D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 896

Chapter 896

Chapter 896: Chapter 896 Filling Your Head with Lewd Images

“Three rooms,” said Yang as she dropped some weird stones onto the table. They glowed slightly and nobody thought it was strange so they had to be a form of currency. Well, nobody thought the stones were strange. Xiang however...

“Hang on why are we getting three rooms?” asked Xiang.

“Oh? Want to stay in the same room so you can pretend it was an accident when you sneak a peak at me naked?” said Yang with a growl. However... Kat was watching more closely and saw that it was a smirk. [Ah. I see what she’s doing here.]

*What? Starting another argument?*

[Yes? But also no. I’ve heard about this tactic. It’s a suggestion for when you’re interested in a rather dense boy. Even if interested might be a bit of a stretch here. You see... what Yang is doing is forcing Xiang to picture her naked. Look it’s working!]

Lily was correct, Xiang had a very noticeable dusting of red on his cheeks and it wasn’t hard to imagine what was going on, “Oh yeah?” said Xiang his voice shaking just a little, “Well why not two rooms? One for guys and one for girls? That means that al- both, both of you could stay in the same room,” Xiang spared the slightest glance towards the receptionist.

Oh. I see... but... isn’t she also accusing him of it at the moment? As if it’s something she doesn’t want? I don’t quite understand the thought process... why would anyone try something like that?



*Lily... did you try this?* josei

[Ok yes... but also sort of no?]

*Explain please Lily.*

The receptionist however was the perfect picture of poise. She didn’t even twitch as Yang and Xiang argued back in forth. Her hands sat firmly against her outfit, one over the other and she didn’t so much as glance at the pile of money on the table. She kept an eye on both the main door, and the main staircase while keeping a bit of attention on the two cultivators. She seemed remarkably unbothered by all this.

Yang looked over to the receptionist meaningfully, and then back to Xiang. “I don’t want to know what Kat might feel like getting up to with her girlfriend if she shows up in our room,” said Yang firmly. “but even without that. Then you’d have a room all to yourself? Why should you get the single room?”

“I feel like that’s rather obvious here. Let’s say...” Xiang tried to stop it but he glanced over at Kat and Lily, “Lily does show up. In that case I really shouldn’t be in the room anyway and you’re all girls. So it’s different.”

[Right so it was never me I used as an example... back at the beginning before I settled into completely avoiding sharing my crush... and maybe before it properly solidified into more than that... I did a few little things that were similar. You were always pretty fast in and out of the changing rooms. I know now that’s because you don’t see them as places to gossip, and just... changed and left. Still, I wanted to see if it was actually because you were gay.]

[So I brought it up a few times, mentioning that the bullies were still changing, and then when that didn’t work, at the time I was hoping it was because they are horrible people and not that you were straight...]

“Indeed I suppose it is different, but remember Lily and Kat are together. Two girls. Would you really leave me alone to be outnumbered by the lesbians? Think of all the illicit things they could do to me in my sleep?” said Yang with fake horror.

Xiang went bright red from that one. “T-that... that is completely different.”

“Oh? Is it because you might want to watch?” sneered Yang

“NO!” Yes. Probably. Xiang couldn’t really control the fact the image was appealing until he banished it. Just because it was appealing for an instant didn’t mean it was with even a second of extra thought. If Yang didn’t kill him for something like that, Kat would ensure that nothing but ashes remained.

[Though in the end after I tested it with a more than a few guys in class and still got no reaction I figured you were either really good at hiding it, or you just weren’t interested in anyone yet. I didn’t guess you were asexual... which I guess was a bit of a blind spot for me. I mean... I feel kinda bad for not noticing my best friend and crush was asexual.]

*Lily. I didn’t even know there was a word for it at the time. Also, now you mention it I can remember your attempts at this. It took so long to jog my memory because you’re right. You were... well maybe not subtle but I never thought there was anything strange about it till you brought it back up again. Which... huh. Should I be doing this to you? Talk about situations where you’ll picture me naked.*

[NO! Please don’t. I do that enough already.]


[Oh. Oh no.]

In the real world Kat let out a slight laugh that she quickly silenced. It was just too funny. Both the fact Lily thought somehow Kat didn’t already know, and the fact that she believed it was ‘too much’. Honestly, Lily’s thoughts tend to stay shockingly pure from Kat’s perspective. Especially considering Lily is the one with lustful intentions.

Yang on the other hand, decided to use Kat’s small laugh as a point against Xiang. “Ah, I suppose if Kat thinks it’s such a silly idea you must have your own problems. Do you bat for your own team like Kat and Lily? That would make a lot of sense.”

Kat of course, had no idea what the two were talking about and was paying no attention at all. So she didn’t notice when Xiang glared at her and found her still trying to suppress the laughter. Xiang’s had creaked back to lock eyes with Yang. “Really? You’re saying I’m the one batting for the home team? Didn’t you imply earlier that Kat and Lily would do all sorts of things to you? Kat may be scary sometimes but she’s certainly no rapist, heck I don’t even know if she would bother convincing a drunk to stop trying to stab her after missing the first few times. Perhaps you’re the one with such proclivities?”

*Oh Lily... you still haven’t made any real headway involving limiting your thoughts. Especially not ones as powerful as your attraction to me. Did you think I didn’t notice the occasional flashes of myself naked? Or with a towel on? Perhaps that one from two nights ago with me sprawled out over a rock and my kimono coming undone?*

[Hisss... Kat why? Why do you do this?]

*Because you’re adorable and I love you that’s why. It’s so cute, and makes it really easy to know that you desire me. Even if I don’t lust after you, I keep all of those pictures in mind for... future references.*

[KAT! You should not be trying to play out my erotic fantasies. Now or in the future!]

*Why not? You’re my girlfriend after all.* Lily couldn’t find a good answer to that one.

Yang was very unflustered at the accusation. It was in fact, not a new one considering how much time she spent with Xuena ever since they were children. “Well, you know what they say? Girls are an awful curious lot. I’ve been friends with Xuena a looong, looong time you know? All the way through puberty. We did a little... experimenting you know...”

The experimenting Yang was talking about was nothing like she was implying. She meant real medical experiments usually involving creatures Yang caught and medicines Xuena made. They did have one brief kiss, just to find out what it was like... and they both knew they were firmly straight. Still. Xiang didn’t know this, and now he had a whole new set of images to try and push away.

[AHA! I’ve got it! You shouldn’t just be trying to cater to my sexual fantasies because this is a relationship and I should also be catering to yours!]


[Oh... oh I’m an idiot aren’t I?]

*No you’re very sweet, and normally correct. But no, I don’t have any of my own for obvious reasons so I keep all of yours in a very pretty box I’ll be making good use of in the future once we get that far.*

[I feel as though I have been trapped somehow.]

*No trap here, unless you count the fact you’re bound to me for all eternity or at least as long as I live. You’ll be smothered in love and hugs forever mwhahahahahah!*

The receptionist continued to pretend that none of this was any concern to her and that she wasn’t listening at all. She didn’t even glance at the clock despite the fact she would be off shift sometime soon. Her replacement would show up... and probably wait for this argument to be over. Oh the hardships of customer service. So the receptionist continued to keep a small smile on her face, her head facing forward and her hands against her uniform. It was the polite thing to do after all.

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