D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 844

Chapter 844

Chapter 844: Chapter 844 Questionably Legal Activities

That was how Kat passed the time over the next few days with only slight variations. Lily was freed of course, but she holed herself up in Kat’s room and started to really work on her paper magic. There was always a little niggling draw in the back of Kat’s mind because of the bond. Lily’s desire to spend time with her was always bubbling under the surface... but every time Kat prodded her about it, Lily turned her down. [Kat, I love you but you’re very distracting. Especially when I can see you. I really want to get at least a few spells out of this book. I... I think I’m actually starting to understand why there is so much repeated information here. I don’t want to be useless next Contract] josei

Now, Kat didn’t think Lily was ever useless, especially not with her help understanding romance. In fact, Kat was pretty sure that whole task would have been much harder if not impossible for Kat to complete by herself. And even if it WAS most of that experience would have been using things Lily had taught her. Still. Lily was determined so Kat just blocked off the endless stream of madness that seemed to be paper magic as best she could.

While that was happening Kat was practicing the best she could. Sylvie was helping with an increasing number of poses, each new one increasing the complexity somewhat. The current hardest one involved Kat standing on just a single finger that was buried into the dirt while her legs were curled up against her chest along her other limbs. It was apparently all about making her the smallest target possible. Kat thought it was a bit silly, but didn’t complain.

Callisto took an interest on the third day. Recording data on Kat as best she could in the limited space. Callisto even managed to produce a radar gun to track Kat’s speed as well as a few anemometers to determine just how Kat was messing with the wind. The answer didn’t seem to make all that much sense, at least according to Callisto, but the information sort of flew over Kat’s, and even Sylvie’s heads.

Part of Kat wondered how Callisto had the time to be at least passable in weather science considering how much other stuff she knew and did on a regular basis but Kat decided it was probably all the extra time in a day. Perhaps partially attributed to Callisto’s childhood, but that was just a guess.

On the other hand Vivian was not having a great time. Apparently she was still having issues with that client from before, and already had another client lined up, with a third she was in talks with. It was all piled up together because the first client was causing issues, and partially because the third client had asked for a rush order. Something that usually was fine... except Vivian was already doubled up on clients due to delays. Having to triple up was a bit beyond Vivian’s standard workflow.

It also turns out that when Vivian gets stressed, she gets a bit manic. Her smile even wider than normal, her hair almost perfect, with just a few stray pieces that would never stay in place no matter how much work went into styling. Suits in perfect condition except the belt on Vivian’s pants were clearly a step or two, too tight.


Through that all though, the two most off-putting things were the eyes and the voice. Vivian’s normal voice was thrown by the wayside and instead Vivian sounded like an auctioneer trying to make ends meet. It was loud, clear, and three times the speed of normal human conversation, as well as a good octave lower. Then there was her eyes. They burned with a sort of eery brightness that asked if you were ready to join in on the madness. Kat was more than a bit concerned.

“Will she be ok?” Kat asked Callisto on the fourth day of practice.

“Eventually yes,” said Callisto slowly, “I would not say she is currently ok or that it will be an instant fix but the main issue is that client of hers dragging things out. I wish she would simply allow me to have... a few words with the man in question. Perhaps he would be more inclined to pay for Vivian’s work after that,”

“Callisto... don’t take this the wrong way but well...” Kat struggled to find a away of wording her thoughts that didn’t sound offensive. Then she realised Callisto might just take it as a compliment anyway, “how is it you can say ‘just a few words’ and make it sound like you’re prepared to break the guy’s kneecaps?”

“He will be having more issues than just his kneecaps if he continues to refuse to pay Vivian,” said Callisto icily.

“Right... um... why?” asked Kat.

“Because Vivian so rarely allows me to intimidate her problems away. I have to take the what chances she gives me not just to punish the fool refusing her payment but also have it serve as a warning for all others that may wish to snub Vivian in the future. If they know that the only thing standing between me and them is Vivian... well... I can play the attack dog quite well...” explained Callisto.

“You... just checking but you haven’t killed anyone right?” asked Kat.

“Of course not,” said Callisto, perhaps a tad too quickly. Then again, the continued existence of Callisto’s shitty parents helped soothe some worries. For about ten seconds. “I find that killing is rather brutish. Not only that but dead people cannot exactly pay you back and it is ever so likely the police will get involved. It is simply not worth the time and effort to plan, execute, and cover up the incident. Much more efficient ways of getting what I desire are available...”

“Ooookay then...” said Kat. “What exactly do you normally do?” *I know I’m going to regret this but I have to ask...*

“It is amazing what you can do by calling in a few favours Kat,” said Callisto like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “A few words here and there and all of a sudden it is rather hard to do business, not just in a small town like ours, but even in the city nearby... or with a few more words in the correct ears, perhaps in a chain of favours, across the country or the globe. It is entirely possible to financially ruin anyone with a few words. Completely legal too.”

Kat turned a horrified look towards Callisto who laughed in such a fake manner Kat could only shiver. “Oh, do not worry too much Kat. I doubt it will get that far. I have only managed the feat once. It was necessary... and Vivian punished me for it.”

“What... what did they do to deserve it?” asked Kat almost scared to know the answer.

“Well it was just a few small... issues... that they were required to correct. The fact that they later went completely out of business and eventually ended up in jail for tax evasion is hardly my fault. It was just some minor fool who didn’t pay for Vivian’s work, pretended it got stolen, and then attempted to sell in an art auction... under a fake name. Don’t worry, the auction house didn’t get off lightly either,”

“Um... did the auction house deserve to get caught up in your... retribution?” asked Kat warily.

“I believe so regardless of what Vivian says. Not only have they handled pieces from Vivian before, they have also handled one, and it shall remain that one now, piece of work from me. It is their job to authenticate the piece. Not only did the work have Vivian’s makers mark on it, but it was also something she worked with Chekov on. Truly the fact they attempted to get away with allowing such a false claim through means they are unfit for the business. If I knew who they used as an appraiser I would have gone after them as well... but if I were to be truthful with my guesses my imagination concludes that they simply did not bother with a certified appraiser and just accepted the fool’s word.”

Kat nodded slowly. *You know. I’m quite glad the person Callisto is obsessed with is Vivian. Give Callisto a bit of time and nothing else and she might just take over the world because she can run the place better. This way Callisto is more concerned with keeping everything clean and cooking for Vivian instead of how best to break those who wronged her.*

*I do wonder how good Callisto would be as a super villain. She’s more than a bit obsessive but I’m not sure if she’s got enough care or hatred involving the world at large. Hmm... she’d probably go crazy inventor... but she might just be left alone. I think the most likely thing Callisto would get in trouble for, assuming Vivian wasn’t around, would be theft of public services like electricity and water.*

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