D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

Chapter 790: Chapter 790 Jara’s Room

“Well, follow me,” said Jara as she got up and walked past the demonic pair. Said pair simply nodded and followed along behind them. Jara led them around to the front of the house and past the guards. Kat gave them a quick glance but the guards didn’t say anything so Kat didn’t either. The inside of the house was interesting. It had a number of carved plants both as part of the walls and on stands, but nothing seemed to be truly alive once they were inside.

That was until Jara led them all the way to the back and into her room. It was a large area with a massive dome roof painted to look like you were standing inside the trunk of a tree and looking up. It was mostly leaves and flowers with a few fruits that had budded, bits and pieces of the ‘sky’ poking through with even a dash of white for the clouds. In the centre of the room was the only living plant they’d seen in the house.

The tree was perhaps most accurately described as ‘modestly sized’. It stood at about half again Jara’s height, or a bit over a head tall than Kat when you included her horns. It was very neatly trimmed so that it was a perfect circle with lovely blue flowers adorning it. The branches were all evenly spaced and the trunk was completely straight. It was clear quite a lot of work went into the tree itself.

Off to the side Jara was rustling through her desk looking for the correct papers and a stamp. Apparently she found them because a few moments later she had them out and signed. “Ok, I’ve got three writs for you here. The first one,” Jara handed it over. It was folded over but what Kat assumed to be Jara’s sigil, which was an ornate six made of roses spread out over the back, “is to say we’ve asked you to look into something. It’s not quite permission, more a ‘you aren’t suspicious’ type thing.

“A warning though,” Jara’s voice hardened, turning serious, “it also has what exactly you’re looking into so if the guards question you and you can’t explain how it’s connected to Zuhra you’ll still be in trouble. Don’t mess this up because I can also be in trouble,” Jara then handed over the second paper, and Kat knew she had to change her opinion. The previous sigil was likely that of her families. THIS was her personal one. It was a magnifying glass in the shape of a six with the handle curled around and a rose in the middle of the lens to create a gap, “this is my personal sigil saying that you’re not just looking into it on behalf of my family, but ME.

“The difference is somewhat irrelevant in most circumstances but by further implicating myself it gives your words more weight. It lets people know that I have authorized this directly and when you speak using it, you speak with my voice. Now, technically I’m just the heir, if I was the Lady of the 6th it would be a legal document. Without that, it’s just a fancy piece of paper in truth, but practically it’s nearly as good as one from my parents. I am the heir apparent with no contenders and I am very much expected to take my place as Lady whenever my parents wish to step back. Most are not privy to the fact I do not wish for the position, so it looks extremely secure. Competent heir, support of both parents, no siblings,”

Jara then took out the final piece of paper. This one had a wax stamp on it with Jara’s sigil, the magnifying glass and rose 6, “Finally this one is used internally. If you show it to our house’s guards they’ll let you in or out. It’s more like a permission slip then anything else but you won’t have to worry about my family’s guards at all with it,”


Kat grabbed the last paper and frowned. I really need to get on that backpack. I don’t really have any great place to keep these... Still, Kat was able to tuck them into her sash. It was tight enough to probably not be a problem but it wasn’t ideal. “Hmm... hopefully these stay put...” josei

“I’m afraid I don’t really have anything that would be appropriate...” said Jara slowly as she thought over her options, “Is there anything else I might be able to help you with? Feel free to ask, the worst I can do is say no after all,”

Lily struggled a bit in Kat’s grip and was quickly let down. She raced behind Kat and resumed her human form. “If you’ve got any clothes that can fit me that’d be great. If not it’s fine, I don’t mind staying as a cat... but clothes would nice...”

Jara glanced at Lily who was very much hiding. Jara mad a shooing motion towards Kat who glanced at Lily and moved off to the side. Lily pouted up at her girlfriend, with an exaggerated betrayed look. “Lily, not only are we all women, Jara is asexual. Your also wearing a shirt and everything is completely covered. It’s fine,”

Lily sighed and stepped to the side further so that the bit of cover she was being given by Kat’s wing wasn’t covering any of her. Jara looked the other girl up and down, comparing the two. Lily was a bit smaller... everywhere. She was less well endowed, slightly shorter, with thinner legs, that were certainly less muscled. Working in the gardens all the time would help with that. “Hmm... I think... if I still have some of my old clothes, they’ll fit perfectly...” mumbled Jara as she walked over to a nearby door and stepped through.

Kat and Lily stood there for a while before Jara popped her head back out, “Lily I’ve grabbed what I think will fit. Do you want to come in here and change with me or shall I let you change out there? I’m not quite willing to just leave you alone in my cupboard but considering you’re dating Kat you might want to keep yourself hidden,”

Lily blushed and glanced at Kat who shrugged. *It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.*


*I’m not totally sure I agree. It’s not like I had a sexual awakening or we grew up together and now I suddenly find you attractive. You’ve always been super cute, and nothing about that fact has changed.*

Lily’s entire face went bright red and she looked down at the floor. Jara stifled a giggle at the look and pretended to turn her view to the ceiling as she wondered what Kat had likely said through their bond. [Sure it might not be different for YOU but it is different for ME. Now I’m not being judged by my incredibly nice best friend, I am potentially being judged by my smoking hot succubus girlfriend. You’re lucky I don’t think I look like a troll or something compared to you. The fact I have no body issues with you as a best friend might be a minor miracle!]

Kat rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Lily. Lily watched Kat warily for a few seconds before Kat’s hand struck out on top of Lily’s head right between her ears. Lily was about to ask what was going on when Kat started to scratch behind them and move in. Lily couldn’t help it she melted on the spot. Kat followed her down to the floor as Lily bonelessly laid herself out on warm tiles that made up Jara’s floor purring all the way. “See adorable. Not only have you improved your looks, you were adorable before, and are now exceptionally adorable. There is nothing to worry about,”

If Lily was in her right mind she’d probably be more embarrassed. As it stood though, she was completely lost to the feeling of Kat’s hand. It was so very relaxing. She couldn’t remember what the problem was at all. It took Jara a few moments of this to realise it was ending anytime soon. “Is that... is that normal?”

Kat shrugged, “Maybe? Do you have beastkin here?”

“No...?” said Jara

“Right well... her race has the ability to swap between humanoid and a specific animal form. Lily’s happens to be a Memphis, which is a kind of feline. This isn’t necessarily normal because unlike most she wasn’t born this way. A magical ritual,” *and a demonic machine* “helped her no longer be human. It does however mean that her instincts are a bit more obvious sometimes. I also doubt this would work if it was someone else,”

“I’m sorry but I have to ask... why wouldn’t it work for others?” said Jara hiding her smile behind her gloved hand.

“It’s partially a safety thing,” said Kat as Lily’s tail managed to snake its way around her arm, “this is basically telling Lily that she’s quite safe. The fact that I’m doing it reinforces that in her mind, and the fact that it’s true helps,”

“Ok... now I want to know why you thought it was a good idea?” asked Jara

“She was talking trash about her appearance and needed to be punished for that. I’ll accept nobody dismissing her looks. Not even herself!” announced Kat.

Jara couldn’t help nodding. It did make sense after all.

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