D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Chapter 779: Chapter 779 The Many Outfits of Kat Part

Still Lily’s perspective


Apep, with some difficulty, managed to climb the ladder while holding Lily. If she was paying more attention she would have jumped out of his hands to make things easier. Of course, Apep might not have let go until he realised what was going on potentially causing other issues. Then again, that doesn’t really matter because Lily’s mind was being occupied by Kat messing around. Lily wasn’t entirely sure what she should be feeling. Horrified, overjoyed, horny, or disappointed. They were trying to escape a heavily defended compounded. It really wasn’t the time for games. Of course, Lily wasn’t doing anything at the moment anyway...

Apep stood at the door to the small patio area connected to the kitchen. The chefs kept a few herbs and spices growing in the small area. It had a small table as well, but it really wasn’t designed for proper rest. The reason Apep was frozen though, was he realised that if he was going to be pretending to sneak food out for Lily, he needed to actually have some food in hand. So, with determination he turned to the wall of food supplies and came to the realisation that... he has no idea what normal cats eat, and even less of an idea of what demon cats that are actually people eat.

Back in Lily’s mind, Kat dashed back into the closet. Lily was still rather shellshocked from the sight and even with Kat no longer dancing around the room, her mind was still filled with snapshots of Kat in various poses. Lily barely noticed the fact the real Kat was hiding away again. For Kat’s part, she was abusing the fact this was Lily’s mind. She was able to pull off her clothes with a sharp tug and a nearby clothes hanger. The extra steps not being necessary.

So when Kat eyed up the next set of clothes, she tried just slapping them against her chest. When it worked perfectly, her smile grew wide and sharp as she quickly did the same to the rest of the pieces before Lily could recover her wits. The shoes were actually the biggest pain because Kat found she had to put them on manually for some strange reason. Apparently slapping clothes on her body was acceptable but stomping shoes on was a completely different matter.

Back in the real world, Apep was no closer to finding something to pretend to be feeding Lily. This was the dry storeroom and didn’t contain anything that needed to be kept cold. That meant any loose meat scraps, or nice cuts were kept elsewhere. There was jerky kept in a box at the back but Apep thought they tasted horrible. How his father ate them he’d never know. And that’s just if you could avoid breaking your teeth on the awful stuff. Apep shivered and looked things over again. He knew cats were carnivores normally, unlike dogs who trended towards meat but where omnivorous. It made this room full of dry food look particularly useless. “Maybe I should just pick something they can assume is for the cat? As if I made a small mistake in my haste? Lily doesn’t actually have to eat whatever this is...” mumbled Apep.

..... josei

In Lily’s mind, Kat was strutting back out into view, enjoying herself immensely. All the feedback she was getting was purely from the mental link, which if anything felt deeper at the moment. It meant she was more aware of what Lily wanted but more importantly WHY she wanted certain things or how she felt. Kat could now more easily feel the conflicted feelings of proprietary, lust, love, and of course, exasperation. It was an intriguing mix that trended towards the positive side of things, and so Kat wasn’t afraid to keep pushing.

The next outfit Kat chose was the nun’s habit. This was mostly because, of the indecent clothing still in the closet, this was the least sexualised. Well, for a given definition anyway. Kat was pretty that this one was more about the fact she was a demon wearing a nun’s outfit than the fact Lily found the outfit enticing in general. That didn’t mean there was no attempt made though.

Kat doubted she could have gotten the thing on if she had to put it on normally. The whole outfit was uncomfortably tight everywhere except her legs, where it had no choice but to give her a bit a breathing room. Her wings and tail extended through the back magically just like her usual outfit. The headpiece did a decent job hiding Kat’s horns... except for the very top at the front which poked out slightly. Kat herself thought that was part of the point. “Is this... blasphemous?” asked Kat allowed.

Those words were apparently enough for Lily’s mind to reboot just enough to take in her new outfit. Kat was kneeling towards Lily’s gaze, looking up with the most innocent expression she could manage. Which... was surprisingly innocent considering that to Lily it looked like Kat’s breasts were one deep breath away from ripping themselves free of their current confines. *Forgive me father for I probably have sinned and WILL BE DOING SO AGAIN.*

Kat couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous mental commentary, a laughter which only intensified when Lily realised Kat got the message loud and clear, as evident by the wave of embarrassment rushing through her girlfriend. *You did NOT just hear me say that.* “I did Lily. I did,” said Kat, “But it is ok because God will forgive you, I’m sure. If he doesn’t well... I suppose being a demon... I’ll just have to take exception to it,” Lily groaned mentally.

Back in the real world Apep had given up on finding anything better and grabbed a bag of jerky. Perhaps he could use the excuse that he didn’t think he could get away with steeling real meat and had to settle? That seemed like a good enough plan. With that decision made he carefully opened the door, stepping out into fresh air for a few moments. The chefs were already hard at work so nobody was in the garden, making Apep pause for a moment. He locked his gaze on the small fence that separated this from the rest of the compound before shaking his head. “No, dumb idea. Not only would I need to carry Lily over, but I’m just as likely to get spotted. Might as well go through the kitchen,” said Apep.

Tucking Lily under one arm like a parcel, and his real parcel held in the other, Apep pushed open the kitchen door and strode past like he owned the place. It was close enough to the truth that the youth had no trouble acting out the part. Sadly, while confidence is a good way to sneak into areas with lax security, and pretending to belong will make many people simply agree with your assertion. This doesn’t work in the slightest when you’re the young master of the house and very familiar to all the staff.

Quite a few chefs looked over, but the head chef, a tall woman that looked like she could bench press the oven with one hand while needing dough with the other started to walk over. Apep, the poor boy, thought he was safe as he put his hand on the door. He thought he was completely in the clear. So when his reach for the handle was interrupted by a much larger hand and a looming shadow, Apep couldn’t help but gulp. “Um yes...?” said Apep trying to pretend he wasn’t very afraid of the Head Chef.

While Apep was getting intimidated, Kat was changing outfits before Lily could get over her embarrassment and recover her faculties. Kat quickly ‘ripped’ off the outfit that once again ended back up on a hanger and looked over her options before spotting one that looked a little out of place. It was a slightly ragged white dress that was only held up by the right shoulder. It had a jagged edge and when Kat slapped it on her shoes vanished and she found a necklace of rocks around her neck and a bone holding her hair up, hair that seemed to be a bit longer than it should be.

Kat stepped out once again, this time keeping herself turned so that the dress looked slightly more decent. Lily was aware enough to look over in confusion when Kat turned straight on, showing off the low cut of the dress and the fact it only barely covered Kat’s lower half. “Is this a reference to something?” asked Kat.

Lily didn’t want to answer that question. Then she remembered, that unlike Kat, she could lie. *No. No it is not a reference to anything at all. Certainly nothing prehistoric.* Kat of course rolled her eyes. At that and turned around, showing off the lower than normal back that accommodated her wings. “You sure?” asked Kat. Lily of course. Didn’t deign Kat with a response. Mostly because she was incapable of thinking coherently when the twirl revealed Kat the dress didn’t come with... extras.

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