D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 832

Chapter 832

Chapter 832: Chapter 832 Evaline’s at the Door

Still Lily’s perspective


Kat took a step back as soon as Lily knocked on the door. It was a heavy blow to Lily’s fragile confidence but it was also a necessary step. Lily knew very well that having Evaline open the door to see Kat pressed against her was not the start she wanted. Her ears were straining to hear what was going on inside. They told her someone was coming to the door, and based on many years of experience she knew it was going to be her mother that answered.

When the door cracked open to reveal said mother in question Lily wasn’t surprised. Her tail was still puffed up and her eyes were wide, taking in as much information as they could. Evaline seemed to pause at the threshold before her face morphed into a wide smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “Lily! Oh it’s so wonderful to have you back, and Kat as well, nice to see you both. Please come in before... people start asking questions you don’t want to answer,”

Lily just nodded and walked inside after her mother with Kat following up the rear. They were just passed the lounge when Evaline said, “Please go on through and speak with Harold. I just need a quick word with my daughter first.

Kat nodded and didn’t say anything, adhering to Lily’s orders about not speaking unless she had to. As soon as Kat was gone Evaline put a heavy hand on Lily’s shoulder and yanked her further down the hall. There was a moment, just a moment where her body informed her she could fight back. That she could claw and bite and that she was much stronger than this pushy woman... but that same pushy woman was her mother, and all the strength in the world wouldn’t allow her to fight against Evaline.

So further down the hall they went until Evaline released her hold and took two further steps before turning on Lily. “Three weeks! Three weeks without a single call or so much as a ‘I’m doing well Mum’. I had to find out you were mostly fine from Vivian! And that’s only because I went and confronted her about it!”


Lily kept herself calm. There was no need to turn this into a shouting match. Not yet. “Mum, I was in another dimension,” still technically true even if it seemed like the misdirection was going to continue for at least a bit long, “pretty sure my cell phone, even if I’d kept it on me, isn’t that powerful!”

“I’m sure you must have had some means to contact us,” insisted Evaline, and she was right. Lily technically did by relaying things through Vivian with D.E.M.O.N.S... but that hadn’t seemed like a good idea before when she was hiding from her problems. Still didn’t now honestly, as while her mother was freaking out... she was only freaking out once.

“I was stuck as a cat at the time,” said Lily as calmly as she could manage. Which was quite well, but there was a certain edge to her voice that could just barely be heard. Well, that and the much larger and sharper canines that could be seen when she talked, even if Evaline wasn’t quite clueing into them consciously.

Still the words brought Evaline up short. Lily could see as the anger warred with confusion in her mother’s mind. “I... you what?” the words still sounded angry but the so very confused look on her face really undercut the angry glare Evaline had been attempting.

“Well it’s something I was going to go over now that I’m home but you called me away...” offered Lily as peacefully as she could. josei

But Evaline wasn’t having it. “Lily Hannah Furos...”

Apparently neither was Lily though because her brain immediately started to tune out the yelling. *Hear we go...*

At the same time, in the kitchen.

Kat and Harold were both sort of just awkwardly looking at each other. Evaline hadn’t really pulled Lily that far down the hallway and only her first few words were even trying to remain quiet. Even Harold with his perfectly normal human hearing could hear the argument in the hallway. “So,” said Harold.

Kat nodded, “This... is indeed happening it seems...”

Harold glanced down at his empty plate and sighed, wishing for more food despite not being hungry. It would have been a great way to pretend things were fine. “Does... does Evaline think we can’t hear her?” asked Kat unable to avoid asking despite going against her instructions not to talk.

Harold looked Kat dead in the eyes and said, “You can’t hear her. I can’t hear her. There is no argument going on in the hallway. Remember this lesson and it will serve you well,”

Kat frowned at that bit of information and returned with, “I... well even if I thought that was a reasonable way to do things... I literally can’t lie Mr Furos... so... I mean... I can’t just lie about it,”

Harold shrugged, “You learn these things over time I suppose. It’s just better for everyone if my dear wife things I don’t realise she has a tempter, or that she’s overly controlling most of the time. Or that she thinks I don’t know what’s going on in my own home.”

Kat opened her mouth to say something... what that something was took a few seconds to articulate but eventually it was the question of, “Why?” Harold just raised an eyebrow, “I... I mean... why? Why put up with it?”

Harold sighed and took a long drink of his likely soon to be empty coffee. “Well, the primary reason is that despite what it may look like I do love that woman. I also found that I NEED that kind of control in my life. It might look bad now but most of the time it works out wonderfully. You may not see it, but I’d say my Evaline completes me. Just as I complete her. I get someone to help me organise my life and keep things on track, and she gets someone to steer and direct without inflicting it on the wider world.”

Kat, due to her recent... education... realised multiple things in that moment. Multiple things she really didn’t want to know about Lily’s parents. Or anyone that wasn’t Lily really. But she ‘knew’ them now so the best she could do was grit her teeth and make sure it was never confirmed. “I... I don’t think Lily and I have that sort of relationship...”

Harold nodded, “Of course not. You’re both completely bonkers,”

“What?” asked Kat confused.

Harold wave Kat’s confusion off, “Oh everyone’s a little insane. I’m just quite sure that you are both less sane than most,”



“... and this? Is this what I can expect from you in the future?! Why I...” Evaline was still going and Lily honestly didn’t know half of what had been said. Still, the rant would hopefully end soon. Evaline was starting to repeat herself a bit and Lily knew that meant she’d run out of things to complain about. “... this family...”

*Sometimes I really don’t get how Dad puts up with it. I mean, I love Mum but this is just ridiculous. I can’t tell if she’s treating me like a child who doesn’t know anything or like a random adult that needs to repent for all of her numerous sins.*

[You don’t want to know.]


[Nope. I’m giving you no hint Lily. I KNOW things now.]

*Wait are you talking to my dad?*

[Who knows? By the way... I may or may not have been told, ‘there is no argument going on in the hallway’ so take that as you will.]

*Yeah that sounds about right. I don’t know how Mum never notices...*

“... are you even listening to me?” hissed Evaline.

*No.* “Yes Mum,” said Lily easily. A lie yes, perhaps something they should be avoiding, but this particular lie had been told... many... many times. So it might as well be the truth at this point.

“Well how about you repeat what it was I have been saying?” asked Evaline.

Lily new she was screwed... except for the fact this was familiar territory and she had a response lined up. “Where do you want me to start from? ‘Lily Hannah Furos’? Perhaps ‘As a member of this family’ or I could even go for, ‘I can’t believe that you’d’?

“Don’t get smart with me now young lady,” growled Evaline.

*Ah but that’s what I need to do. It’s not like your rants are original Mum. If you were calmer you’d notice I just went with the same words that appear in every rant of yours I’m involved in.* “Of course not Mum,”

Evaline glared back, debating over what to do next. Calling Lily’s bluff, not that she knew it was one, or using this break to go and start the conversation proper in the other room. Evaline’s teeth clacked together as she clenched her jaw. Hard.

A moment and a breath later, Evaline was stomping back towards the living room and kitchen. Lily didn’t sigh, she simply released a large quantity of air and followed behind her mother. *Argument one complete. Now I get to enjoy round 2. FUN!*

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