D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 798

Chapter 798

Chapter 798: Chapter 798 Who Watches the Watcher

This chapter is from Lily’s perspective

With Kat’s thoughts at a completely normal speed the ‘silence’ stretched out for a while causing ‘Watcher’ to pout and glare at the two before saying, “So what are you gonna give me for that information?” as a way to get the older pair’s attention.

Kat turned and frowned at the question. [Hmm... you think I could offer like an hour’s worth of rides? Letting the kids fly around is a pretty unique experience and he does seem to be more of a caretaker than a bully. I bet he’ll go for it]

*That sounds like a lot of work for you though...*

[I’ll be fine. Two small kids should be doable. Maybe. One at a time certainly. We’ll just have to play it by ear but it’ll keep the kids busy, happy, and you can use the time to ask our friend ‘Watcher’ more questions]

*Fine. I’m not exactly happy about it. But fine.*


[Thanks Lily!]

Lily pouted, not entirely sure what she was being thanked for but entirely too happy to receive praise from Kat. She still had mixed feelings about it sometimes. Sure Kat was the one she loved, but was it really ok for her to be THIS happy with just a bit a praise? She didn’t know. She also wasn’t really paying attention when Kat said, “I can give the kids a chance to find out what it’s like to fly for an hour or so. I’ll carry them around, do a few loops and drop them back off. I can carry one, maybe two if they’re smaller, at a time,”

Watcher’s eyes lit up like Christmas lights in December. Brilliant and dazzlingly bright with a big smile on his face. For all of about half a second, when he realised how he must have looked and tried to close his face off again. It didn’t really work. The corners of his mouth were still twitching upwards and his eyes were still nearly as bright as before. It was only really the hat he’d pulled further down over his face that did anything at all to disguise things. If he wasn’t still looking up at Kat it might have worked but he hadn’t actually changed that.

“I mean... I guess that’d be cool. For the little kids that is,” answered Watcher, trying and failing to keep his own interest from leaking into his voice. Kat just smiled pleasantly at him, hand twitching at her side as she tried to resist giving him a pat o the head for being adorable. Still, in the end she just nodded and walked past him towards the other kids. She’d get her chance when she gave him a chance to fly later.

With Kat walking away, Watcher’s eyes “So, what are you going to do?”

Lily shrugged, not wanting to seem to eager for new information. *Now how do I want to play this? Maybe try and get him asking me questions? See if that leads anywhere? He didn’t really seem to know a tonne about Zuhra but maybe we can find out other important things like when exactly the fiancé died, what merchant company he might have worked for. Maybe things about the matron? I think he said matron specifically earlier...*

“I guess I’ll just kill time until Kat’s finished playing with the kids. What about you? Do you have any questions for me while we wait?” asked Lily.

“Um... why do you have ears?” asked Watcher.

Lily grinned, “The same reason you have ears I’m sure. To hear things with,”

“No, no... I mean... why are yours on top of your head?” retorted Watcher with a pout.

“Well... where else should they be? I feel like I’d look rather funny with large triangles sticking out the side of my head,” revealed Lily with a grin.

Watcher huffed, making it quite clear he knew Lily was playing with him. Lily, for her part, was using this as a chance to take a bit of revenge for forcing them into ‘paying’ for information and occupying Kat with something for an hour. That was an hour she could have spent in Kat’s arms, or leaning on Kat. *I might have a problem... hmm... nah.*

“Grrr,” grumbled Watcher, “No I mean why don’t you have human ears? Why are they all furry?”

“I’ve got a tail too,” said Lily bringing her tail properly to the side, “but that’s because I’m not human, I’m a Memphis Beastkin,”

Watcher frowned. “You’re weird,” josei

Lily rolled her eyes, “I’m weird but Kat’s not?”

“You’re both weird... but she’s kinda cool I guess. You’re annoying though!” said Watcher triumphantly, as if he’d just uncovered a major secret. Lily felt her eye twitch slightly. She wasn’t truly annoyed that Watcher wasn’t fond of her, but it was the first time in quite a while she was insulted so directly, interactions with Jara notwithstanding.

“Sure kid,” said Lily letting her fangs show, “now did you have any other questions?”

Watcher’s face scrunched up like he ate a lemon, but he held his tongue. Impressing Lily somewhat. That he didn’t rise to the bait at all showed good control for someone his age. He didn’t exactly hide his distaste, but it was certainly better than many other responses. Eventually, he seemed to find a question, “Did you grow up in an orphanage too?”

“No, I’ve still got both of my parents,” answered Lily.

Watcher nodded as if expecting this before he took in a deep breath, “What... um... what’s it like? I mean... to um... to have parents. I mean... hmm... you... well you and Kat are friends right? So you... you’d probably know best the difference and um... how to explain it right?”

Lily sighed. *Oof had to ask the heavy questions.*

[What did he ask?]

*He asked what it’s like to have parents.*

[Oh. Oof. Yeah... um... I can’t help you with that one]

*I’ll figure something out. I... I don’t really know where to start. Then again... perhaps I can ramble.* “That’s a hard question to answer because it’s easy for me to turn it back and say ‘what’s it like without parents’ and you’d probably struggle much like I would. It’s... hard to pinpoint the big differences but... I think the main thing is attention.

“Good attention, bad attention, attention you don’t want but maybe you need. When you have parents, you are a much larger part of their mind. Even if one or both of them work jobs. It’s sort of hard to explain... and it’s not always better to have parents, but... I think attention is probably the biggest thing,”

Watcher frowned and said, “I... I don’t get it,”

Lily tried not to sigh, and failed. *Ok how do I word this into something he can understand.* “Right... um... hmm... how do I explain this. Ok. For parents, especially when they only have one child, that child takes priority. That’s the ideal and most parents can manage it fairly well. However for the matron... she can’t really play favourites. She might try a little, or might try not to, but she has to watch so many kids all the time that none of you get a chance to stand out unless you’re in trouble.

“Which... I guess sometimes that happens to kids with parents too... but hmm... maybe that wasn’t a good explanation...” Lily tapped her foot, tail swinging sharply behind her. “Ok think of it like this. It’s a bit like what you do for the other kids. You watch. Except they have to watch a lot fewer kids so they always have an eye on you. They’ll be watching when you play, they’ll make sure you’re always fed, they’ll hug you when you scrape your knee.

“Unlike the matron though. These things happen automatically, almost as soon as an issue arises. Quite frequently they’re just... there. Even if you don’t want them to be. Does... does that make sense?”

Watcher nodded, but he still had a frown on his face. “I... I don’t know that I actually like the sound of that...”

Lily shrugged, “It’s the same for Kat. I think it might have something to do with the fact you both stepped up into leadership roles for the younger kids. You’d probably find it stifling, at least at the start, and maybe forever. It’s a very different lifestyle. The thing is... it depends how long you knew your parents.

“Kat never knew her parents, and doesn’t remember them so she never wanted to be adopted. Some of the other kids though, they DO remember and they miss the feeling of comfort and safety having parents around all the time brings. For them... not to say you aren’t doing a good job... but you’re more of a temporary replacement, just like the matron, but if you never remember them in the first place... well there isn’t anything to replace is there?”

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