D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

Chapter 767: Chapter 767 Where do You Want to Go

“I dunno, that place sounds like a hilarious way to spend the weekend with a few of my other friends. They’d be all for it, I’d let them get ready, and then drop the fact they need family friendly outfits like, the morning off. Just a casual ‘oh by the way, there will be kids around so make sure what you packed is appropriate’ and the look on their faces. It’d be brilliant!” sniggered Sue.

“Eh... it was decently expensive so I’m not totally sure it would make for a good prank. I do also think, as I try to push it out of my mind again, that they had signs advertising for their adult branch of the company as well,” said Kamiko. josei

“Even better,” said Sue with a grin. “While it would make a good prank, if they have a proper adult version of the hotel it could be a really cool place to organise our next meetup. It might also be a good way to confirm which of them are bi,”

“Why?” asked Kat.

Sue turned to Kat somewhat shocked by the interjection. “Oh, right. Um... so it was a running gag that multiple members of my group of... I’m just gonna say friends, you both know what I mean at this point. The running gag was that more than half of them, which half exactly changes, but more than half are lesbians just trying to hang around good looking girls and making up stories for it.

“Of course, the fact we can’t lie makes things harder, but with some creativity it’s not too hard to get around that. Either by reading smut or something, so you can say that was what you were doing, or maybe just being careful with what you say. Now, I don’t think that’s true personally. You can tell when someone is attracted to you. It’s not hard, and a skill everyone in that group has cultivated.

“Like, I can always tell when Lily’s looking at me. Not because I’m paying that much attention, but because I know she finds me attractive and I can sort of feel that gaze. I’m probably just noticing on a subconscious level, but it does work fairly consistently. It’s part of why it’s so easy for me to believe Kat doesn’t find anyone, or at least, not women attractive.


“So I feel like someone would have worked it out amongst the group if any of them were just lesbians. However... I do think there are a couple of bi girls in the group. They just throw themselves into the stories so their eyes glaze over a bit, they make it less obvious. If I was able to get convince everyone to show up practically naked, I just gotta check for anyone drooling,” explained Sue.

“Is that sort of thing really all that interesting?” asked Kamiko.

Sue took a quick bite from her pancake stack before answering, “I mean... I guess not? I’m not even terribly sure it’s something I should be doing with a friend but it IS something we do anyway. Trying to dig into each other’s secrets all the time. It’s probably pretty toxic all things considered. It’s why I don’t consider them proper friends despite knowing them longer.

“I know where I stand with them, and it ain’t exactly very high. We get together because of a single common interest. We’re a lot more like a smut book club than a group of friends. We all know why we’re there. To hear other people’s sex stories, to brag about how ours are better, and to forget the fact that we don’t really have any other friends,”

“Is... is that really true? For either yourself or the rest of them?” asked Kat.

“Yeah I guess so?” said Sue somewhat unsure. “It goes back to school. Not all of them are Succubi, or even most of them. We didn’t manage to become the hot cheerleaders, we were the weird hot girls. A lot of that for me at least came from rumours about my parents, which were mostly true, and the staff all being relatives of miners as well meant that they also knew most of the rumours were true. It makes it a lot harder to stop them.

“Well, that’s if the teachers wanted to. My parents are not well liked. The issue is they’re both really good at their jobs, though I’ll forever wonder how my mother manages. I think she MUST have a cloning ability but I’ve never seen it and she’ll deny it when asked. But yeah, problem is they are really efficient with their work, are great as a team, and very happily married. I guess you haven’t really seen the more typical things but a lot of demons have kids before marriage, because that’s a big commitment.

“They just agree to live together for a few centuries, and sometimes I kid comes out of it. Sexual protection isn’t really a big thing with demons. Those sorts of diseases are very hard for us to catch or transfer, even if they aren’t Succubi. Kids also aren’t that common for other demonic types. So they’ll sleep together, sometimes often, and eventually a kid comes about straining there already strained relationship, because if they haven’t married yet after three hundred years of living together, chances aren’t that hard.

“So my parents deal with a lot of jealousy that the kids pick up on. I mean, most of the people who like my parents are those that they’ve worked with for a long time and have kids that graduated a long time ago. So it’s the ‘younger’ ones that have a problem. They keep spinning their wheels without finding a place to belong,” said Sue.

“Why not just keep doing Contracts?” asked Kat, “I mean, it sounds like more demons could solve their problems by just doing them,”

“Honestly Kat, you seem to get a lot of good Contracts. When you start to stagnate, or lack any particularly interesting skills, you start to build up a lot of shitty Contracts. I mean, I make fun of my Grandparents for working at Sloth in jobs they hate but remember, my parents work there as well. My parents do it for consistent income in a job where they can work together. They ‘enjoy’ it plenty. They also say they’ve done their due diligence with Contracts.”

“Fair enough,” said Kat before taking a sip of water.

Everyone went back to their meals for a bit before Lily noticed, “Hey Sue. You didn’t really speak on the vacation stuff. How about I change it around. Where would you LIKE to go for vacation,”

“Ooh, I actually do have place that would be lovely,” said Sue, “It was a cultivation world, which is a little eh, but I was summoned to this really interesting city. It’s one a place called, ‘The Mountain that faces the Sun’ and while it does have a day night cycle, it’s never cold where the city is. It’s like... 80% up the mountain, right before it starts getting cool. They have a bunch of beautiful clear rivers that run through the city,

“Just imagine it, looking out of this vast valley from high up on a mountain, lounging in the river while most people walk around half naked. Wearing shirts is very optional in this town. I was there... why was I there? Hmm... I can’t remember what I’d been contracted out to do, it really wasn’t important. What was important that hunks walked around everywhere without shirts, you could float down the river all day, the food was excellent, not top tier, but for the price it absolutely was. I only had to seduce a few people for enough money to last me like a week in that place. Well, I dunno what lodging costs were. Obviously,”

Kamiko coughed and looked away pointedly. Kat was confused, along with Lily but Sue’s eyes gleamed. “It seems like somebody else is interested in a slice of paradise. Guess that means you both have to come up with your answers while Kami tries to come up with a better place than mine,”

Kamiko very pointedly did not confirm or deny Sue’s suspicions. ‘Lily’ though, had an answer, “I’d like to find a massive library, or a library world. Not sure if they exist, but I have to imagine they do. I’d love to just spend a week reading books but even if I didn’t get to touch one I’d go for the atmosphere alone. I can’t imagine the sort of crazy things possible with magic and I really want to see a magic library at least once,”

Sue nodded with Kamiko before the taller of the two pointedly looked at Kat who shrugged, “Look, I don’t really have any plans for vacations. They were never on the cards and I never had a real interest in them. If you want me to be honest as my demonic nature sort of compels, the only answer I can give is ‘a magic library’ because I’d take Lily there,”

Kamiko let out a sigh while Sue pretended to gag, “Look Kat, that’s sickeningly sweet, but you need a couple of opinions of your own,”

“I have them...” said Kat even though she was slightly surprised she was allowed to say it, “they just aren’t that strong and my desire to make Lily happy and snuggle with her are much stronger than most of my others.”

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