D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Chapter 905: Chapter 905 Ron. Man of Mystery

While they’d certainly stumbled onto something more dangerous then three lucky cultivators. That didn’t mean it was time to leave just yet. To say nothing of the risk they’d just get shanked in the back as soon as they started to leave. The underlings were clearly getting nervous. This wasn’t what they’d signed up for. Sure, fighting had always been on the table... but Rank 3 fighting? That wasn’t on the cards in their minds. If any of them had a say, the group would already be in full retreat. If they did that though... getting shanked as they ran would be the least of their worries. Boss was much scarier when mad.

Instead of anyone masked breaking the silence, the next person to speak was actually Yang. She was no idiot, but could tell that everyone was tense. She also saw the need to buy time... but she didn’t have any understanding of what Kat had said earlier. So she simply... poked the leader a little bit. “You sure are thinking hard about your answer. Do you need to consult the voices in your head or is it just that difficult for you?”

The leader was a professional rogue though, and was able to see through Yang’s attempt easily. “I like to consider my options properly. Yang.” Stressing that he did indeed know who everyone was. “I suppose when you aren’t listening properly” Yang managed, barely, to not react, “a long silence can seem strange. See, the thing is though... we do need those pills. It’s just a question of how much I’m willing to pay for them.”

The silence stretched on once again. The surprise had worn off. The shock had worn off. The question now was if it was time to cut losses... but in what ways? The attack could be abandoned completely. Retaliation was unlikely. No faces were shown and the leader didn’t have a particularly distinct voice. Give up on just this engagement? It was possible to set up another trap... but probably not an explosion. No explosion meant unlikely to be fatal or at least maiming... so a fight was far too likely with that option.

One option, the leader didn’t really like but was certainly possible, was a barter or trade. The pills were useful... but the ‘enemy group’ didn’t seem willing to take that kind of loss. They’d need to offer up just as much coin if not more... and the truth of the matter was... being in a shadier profession meant you didn’t carry a single coin more on you then necessary. Nothing close to the kind of money to actually pay to get those pills back. So the only other answer was... services.

“What does a group of enterprising cultivators like yourselves even need such an item? As an expert crook, you don’t look like one of us... so why the fixation on the pills? If you think they can help in the bedroom... well... you’ve bought the wrong type,”

Yang glared back, not willing to answer anything... sadly for her Xiang got his hearing back just in time to here the question, and had assumed the conversation had been growing much friendlier then it was in truth. So he actually answered, “We’ve got to free a friend from Lord Frosty Ass’ ice sect,”


The leader let out a long whistle that was massively stifled by the mask. Still, it got the point across. “Holy shit the balls on you three... fuck that’s a job and a half. Hmm... and I’m guessing now is the best time? What with the sect leader taking his... what did you say? Frosty Ass? Yes strutting his Frosty Ass all over the continent looking for the cure to his sweet little boy. Yes I can see why you’d decide to do this now... and why you’d need those pills hmm...” josei

The leader considered his options. On the one hand, they still really wanted those pills... but on the other... if they were using it to save someone’s life... that was a far cry from a bit of casual theft. The leader had assumed it was a couple of amateur thieves using an overpriced tool for something shiny that wasn’t even all that valuable. Mask had assumed they’d either get caught even with the pills... or misuse them in some way that meant they’d get caught when their attacks don’t work right.

Going for a jail break though... they weren’t trying to prevent getting caught sneaking in... they were for making sure they weren’t caught running out. A very different proposition. Mask pulled on the fabric around his neck, letting it snap back against his skin as he tried to puzzle out the best way to go about things. This had just gotten even more complicated. So, break things down simply.

Selling them was completely out. Barter too. A proper thief, and Mr Mask did like to think he was a proper thief, knew that you didn’t leave behind good comrades. It was just bad business. Especially if you were using their death to pave the way to retirement. A retired thief needs all the friends he can handle. These three already knew what was in store for themselves. They’d see it done. Hell, or high water, or I in this case, blizzard, or flash freeze. It’d get done.

So obviously he needed some other way to use that little bit of information. They could... help perhaps? An exchange. The pills handed over in exchange for his team’s help in extracting the prisoner. Plausible... but much too likely to result in betrayal. He knew he wasn’t trustworthy enough and he didn’t really know the kid’s either. He also knew, that in a choice between their friend’s life and his? Well, the friend would win every time. Not a job you want to sign up for when your payment might need to be used in the heist.

So, no barter. No assistance. Those seemed to be the only two options... but of course. It’s all well and good to say ‘there’s no other option’ but Mask hadn’t managed to evade the law for over five decades by going for the obvious. There was... perhaps one more option. It was risky, not just for him but for them as well. It might not amount to much, if anything... but at the same time... it was very palatable for both groups, included minimal chances for betrayal... and if it worked? Damn if it worked the payout was almost certainly worth the loss of those pills.

“I’ve got an idea to float by you three... it’s a little crazy, and perhaps you won’t entirely trust it is a good one... but let me make you the offer and you all can give it a little think. I propose, we don’t fight, instead... we travel together,” Mr Mask could already see the shock on the three’s faces but that didn’t stop him. “Now. I’m not saying we make camp with each other, or that we’ll too close here...

“But if we all head towards the ice sect... we attack at the same time. You go for your friend, and my crew and I... we go for one of the medium security storage rooms. You might get blamed for the theft... you might not. If we get caught... well they’ll still be plenty happy to chase us... might even give you three enough time to get away with your friend. If you guys muck up though... well that’ll be all the better for us. Less cultivators to sneak past and much easier to book it in the other direction.

“It’ll be a risk for both of us. Only getting better for the other party if we fuck up, and never worse for you guys. Can you trust us enough for that?” Mask man finished already confident he knew what the answer would be.

Xiang looked between Kat and Yang for a few seconds, “How does it sound to you?”

Yang grimaced but said, “He’s right. It won’t fuck up our plans... and it might be that little extra we need to get away when we make the big heist. It’s... it’s not ideal but... but I’m inclined to go with it. Though... just asking Kat... could you?” Yang dragged a quick line across her neck and then shot eyes at the group around them.

Kat rolled her own. *Well. Yes I COULD but they’re giving us a good deal. I’m not terribly inclined to attack them when nobody got hurt and we’re negotiating.* So Kat instead shot a ‘are you serious look’ back at Yang that she could interpret however she wanted.

Yang just nodded as if expecting the response. Maybe she was. “I think you’ve got yourselves a deal. Now if we could get a name?”

The masked man gave a short laugh. “Now girl, while I’m happy you’re accepting our deal I’m not THAT happy about it. Still... working without a name is annoying so... just call me Ron for now.”

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