D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 804

Chapter 804

Chapter 804: Chapter 804 Orphanage Aftermath

With that suggestion it was time for Kat and Lily to leave. They’d gotten a few leads, some interesting information, and hopefully provided a bit of hope for the future of the orphanage. Finding a place to sit was a little less convenient though. After walking around a bit it became clear the streets nearby were all quite densely packed, with only private gardens and the occasional bench. Flying around was of course an option, but Kat wasn’t too sure it would be for the best. The nearest park they knew of was some distance away.

In the end, they managed to find a decent enough rest stop out of the way. It was a small little hideaway carved into the support pillars for the aqueduct. The only reason they spotted it was actually that Lily was currently riding around on Kat’s head. The increased height let her spot an odd patch of stonework that turned out to be a door. The slight layer of dust implied disuse, but the furniture was nice leather and hadn’t gone bad at all. A deep breath (and maybe a few flaps from a pair of wings) Kat managed to blow away a good portion of the dust on two of the chairs. Lily kept her mouth closed but her nose was tickled horribly from the experience. josei

When it was over, Lily transformed back and sneezed. “Ne-” Lily was interrupted by another sneeze “never again. I-” a third sneeze “DAMMIT. I don’t even think I still have dirt in my nose because I transformed but I can still-” fourth sneeze “STILL ALMOST FEEL IT.”

Kat slumped down in a chair, “Sorry...”

Lily glanced at the second chair Kat had ‘cleaned’ for her and decided there was a better spot. She hopped into Kat’s arms and buried herself in Kat’s shoulders. Kat couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ve gotten rather clingy since your transformation... or maybe just since we started dating,”

“If we didn’t have our connection I might be tempted to apologise... but I can feel just how happy this makes you as well Kat, so I’m not even going to bother,” retorted Lily.

Kat grinned not particularly bothered about being found out. Kat let her tail quickly wrap around Lily, pulling her girlfriend in even closer. “Of course I don’t mind. Hugs are great and even though temperatures rarely bother me I just feel so nice and warm when I get to hold you like this. I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because I know you’re safe like this?”


Lily couldn’t help the purr that rose up in her throat as she rubbed her face on Kat. She knew it didn’t really do much in human form but this instinct was there. In the end, the pair used this a chance to relax. They were both planning to speak about what they’d learned... but after all the heavy details a break sounded really good to them, so the pair dozed.

It was about an hour later that they decided it was time to discuss things. It wasn’t too late in the day just yet and they had the afternoon to potentially follow up on some leads, or maybe speak with Apep. So now it was time to go over everything. Sensing the shift in Kat’s mood Lily groaned playfully and transformed back into her Memphis form to curl up fully but Kat just laughed and said, “Come on Lily, you know we have to talk about it.”

Lily quickly shifted back to her human form and sighed, “Can’t we just ignore things a little longer? I wasn’t really thinking about it before but like... we’re investigating a real person who died Kat. I’m not really sure we thought this whole thing through. I mean... I do still want to help Apep, and I want him to find love... but I feel kinda scummy going behind Zuhra’s back and investigating what happened to Gaston now. We still don’t know much about him but his death hit Zuhra hard... I feel like...

“I feel like there isn’t much of a chance we get through everything without bringing it all up to Zuhra herself. Either because we need to question her, or more likely we find something that she really should know. I... I don’t know how to feel about that honestly. It’s all becoming a lot more real...”

Kat help but shrug, “While I agree that it’s sad... frankly Zuhra isn’t doing herself any favours. Based on her workaholic tendencies and the fact she’s still overworks herself. I’m hoping this will be a way for her to close this harsh chapter of her life. Even if things don’t work out between her and Apep... I have a feeling that we might find something about Gaston’s death.

“Then there is the fact that we had nothing to do with his death. I feel sorry for Zuhra but I do not morn Gaston. I did not know him. I never knew him, and I never will know him. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the orphanage... but hearing about the death of a loved one of someone I know isn’t rare for me. It happens, or perhaps, happened, with shocking regularity.

“It’s also not like Gaston died a day, or even a week ago. It’s been years Lily. Perhaps we will be digging into old wounds, but for Zuhra at least they clearly haven’t healed. Maybe this will be the push she needs. I’m no expert in love but Apep clearly likes Zuhra. Even if things don’t work out in the end, I think it’s better for us to try. In the worst case scenario Apep has his heart broken, but that’s something that would happen without us. In the best case though, Zuhra and Apep both come out of this much happier people.

“I just... I can’t see this ending horribly for anyone we actually like. I’m a little suspicious about the timing of the Lady of the 8th death. Even if it wasn’t that close I feel like it needs to be looked into further. And look... even if it doesn’t have anything to do with Gaston, maybe we uncover something else,”

Lily couldn’t help but dislike the fact she found Kat’s argument compelling. It made a lot of sense, too much sense and she could already feel her emotional side coming around to the fact that this wasn’t a bad thing. Despite that though... part of her was still clinging to the idea that they were poking at things best left to rest. Almost like grave robbing. They were digging into the old love Zuhra once had purely for someone else’s benefit. Even if it worked out for Zuhra, she didn’t ask for this. She might not want this. All they are going on is Apep, and their belief that he is a good person.

“I still feel... very on the fence about it I suppose. I... I just don’t really know what the right thing to do is here but I feel like... whatever the correct answer is we aren’t doing it. I mean... I just find myself trying to work out what I’d want in Zuhra’s position and I can’t say I’d be terribly impressed with what Apep’s doing...” said Lily.

Kat sighed and ran a hand carefully through Lily’s hair. “Well, we know it’s now impossible for us to have this issue Lily. We are together forever and nothing can change that. I... I can’t really say what I’d want. I don’t know that I can properly understand. I mean... if anything happened to you now I’d go on a bit of a rampage. It’s just...

“I’m also trying to work out how I’d feel in Gaston’s position, assuming he’s watching over us. I mean... souls are real but does he know? Or do souls get reincarnated quickly? Whatever the case I... I think I’d want you to be happy. While I’m around, I don’t know I could really be happy with you choosing anyone else, especially not after I started becoming more aware of my thoughts. Yet at the same time...

“I’d have supported you if you DID chose someone else. Perhaps grudgingly perhaps not. I’d certainly watch them to make sure they never hurt you... but I think I’d prefer you were happy. I don’t think Gaston would want her to morn him all the way till old age. While it’s truly tragic, Zuhra isn’t much older than us. She has so much of her life left and being depressed for the rest of it cannot be a good thing,”

Lily clicked her tongue. “I... I can see your argument. Instead of looking at it from Zuhra’s perspective, look at it from Gaston’s and use our own feelings on the matter... but it’s not like we KNOW anything about Gaston yet. He might have been super possessive, we just don’t really know...”

Kat grinned, “Well in that case isn’t it our duty to find out more? We’ve got two leads to follow up on and both of them should know more about Gaston. Perhaps you want to go to the trading company first? Try and talk with Gaston’s mother?”

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