D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 846

Chapter 846

Chapter 846: Chapter 846 Bound and Gagged

Kat looked over at Xiang and gave a slightly smug smile. She was going to try a second time. She was going to test them both... and the ancient circle she was in. Instead of trying to brute force it though, Kat answered Yang’s question be summoning up a small wisp of fire. Kat then poured power into the flame, all while keeping it small instead of allowing it to grow. Kat waited until she’d dumped half her reserves... and then kept going, including a large chunk of Lily’s reserves as well.

At this point the circle around Kat had projected lines up to the ceiling. It was wobbling and hissing despite Kat not moving at all. The ground beneath Kat had started to freeze over, the ice quickly inching towards the edges holping to cover the entire ground. When it reached the edge of the circle it seemed to stutter a bit before successfully climbing up the wall of Qi.

Kat nodded and took a single slow step forward before pressing her flame covered hand into the wall. A horrendous screeching sound blared out, like the wailing of a hundred tortures souls. Xiang covered his hands and made the sane decision of ducking for cover, hopping off the stars and using them to block some of the sound, and hopefully most of the blast. Yang flinched back, and stood on wobbly legs. She tried not to look intimidated but the sweat running down her face was giving her away quite clearly.

The screeching suddenly ended and for a moment all was still. Then like the sound of thunder a massive crack ripped through the barrier and the floor. A large bundle of snow seemed to explode outward from the point of contact, giving the entire room a light dusting as the bits that remained floating for a time slowly descended. Kat’s practice certainly seemed to be paying off. The demon in question took another slow step forward, stepping over the threshold that should have kept her locked in place at least until a contract was established with nothing more than air obstructing her.

“I believe I was already introduced Yang. I am the Succubus Kat and I was called here to assist you with rescue. Not only do I usually require more information when it comes to contracts then just ‘we need your help to rescue someone’ but in this case I have prior experience with Xiang and it was not something I care to repeat. Before, maybe I was asking... Xiang was at least trying to be polite and despite my misgivings I was willing to go along with it...

“However you appear to be attempting to spit on my intentions and Xiang’s work. You have not summoned a friend. You have not summoned a servant. Perhaps, arguably, you have summoned an employee... but in truth what you have summoned is the cavalry. You are both too weak to do this alone and instead of recruiting adventures on your level you summoned a demon. You summoned me.

“Now. In case it wasn’t clear. I have no desire to speak with you anymore. Xiang came to me for help, and I’m not completely heartless. I’ll hear him out for something like this instead of just leaving you with a broken summoning formation and a sense of disappointment. Now, let the adults talk please,”


Kat had a moment of worry where she thought maybe she went too far. Last time she was here Xiang never seemed to quite understand how much stronger she was... and after learning how to use her weapons, general training, and giving her powers some thought she was far stronger. Her rather sturdy power base had been polished to something much more deadly. It wasn’t a lifetime of practice but it was certainly something. It was also the first time Kat had tried to intimidate someone so thoroughly. Perhaps it was too much.

Then Yang tried to yell out a retort and Kat was questioning if the display was enough. Only the fact that Xiang seemed to know Yang well prevented things escalated. Xiang wrapped his arm around Yang’s midsection lifting her up as his other hand blocked off her mouth. Her muffled growling continued as Xiang pulled her down the stairs and out of the door. Putting her down just long enough to slam it shut before the screaming started.

“WHAT THE FUCK XIANG!” shouted Yang.

Kat winced. The door was apparently not quite good enough to prevent the sound leaking... well that or Yang was even louder than she seemed.

“I should be asking you that!” said Xiang firmly... though it was too quiet for Kat to hear, Lily’s ears could make the words out. The door was quite a good sound dampener. Yang really was just that loud. Kat poured some demonic energy into her ears to try and hear the words for herself and not feel the need to rely on Lily broadcasting Xiang’s words.

It was a mistake. “WHY AM I SUDDENLY IN THE WRONG?” screeched Yang as Kat heard aa loud slamming sound. At a guess, it was the sound of a large club hitting stone.

“Because Kat was right!” this time Kat could hear the words just fine. “I don’t understand what your problem is with her! You’ve never met her before! I’m not really sure what to think of her myself because my memories of the last time we met are rather hazy, but I’ve heard a few things about what happened. She wasn’t a great travelling companion, but we NEED this help!”

“It must be her pheromones!” Insisted Yang, “I bet that’s why you can’t remember anything! We shouldn’t even be talking about this. We should be binding her to a strict contract and forcing her to help us!”

Xiang’s exasperated sigh was a bit to quiet to be heard... but Kat and Lily still felt like they could hear the spirit of the gesture from beyond the door. They were doing the same after all. “Yang! I know for a fact my memory issues have nothing to do with that. Plus, even if they did we STILL NEED THE HELP. I don’t know what your problem is but if you can’t behave while we work out this contract like reasonable people, you can wait here,”

“Sure, I’ll just wait right here while you go off galivanting with the slutty demon! You both can rescue Xuena just fine by yourselves from the sound of things!” insisted Yang.

“Now you’re just being insulting. Kat’s attire is perfectly reasonable. I’ve seen much worse from fellow cultivators and she’s a DEMON for crying out light. From some of the stories I’ve heard Kat’s attire is exceptionally proper,” Xiang sighed again. “Look. Just... why are you trying to pick a fight about this? If you want to try fighting Kat that can be arranged I’m sure but where is all this hostility coming from?”

“I’m not being hostile you idiot!” shouted Yang and another loud crash resounded, this time though it was followed by three more lighter thumps and the sound of Yang screeching. Kat and Lily shared a glance as the screeching continued until it was muffled by something. A moment later the door was opened and from a brief glance, Kat could just barely make out Yang. The was bound and gagged. Before Kat could really process that the door was slammed shut rather thoroughly.

*Well... that’s a thing that just happened. I don’t really know what to think of that whole mess. I mean... what was Yang’s deal? She was rather rude to us... but then she went and acted WORSE to Xiang! I... I just don’t understand Lily.*

[I... I think she might be the token Tsundere character for Xiang’s harem...]

*Wait what? Since when does he have a harem?*

[Well there isn’t anything confirming it of course... but he sounds a lot like a cultivation story protagonist and we’re being asked to save a second girl from a kidnapping with Xiang and the first girl. I’m also willing to be the reason she called you slutty is because she thinks you’re the competition. I’m guessing that Xuena is probably the calm one of the two and together they balance each other out somewhat while you are supposed to be the exotic beauty in the harem. Or at least that’s her fear.]

*Lily... that is not a picture I wanted in my head. Not only is Xiang an arrogant ass he STABBED ME THROUGH THE HEART! I don’t really care that he wasn’t properly in control of himself or if it seems like he can’t really remember it. This wasn’t figurative heart stabbing Lily. This was real, honest to god, metal sword through fleshy heart. You do not fall in love with a guy after that.*

[Yeah... she’s got nothing to worry about. Though I do wonder... would it be better or worse to introduce me and point out I’m your girlfriend? She’d either consider us both ‘taken’ and thus safer to be around... but on the other hand...] josei

*She’s proven to be a few swords short of an armoury and would probably assume somehow that Xiang’s manliness will suddenly make us straight or bi.*

[Yeah that...]

*Xiang better have a good argument for rescuing this girl. If I was less inclined to help people we would already be gone.*

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