D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 852

Chapter 852

Chapter 852: Chapter 852 A Slow Night

It wasn’t long before they made it to the entrance room. It was actually pretty nice if you ignored all the mould. Apparently, despite all the traps, this was actually a publicly accessible building at some point. There were two couches that were mouldy with a massive hole in one of them from where a chunk of the ceiling had fallen down. The carpets were more dirt then whatever fabric made them up before. Their were a few wooden chairs that seemed to have survived mostly due to the fact good varnish was used on them. Two were destroyed from other parts of the ceiling but there was still three more intact if more than a little dusty.

As soon as they arrived, Xiang pointed out the fact it was getting late and they should rest... only for Yang to start another argument about wasting time and ‘it not being that dark’. Truth be told it was, by Kat’s estimate, about six o’clock in the evening and from their somewhat underground area was no longer visible. Yang didn’t seem to care about that though.

The argument was very familiar, leaving Kat and Lily to claim one of the wooden chairs. It was dusted off with a good gust of Kat’s wings as well as ripping off some of her outfit and using it as a rage before she resummoned it fully repaired. Lily curled up on Kat’s lap in her Memphis form and quickly fell asleep.

At some point in the argument, Kat wasn’t really paying attention to it, Xiang managed to move close enough to one of the chairs and took a sight, ignoring the dust and debris on it. Yang barely reacted to the change and just kept yelling. Xiang nodded, a slow, bobbing movement that clearly had more to do with the fact he was trying not to fall asleep then anything Yang was actually saying at this point.

Eventually, Kat noticed the young man in question had fallen asleep. Yang didn’t even seem to notice. She simply continued to chastise everything from Kat’s hair colour to Xiang’s parents occupations and furthermore onto his ancestors poor choice in mates. Kat was tuning most of it out. She didn’t really care. Maybe it would have been nice to know how to insult someone so thoroughly... but it really did get old after the first ten minutes, let alone however long it took in actuality.

And when Yang finally decided to end the argument is was because she basically just collapsed. Yang gave out a large yawn, and then curled up on Xiang’s lap, draping herself over him and get comfortable rather quickly. Kat raised a surprised eyebrow at the scene and didn’t really know what to make of it. Xiang didn’t really seem like a masochist... maybe Yang was into sadism and degradation? josei

*Curse Evaline for giving me this knowledge! I thought I buried all that shit deep in my mind. Apparently some of it slipped through. Better hide it away again before Lily wakes up. I wouldn’t want to re-traumatise her after she recovered so well. Still... it might be true. I can’t see any other reason to keep yelling at Xiang... AFTER HE FELL ASLEEP... unless she’s getting something out of it. Probably sexual. I mean... nobody could be that into arguing otherwise, right? Especially if it’s not a debate.*


Kat’s questions would go unanswered as the world transitioned into night. Kat wanted to get some sleep or try meditating for a bit but she really wasn’t feeling it. Yang’s yelling was as excessive as it was weird. It didn’t necessarily make her have second thoughts about the contract... saving someone was something she felt quite willing to do after all. It was just... she was pondering if perhaps going off and dealing with it all herself.

She wouldn’t of course. Not only did she not really get a description of Xuena, she didn’t know where the ice sect was, or the nearest settlement to ask for directions either. It’d be a large waste of time, time the others could use to get ahead of her and potentially ruin the rescue plan. Especially with Yang’s attitude.

So she was stuck. Stuck with Xiang who was at least behaving much better, and Yang who... seemed to make her personal mission finding anything and everything possible to be mad at. Yang needed a god damned hobby. At some point Kat switched from pondering to once again training her fire.

It was going well. She could now control it smoothly up to five metres away. Not much perhaps but considering before her plan had to be ‘throw it at the enemy and hope’ the fact she could now influence it at all once it left her hands was a blessing. The soft purple light also provided her a chance to look around the room from her chair... but there wasn’t really anything else worth mentioning.

Lily woke up for a little bit, just past midnight at Kat’s best guess. Lily made some attempts at spell casting but didn’t manage anything once again. Her circle was looking much more solid though. Kat was certain she was close. Still the practice was tiring and Lily found herself going back to sleep.

So with practice Kat passed the rest of the early morning. When the barest hint of sun poked through the ceiling and Yang shot up like she’d been poked with a needle. She carefully slunk off Xiang careful not to wake him... only to freeze when she noticed Kat watching her. Kat gave a polite wave and Yang pulled herself up her full height and got ready for a rant... only to glance sideways at Xiang, still asleep.

Yang’s face screwed up like she’d just had a lemon before she glanced between Kat and Xiang a few times before making the ‘I’m watching you gesture’ with two fingers flicking from her eyes to Kat. Kat just gave her a shrug in return, careful not to wake Lily at all.

Yang walked out the door and sat, cultivating in the morning sun. She was absorbing the first rays of dawn. Well, that’s what she’d say if asked. Really they were in a fairly mountainous area that was quite rocky. The hidden door was also set into a rock formation. Really Yang was getting like... the thousandth ray of the morning at best, probably later if you asked an expert. It didn’t matter all that much, for it was within some the first rays to hit that particular spot, and cultivation was partially symbolism and belief.

That didn’t mean it was only that though. The sunlight attuned Qi Yang was taking in was very real. It was quite pure as well... though very lacking in terms of density and substance. It was like sticking a straw into a fog bank and trying to drink. It would take you an age just to get a cup’s worth.

Still, that was the essence of cultivation. Slow, steady progress over years, building up a solid foundation in hopes that it would eventually propel you to immortality. Yang’s technique wasn’t even a bad one. Taking in Qi attuned to her element was something that would strengthen you in the end... but it was so very slow. It was no wonder she complimented Xiang on his progress. Everyone was able to breeze past her if she remained committed to this style of cultivation without some kind of lucky break.

Speaking of Xiang, it was him that woke next. Not really a surprise to Kat, but the fact he was up not an hour later was. Apparently they were a crew of early risers. When Xiang noticed Kat, he startled a little in the chair before his memories of yesterday became clearer and he remember exactly what happened. He looked around a bit and seemed confused until Kat pointed out the door, indicating where the missing Yang had gone.

Xiang sighed and made his way over to Kat, speaking softly. “Are you ready to leave? We can wait for Lily of course but we are in something of a rush.”

“It’s no problem,” said Kat, “I can carry Lily and she’ll probably remain asleep regardless of what sort of speed I move at. I’m perfectly ready to head out now if you want.”

Xiang pursed his lips and glanced at the door. “Hmm... I want to leave yes... but probably safest to let Yang finish cultivating. You do not want interrupt a cultivator during their cultivation rituals. It can cause major damage to their foundation if you aren’t careful... and... even if I didn’t cause that sort of damage to Yang... you can imagine how she’d be...”

Kat winced and nodded. Xiang nodded along and added, “Yes... well... seeing as you agree... I’ll just do a bit of light cultivating myself, nothing I can’t be interrupted from. Just until Yang is finished. Then we can head off and stop somewhere for lunch. We didn’t eat anything for dinner yesterday and that’s fine for now but if we’re running at full speed... well...”

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