting,”

Kamiko straightened up a little bit and tried to give her answer as much weight as she could. Her naturally passive personality and penchant for forgiveness work against her... but Kat could see Kamiko’s eyes starting to shine a bit. “Sue. It was an honest mistake. I understand your adverse reaction to your teasing causing issue but it is NOT one. I wasn’t trying to swallow dry bread or something, it was jelly. I probably shouldn’t be basically inhaling them anyway but it’s a bad habit I have. If I ate them with a spoon, slowly, like any reasonable demon would, I’d have been fine.”

[Maybe we should distract from the topic. We can ask if this is proof of Succubi not having a gag reflex maybe? That seems like the sort of question Sue would jump to answer.]

*You have been asking all sorts of lewd questions today Lily. It’s a bit surprising, and I’m not saying to stop, but I am wondering... why?*

[Hmm... I... hmm. I wonder. I hadn’t even really noticed how much I’ve been going for those kinds of questions until you mentioned it. If I had to guess... hmm... gimme just a second...] Lily’s internal voice actually sped up instead of slowing down as she quickly considered various possibilities. Kat tried not to blatantly listen in. It was a little hard, but doable all the same. [Ok. I’ve got a few theories. The first one is just that I’m comfortable, you’re comfortable. We’re all comfortable here.]

[When it’s just you... I tend to overthink things. I love you and don’t want the wrong question to cause friction between us so I tend to get a bit caught up in my own head. Then when it comes to say... my parents. People who might be able to help... well they’re a straight couple and don’t really know how to deal with things. Vivian and Callisto... well... they aren’t all that much older than us? So, while it’s weird to think of your parents doing stuff like that. For Vivian and Callisto... it’s like I can’t decide if it’s better that they DO get up to that kind of thing or they DON’T and... yeah I just don’t want to know either way and so the topic becomes taboo.] josei

[The other option, is of course, Sue is very clearly a font of information on most things sexual and she revels in it. We both know Sue will answer just about any sexual question I have just because it’s a sexual question. She’d probably be less comfortable if I asked her what her favourite colour was. So. Do we ask?]

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