D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

Chapter 759: Chapter 759 Sue’s Family Deets Part

With their burning questions about technology settled Lily and Kat relaxed for a bit. Sue let herself fall down to the side, as if speaking for so long was a great effort, and Kamiko... well she kept making her way through the jelly. More than half of it was gone now and part of Kat wanted to try some just because it was being eaten so quickly to see why that was... but she’d had it before and knew it tasted like regular jelly. The obsession still didn’t make sense to her.

Once the silence had gone on for a minute though, Kat decided to keep people talking. “Hey Sue, can you tell me about your family? I’ve heard about Kamiko’s but not really yours...”

Sue rose back up, and grabbed her pillow chair, bending it into position once again, crossing her legs over each other and pretending to look down on everyone like a queen. Of course, with Kat’s height and the pile of pillows she was using Sue wasn’t higher up at all, and the fact Sue was sticking out her tongue really didn’t help sell the image.

“Right. Well... to talk about my parents I have to talk about my grandparents, and to talk about my grandparents, I have to talk about my great grandparents. It’ll make sense in a bit. Oh, and I’ll be focusing on my Mum’s side of the family first. Dad’s is a bit more normal. Just to make things clearer, my mother’s name is Miriam, but she only responds to Miri. Even managed to convince D.E.M.O.N.S to agree, which I didn’t think was possible,”

“It’s pretty easy actually,” said Kat.

“Wait what?” Sue’s head whipped slightly to the side to focus on Kat. She was already most of the way but the movement was particularly sharp, and probably Sue’s upper limit of speed.

“Did you think my full name was Kat?”


“Well... my full name is Sue, it’s not that hard to believe for me,” explained Sue with a glare. “So what is your full name?”

“Kat” was the easy answer.

Sue’s face screwed up like she’d had a shot of vinegar. “I can’t believe you can do the same bullshit trick Mum can. Dammit. Is this a common thing? Did I miss a memo or something? Why does it work that way?”

Kat gave a slight shrug, “Well, I never liked my legal name, for... what are probably petty reasons but I just didn’t. So I told people my name was Kat, I got people to call me Kat, even managed to convince the school to make a note of it on their records not to call me by my longer name. When the system assigned me a name it wasn’t even a question I don’t think. I was just ‘User Kat’ and that was that,”

“Right...” said Sue dragging the word out like she was sucking on a lollipop, even making a popping sound at the end of the word. “If my grandparents found that out they’d be having a field day. I will not share their actual names because even if I’m not fond of them because of reasons you’ll soon hear, they’re still my grandparents. Grandma likes to be called Elizbeth, and Grandpa likes to be called Laurence. josei

“Now, my family seems to have a habit of having kids long into their relationships. Grandma and Grandpa were a few centuries old when they started having children, so where my great grandparents on both Grandma and Grandpa’s side. I’ve never met my great grandparents on Grandma’s side because... well this is where things start to get a little weird and probably complicated. You see, Great Grandma, someone I do not even know the name of because nobody will tell me, though Mum doesn’t know either apparently, I’ll call Great G. Great G is the oldest relative that I personally know of. She’s at least Rank 6 now and likely higher but...”

Sue bit her lips as she tried to think of the best way to phrase this before realising that there wasn’t one. “Ok I wanted to make a joke or play this super seriously but I don’t know how. Great G is part of a massive harem run by a Rank 9 demon. Apparently Great G was particularly beautiful and invited to join. Grandma insists that Great G was forced to join against her will... but we have laws against that even for Rank 9s and frankly, knowing what I do about Mum and myself, the chances that it was forced are basically zero.

“Still, Grandma likes to live in her own little world. She grew up as the child of a harem girl but it was more like a city onto itself all owned by this Rank 9 demon. Now, don’t go thinking this is some women’s only camp with my Great Grandfather up the top, no. This Rank 9 demon was perfectly happy to sleep with anyone they found attractive, so we know that isn’t the case. We only know that much from Grandma’s rants. She really doesn’t like to talk about how she grew up in a positive light but Mum at least managed to tell me a coherent version of the story sort of.

“So the gist of it is, orgies were common and encouraged, the Rank 9 in charge always participated but Grandma doesn’t actually know who her father is. Apparently, they were all supposed to be on birth control to prevent pregnancies... but someone screwed up, perhaps multiple people and Great G got pregnant.

“Grandma was the only kid they’d had in recent memories, and I think she never got over the fact she never knew who her father was. Presumably it isn’t actually the Rank 9 demon but Grandma has never said if they were a Succubus or not. Never says if she found anyone who looked a bit like her or not. Heck, I don’t even know if she looks like Great G.

“So, Grandma Elizabeth got out as soon as she could and basically became a massive prude. Grandma E, is OLD as well. Like, at least ten thousand years. It took her ages before she found a husband and got married. Then they had my Mum, but pretty sure they weren’t fucking all that often so it took them a while to have her, the youngest of three kids. Not everyone can be Kamiko’s family. Takes a lot of effort to have kids so close together,”

Sue wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Kamiko pretended to gag and threw a pillow straight at Sue’s face. Sue clutched a hand over her heart, which was really just an excuse to grope herself, letting her tit spill out around her hand, as she slowly fell over backwards. The fact the pillow was only remaining in place because Sue had grabbed it with her teeth more than sufficient evidence if the slow motion fall wasn’t that Sue was staging the hole thing. “My poor heart. Attacked by my friend in a moment of weakness. Kat! Avenge me!”

“Nope,” said Kat popping the p. “I want to hear the rest of this story and if I return fire this’ll just become a pillow fight. We can do that later if you really want,”

“Ffffiiiiinnnnee Mooom” whined Sue as she sat back up, ‘carefully’ ‘fixing’ her outfit so that it was comfortable. “Right where was I. Right, Grandma the massive prude. So, she got away from the harem and basically forswore anything to do with them. By the sounds of things she didn’t even talk to her mother after that. I think she was there... fifty years maybe? This all happened in a different Hub. Grandma left to a knew Hub that was just being set up to get as far away from her mother as possible, and didn’t really want to be followed. D.E.M.O.N.S respects that sort of effort, so while Grandma can message Great G, Great G can no longer message Grandma. It’s called something like... ‘sufficient effort put towards eliminating parental influence’ or something.

“So that’s Grandma. She became a massive prude because she was butthurt over the fact that she never knew who her father was. Didn’t matter she had a bunch of aunties and uncles happy to spend time with the only kid in the compound. Actually...” Sue got a strange look on her face. “Maybe she was repressed? Now that I’m retelling this story... I think it’s much funnier to imagine she threw a massive tantrum because she wasn’t getting enough dick. All the people in the ‘city’ seeing her as the child she sort of was and refusing to have sex with her.”

Sue chuckled, “I mean, I don’t think it’s all that LIKELY but it is hilarious to think of it in that light. Oh I can’t wait to share this revelation with Mum. She’ll keep laughing for a week,” Kat couldn’t help her own short bark of laughter either. It wasn’t really her type of humour but Sue’s ‘interpretation’ was quite amusing to imagine.

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