D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 818

Chapter 818

Chapter 818: Chapter 818 NO. NO SADNESS FOR YOU

The next checkpoint, the one at the door was also easily passed by showing Jara’s documents. However, they were immediately intercepted by a butler. “I’m afraid the young miss is currently in a meeting with the Lord and Lady of the house. Is the matter time sensitive at all?”

“No, we can wait,” said Kat.

The butler nodded as if this was the expected answer, which, truth be told, it was. To interrupt a meeting was one thing. To interrupt a meeting between the three main figures of the household was another. Something would have to be truly wrong for Kat to insist on meeting now, “I see. In that case please follow me to the glass parlour,”

Kat nodded and fell in behind the butler, guiding Lily along with her tail. The butler politely ignoring the fact that Lily was still completely out of it. *Probably best Jara can’t meet us right now anyway. If she was, Lily would be half out of it for the start of the conversation and while her reaction would be adorable, I’m not sure Lily would be pleased with me after the fact.*

Kat’s idle thoughts carried her to the ‘glass parlour’ which was a small mostly circular room made from glass. The glass separated the room and the plants you could see just outside. There was a waterfall and a small stream that came after it, alongside various plants. The room was well lit, with the glass not limiting the light of the sun much at all. Their was a small table made of stone with four chairs around it. Two more chairs that were more like half-size couches lined the walls.

The butler gestured towards the room and Kat took one of the larger chairs so that she could keep Lily next to her. The butler, seeing this left for just a moment, keeping the door open, and came back with a small table leaving it in front of Kat. “I will be back with refreshments in a moment,” said the butler.

Before Kat could register what she’d just been told the butler had already left and shut the door behind him. Kat glanced at the table, and then back at the door. *Well... free food I guess? I mean... we just ate but... it’s fine. I mean, I’m not going to get fat. Lily probably won’t either... actually maybe we should ask about that next check-up...*


Eventually the butler came back in. He had a bowl of fruit and a teapot on a tray. He quickly served out two cups before leaving the room again. Kat glanced at Lily who still had a dopey smile on her face and was leaning into Kat’s shoulder. *Nope she’s still out of it.* Kat grabbed the teacup nearest to her and tried a sip.

Kat swirled it around in her mouth before swallowing. Then she took another sip, this time taking in as air well before finally she downed the cup in one gulp and said, “I still have no idea what tea is supposed to taste like,” additionally. To her senses it wasn’t even hot. With a barely enhanced sense of taste and no experience with tea it was basically just slightly bitter lukewarm water to her. Hmm. I still don’t understand. Thought Kat with a shrug as she waited for Lily to come back to her senses.

That turned out to be five minutes later when Lily leaned further over into Kat and starting to sniff at her neck. That was the moment Lily froze, realising what she was doing and leaned backwards quickly. The couch not being quite large enough for that swift motion meant that Lily was quickly falling over the backrest...

Except Kat hadn’t loosened her tail’s hold on Lily at all. So she just reeled her girlfriend back in until she was pressed against Kat’s side once again. “Welcome back Lily,” said Kat with a grin.

Lily’s face went bright red as the vague memories of the last few minutes returned to her. “Wha... wait... um... you... but... where... no... why... wait... um... haaa?”

“Take your time,” said Kat taking another sip of tea. Mostly for the amusing picture it painted in her mind rather than any true enjoyment of the taste. She might get there one day. Probably with hotter tea. josei

Lily visibly tried to recompose herself by attempting to work her way through the memories. Only to get stuck on the first one, Kat’s kiss again, and promptly crashed a second time. Her dopey smile appeared again and she started to sway slightly with her tail flowing the opposite way as a counterbalance.

It was adorable to watch and if Jara wasn’t liable to walk in at any moment Kat might have just let the scene play out. Sadly, her judgement was better than that so she sighed and said, “We’re now in Jara’s house. She’ll be here at some point, maybe soon,”

That sobered Lily up... mostly. Her face was now a bit red but she was completely coherent at least. “Kat... what... why did you kiss me before? I mean... what were you thinking! We’re meeting Jara soon why would you do that! It wasn’t a small kiss either... I could hardly think straight!” ‘complained’ Lily.

Kat took another sip of tea as if she was contemplated the answer, projecting all her amusement directly down the link so that Lily could feel that she was being teased even before Kat answered. “Well, your smile was painfully fake before. Jara, someone born into a political family, would spot it a mile away,” said Kat.

Lily pouted while Kat’s amusement just grew. Both of those statements were factual if misleading. Lily’s fake smile was actually pretty good, it was just the fact that Kat could tell it was fake that was the problem. With their connection it wasn’t hard to figure out and seeing Lily putting up a front was painful to Kat. On the other hand, Jara could spot Lily’s smile easily. Kat didn’t say anything about spotting it meaning that she’d worked out it was fake.

Lily huffed and turned around pretending to ignore Kat. Sadly for her, Kat was already having too much fun with this to let it end. So Kat leaned over onto Lily’s shoulder, letting her head rest there. It was a little uncomfortable to lean out of the way so her horns were hitting Lily, but it was worth it to breathe into Lily’s ear and say, “Oh? Have I upset you? I’m happy to make it up to you. Any. Way. You. Want.”

Lily tried and failed to supress a pleasant shiver that went all the way down her body. She wanted to ignore Kat, the awful tease. She was sitting in someone else’s house, it was clear neither of them were really aiming for anything to happen... but Kat had to push her buttons like this. Lily was mostly annoyed at herself though for the simple reason... that she wasn’t annoyed at all. This wasn’t something she wanted right at this moment but she loooved it. Then Kat gave her ear a slight nip and Lily couldn’t help but make a rather indecent sound.

Lily jolted upright, nocking Kat’s horns slightly in the process, luckily not getting hurt, as she slapped both hands over her mouth and looked at Kat scandalized. Kat apparently had no shame because she just smiled back, two full rows of teeth and joy alight in her eyes. They were just ever so slightly starting to tint purple and with her own improved eyesight Lily could tell they were starting to glow a little bit as well.

Lily couldn’t help her breath quickening at the sight. Kat had proved so many of her worries useless with just a little bit of... concentrated effort. Lily wasn’t entirely pleased that she fought so hard against those thoughts and failed to reconcile them while Kat’s small actions were able to overwhelm them completely. “Why are you doing this?” asked Lily with a pout, even as she did return to Kat’s side.

Kat projected her feelings through the link though instead of just shoving them all down Kat tried to keep them sharp and separate to help Lily understand. The joy of teasing her, the sadness from seeing Lily upset, the protectiveness that always burned in her heart when she felt of Lily and many more. “I don’t like seeing you sad Lily. Sometimes I do think it’s best you work through it on your own but that doesn’t mean I enjoy letting that happen. You were sad, and the time I gave you didn’t seem to be helping, so I gave you something to keep your lovely mind occupied with,”

Lily melted under the onslaught of honest complements, sliding bonelessly onto Kat’s lap where the demon could start to run her fingers through Lily’s hair. “You can’t just say stuff like that Kat. I’m not sure my heart can take it,” moaned Lily into Kat’s stomach.

“Too bad. It’s all true and your mine now. I’m not letting you stay mopey any longer than I need to,” said Kat happily. And if it meant she had to keep an ear out for Jara’s arrival so that Lily wouldn’t die of embarrassment... well that too was a worthwhile sacrifice.

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