D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 792

Chapter 792

Chapter 792: Chapter 792 Lazy Guards

Back to Kat

Kat watched as three outfits and a bag later Lily exited the room. “Are you sure I can have this? It’s all really nice and I don’t want to impose,” said Lily.

“Yes of course. It’s completely fine,” said Jara waving away Lily’s concern. “None of those outfits fit anymore so it really is no issue. I don’t really understand why mother insists I keep so many of them around. If you could fit more in that back I’d be passing them off as well,”

“Well what about the bag?” asked Lily as she continued walking over towards Kat, trying not to see whatever reaction her girlfriend might have, “It’s quite nice, made of sturdy materials, is it fine to keep as well?”

Jara shrugged, “It’s got a stain on it,” which was true in the loosest sense of the world. The bag did indeed have stain, but only a small one in the bottom corner. It was barely noticeable, “and I’ve got three others exactly the same,”

“Alright... if you’re sure...” said Lily slowly.


*I can’t believe she managed to get a bag before I did. It’s also filled with clothes so I can’t even use it to store Lily. Aw well, it’ll perhaps serve as a reminder to actually getting around to buying a bag.* Lily took a few more steps forward before finally stopping in front of Kat and said, “Um... how do I look?”

Kat took a step forward and gave Lily a light kiss on her forehead. Lily’s ears twitched around rapidly as she tried to control her reaction, tail sweeping out and doing its best to wrap around Kat’s leg, “I think you look adorable as always Lily,” said Kat before bringing the shorter girl into a hug.

While this was happening Jara took a glance outside and frowned. She gave the pair a few moments before clearing her throat. Lily panicked, turning back into a cat and looking startled, Kat just grinned and held the ‘cat’ close to her chest. Jara rolled her eyes with a grin and said, “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s getting a bit late. Zuhra should be returning soon and if you don’t want her to catch you on the way out you’ll have to leave now,”

Kat nodded and started walking towards the door. Jara skipped ahead and past the pair opening it the door first and leading them out of her house. Just as she was about to open the front door she glanced out the window spotting Zuhra. She quickly backed up, pulling Kat with her. The demon let herself be led away as they travelled back into the house past a few doors before ending up in the library. “I just saw Zuhra. She’s already heading for the house and will likely meet up with me in a few moments. You’ll have to sneak out on your own. Personally, I recommend waiting for her to open the door to this room and sneaking out then,

“I can keep her occupied here for a while. She’ll probably want to go off and get in uniform quickly, but I can drag her into conversation about what she did today. That should by you both some time to get out. The guards shouldn’t be an issue, you can show them those papers and say you arrived during the previous shift,”

Kat nodded and looked to Lily who let out a slight hiss before sending a feeling of acceptance towards Kat. Kat burst into mist. A rather common sight recently. As she reformed in Lily’s mind Kat couldn’t help but ponder it. *This is by far the most use I’ve gotten out of this ability. It’s really started pulling its weight. It might not be great for combat, but with Lily’s help it’s great for stealth.*

While Kat was pondering that, Lily headed over to door, and pretended to merge with the shadows. What she didn’t realise was that even an inactive shadow affinity can help with that and the particularly patch she chose seemed to darken to match her fur. Her eyes also seemed less noticeable, the piercing colour somehow seemed so normal amongst the darkness, if it was even spotted. josei

On Jara’s end she made a beeline for one particular shelf to pick up three books for her ongoing research. She took them all and laid them across one of the libraries tables. Once that was done she headed to a set of drawers and picked up a pencil and a stack paper. Once she sat down though, she intentionally knocked the pencil off the table and then proceeded to open the book to part of the way through.

It didn’t take much waiting for Lily’s sensitive ears to pick up the sound of a door closing followed by footsteps. It was then a matter of moments before the door cracked open. Lily held her position, ready to pounce but unmoving. What she saw was a person, a young woman, poking her head into the room.

She had short shoulder length brown hair and tanned skin. Her eyes were a piercing green and looked like somebody had used jewels instead of flesh in their construction. It took another moment for the girl, presumably Zuhra, to notice Jara and step inside. Once she did, the rest of her body was revealed.

Her hands were lightly calloused, indicating long periods of work, though never anything to strenuous. Her arms however had a set of clearly defined muscles. Nothing overly large, but quite noticeable in her current sleeveless outfit. Her legs were currently hidden by a pair of loose pants, but her feet were uncovered, revealing a rather nasty scar on her left foot.

That was all Lily really got to take in before Zuhra was fully in the room and moving to shut the door behind her. Lily jumped at the opening, sliding silently behind the door before it could shut. As she was dashing away she could hear, “Hello mistress, I have returned from my break,” but Lily didn’t pay attention for long.

She got to the door and signalled Kat, who burst out in a cloud of purple mist. Letting Lily take her spot in Kat’s arms was just an extra moment, and then the pair left the house. The guards glanced at the newcomers and said, “Halt, who goes there?”

Kat turned lazily and said, “I am here to assist with a minor thing on orders of Jara. Do you require my papers?”

The guards shared a glance between each other. Technically they were supposed to answer yes to that question if they didn’t recognise the person in question. It was only a few extra moments of work. The thing is though, Kat looked remarkably unconcerned and didn’t have anything obviously hidden on her body. They were both quite tempted to just let this slide. Apparently though, not quite enough, “Yes please,” said the left guard.

Kat nodded and pulled out the three notes from her sash before finding the correct one to hand over. Before she finished the motion the guard waved her off, “I can see you have the required documents you’re free to go,”

“Thank you,” said Kat with a slight inclination of her head before turning around and once more heading towards the outside. She decided to pick up speed as she did so, letting her legs work harder but nothing too extreme. She made it look like a casual jog despite her speed eclipsing a normal sprinter. This continued all the way up to the first door, where she took the time to slow down and head into the next area.

None of the gardeners even turned to look during her journey. It was smooth sailing. The guards at the door outside didn’t even bother to ask. Kat just gave them a nod as she left and apparently that was enough for them both. She managed to get to the gate and into the street with no interruptions at all. That was when Kat took a glance at the sky and realised it was actually starting to get late.

*Shit. We spent more time with Jara then I thought. I mean, I knew she said Zuhra would be back soon but... I guess I just didn’t quite think about what that meant. Hey Lily... what do you think we should do for the night? I’m cool to just find a try or whatever and sleep there. You can use me as a bed and we’ll have no issues.*

[Is that really the best idea Kat? I mean... you’re very comfortable of course... but I doubt it’d be great for you to sleep like that...]

*Regeneration and Succubus flexibility make sleeping in awkward places quite easy. I probably won’t feel any stiffness in the morning and my skin is tough enough that if I roll over onto some rocks or whatever I want scratch myself up. It won’t exactly be comfortable for me, but I don’t really mind it all that much.*

[Hmm... I feel like we should think of something better...]

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