D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Chapter 909: Chapter 909 Mission Quite Possible

Lily’s Perspective (*Lily’s thoughts* [Kat’s thoughts])

Lily bounded from rooftop to rooftop, leaning heavily into her instincts and thanking the clouds in the sky for making it a dark night. Her black fur coat and padded feat made it exceptionally easy to pass undetected as she went. The only real problem is that the ‘compound’ was more like three mountain towns of varying sizes that she’d need to search through. That was a big concern for them all actually, that Lily simply didn’t have time to cover all that much ground.

The closest and largest village was completely ruled out. It was low security and staffed with a bunch of people who had no cultivation at all. Lily simply few straight over that one. Ron had informed them that the rarest thing you could find their was the food stores for two of the towns. That being said, those stores were guarded by actual cultivators. A full team of Rank 1’s sure, but they were really just there to watch out and raise the alarm. They wouldn’t stop Ron’s team, but they also didn’t have anything Ron’s team would ever want. Sure some of the food was high quality, but if that was their goal, their were better storage areas to hit.

Still, Lily found she didn’t really know what to look for now she was at the... ‘outer disciple compound’ or at least that’s what it was called. Apparently Xuena would need to be in more restricted areas if she was anywhere at all... but Ron hadn’t been all that helpful in explaining where they were, having never visited the town himself. Apparently they were near the instructors lodgings... which were where exactly? Nobody seemed to know, and Lily wasn’t sure what to look for either.

*What do you think these instructor dorms actually look like?*

[I don’t really know Lily.]


*See, the problem is that there are what look like family homes, then there are... well still homes but clearly a step up from that... and then finally there are four big mansion-lite buildings. Except the not-mansions are all spread out around this damned city! I’m currently sitting atop what I think is the cultivation tower? I think they’ve concentrated the ice qi in the are here because even standing on top of it I can... sort of feel it? I’m not cold per say... but I have this thing in my head insisting I SHOULD be cold.*

[Um... let me ask Ron....]

Lily continued to scan the place. It was quiet, and the patrols were fairly basic. It seems the sect was much too used to its power. The guards were patrolling yes, but she doubted there had been an attack in memory of what were basically kids with big sticks. Perhaps a little insulting... but they just paid no attention. One of them Lily was watching tripped over a crate that was left out... but it was sticking out into the road! They had lamps! It was perfectly visible!

What was worse, despite being surprised, he just... pulled himself back up, looked around a bit and spotted the box... then moved on. Didn’t shove it out of the way, didn’t draw weapons, didn’t roll to try to get some distance. He just... didn’t do anything. *Like... ok sure I know that’s what I would’ve done a year ago but my world is so much safer and I’ve never BEEN ON GUARD DUTY.*

[Um... do I want to ask?]

*No probably not.*

[Right well... I asked Ron, and he said that the mansions are supposed to be the instructor areas but he didn’t know there was three of them either. Which... he’s actually really annoyed to hear now that you’ve mentioned it. Apparently the intel he got on this place seemed quite good, if a little cheap when he bought it. Now it seems the guy who sold it to him was obviously a plant. Or well, that’s what he’s telling me. He’s sort of... ranting under his breath? He’s trying not to be loud about it but he clearly isn’t happy.]

*I suppose that makes sense. So... does he have anything worth mentioning though?*

[Sort of? Ron said it was just a guess, but if Xuena is being held here, it’d be in the residence containing the instructor, or instructors for Alchemy. She’s too valuable as a researcher and crafter to just lock up somewhere else. Even if it might give her the tools to escape, she doesn’t have the cultivation to actually get away properly.]

*Is there a way to tell which one that is? They all look the same to me.*

[Ron says go and smell them. It’ll be obvious unless the inscription work is REAL good.]

*Right...* Lily hopped down from her perch, using her wings to soften the landing and then started dashing for the closest one. So what is everyone else up to now I’m gone?

[Well... Xiang and Yang are having trouble sitting still. Oh wait, let me back up. Ron brought out a bunch of hammocks for everyone. So we’re all hanging lounging around in one each. We’ve got a massive fire going, that you can see for ages. Which is apparently the point, a bit of fish cooking still though they’re mostly for snacks? You were there for the main meal of course.] josei

[Um... so yeah, Xiang and Yang are just... having difficulties. Apparently being this close and then told to wait instead of sneaking in with you... has not been a decision they’re all that happy with. I don’t know if they were happy with it before and just now it’s started to bug them... or if they were just holding back earlier when we were planning. Now they’re just... well to say they’re laying down is wrong. They’re sort of... jittering around in their own hammocks? It’s really weird to look at.]

*I wish I could have some of that extra fish.* Thought Lily wistfully as she started to sniff the area around the first house. Definitely a failure. She could smell waaay more sweat then she was really comfortable thinking about. It was either the combat instructor or the blacksmith’s house, but based on the lack of other forge related scents, she was voting combat instructor as she snuck away to the next area.

[Lily... you already ate a whole fish and it was larger then you.]

*Look Kat, I don’t pretend to know how my new body works and I’ve done a lot of exercise since then. I just feel like I deserve a bit of fish.*

[I’ll never deny you deserve whatever you want Lily. I’m just surprised you want MORE fish.]

*While sweet Kat, I do not deserve everything, and pleased don’t let me get away with something like that. As for wanting more fish? I think it has to be a feline thing, maybe also a combination of that and my recent activity. It’s weird. I don’t feel hungry, but I do want fish just because I heard about it. Not sure why that is...*

Kat didn’t really have any response to that as Lily reached the next mansion. This one... didn’t actually smell like all that much to her nose. Sniffing again Lily thought she might just barely be able to make out the smell of old paper... but if so it was really faint even to her nose. *Hey Kat. I can’t smell anything around this one. What does Ron think?*

Lily backed off and hopped onto the roof of one of the smaller nearby houses. Lily wasn’t too worried about being caught, but no sense developing bad habits. [Right so... Ron things there’s a good chance that’s the Inscription Instructor’s house. They probably gave themselves better protections, or maybe just some more specific stuff. If they went so far as to beef up their security though... might need to check that one as well if Xuena isn’t in the last house.]

*Yay. More work.* Thought Lily with a huff that Kat could really only perceive as fondness. This was mostly due to the fact that, across the link, that was Lily’s main emotion. It didn’t really matter that the work was boring. Lily just had to sink into her instincts, and it was all second nature. Keeping to the shadows, making sure movement was obscured. Don’t make too much noise in the pouncing. All simple stuff...

But Lily was USEFUL. Seeing Kat take down the snake was terrifying. Watching her negotiate with Ron wasn’t as scary, but Lily still felt useless for it. The only time Lily felt she did anything on the trip was during the bear hunt but even then... Kat had to save her from HERSELF for crying out loud. It felt... not good per say to be doing something without Kat but... it felt good to be trusted. To be relied upon. Sure, she wished Kat was closer. That they weren’t separated by a two hour flight, though probably less for Kat.

Now though... sneaking through the compound. This was all Lily. Kat was too large and completely untrained. Kat’s instincts would tell her how to move in ways that attract attention. Ron, for as good as his team was... were still human and limited by that. Plus that had Qi which didn’t help. To say nothing of Xiang and Yang... all the better.

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