D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 912

Chapter 912

Chapter 912: Chapter 912 To Speak or not To Speak


Lily tried her best to describe Xuena... but it turned out Xuena was a rather striking figure. She had pure white irises surrounded by black sclera that seemed to shine, defying their nature somewhat as well... black sclera. Her hair was a soft, pale blue that was cut exceptionally short making her look a bit like a snowball from the back. It was presumably cut so short to avoid dipping it in her alchemy work by accident. Her outfit was similar. While Yang went for flowing sleeves and loose pants, Xuena’s outfit seemed defined by the word ‘tight’.

The sleeves had just enough give in them to allow for a full range of motion and not a single thread more though they did cover her entire arm. The cuffs were buttoned around her wrists to prevent them sliding up and down. Something else Lily didn’t notice, but wasn’t really looking for, was the obvious stitching at the join near the torso. It was made to easily be ripped away should something toxic get caught on the sleeves.

Xuena’s pants were actually two layers. The first was a skirt that extended until just passed her knees and then underneath was a set of what looked like supple leather trousers underneath. Her shoes, now that Lily was looking again, seemed to be part of the chain shackles around her legs. They were heavy metal and leather things that kept Xuena’s feet close together. It wasn’t impossible to walk, but it required a sort of waddling motion to move.

Her skin was very pale as well, making it look like it was bathed in moonlight instead of the magical lighting that was trying to imitate the sun. Her lips were blue, but she didn’t seem cold. The fact she was a prisoner seemed to imply they were naturally that colour. It was a nice, sky blue and contrasted strangely with her completely normal tongue, when it was poking out due to concentration. Her nails were another strange thing. They seemed to be just... missing. Perhaps an accident in her childhood?

[Ok yeah, Xiang and Yang are saying that it’s almost certainly Xuena.]


*Right so what do I do now? There’s no way I’ll be able to get those cuffs off. I might be able to sneak in through the viewing window. It’s just some crossbars over it... but I’m not entirely sure I’ll fit because of my horns. I’ll need... well honestly just looking at it I’d guess we’ll need you down here Kat. I’m mostly just wondering if I should be trying to talk to her now...?*

Lily waited, trying to fit herself into the shadows in the nearby cell. Lily thought it was working quite well, and just closing her eyes and curling up a bit made it so she wasn’t really showing off anything other than her black fur to the world. Even the little bits of purple around her horns seemed to fade when she was trying to hide like this.

[Ok... um... this might take a while... everyone is sort of just... arguing about it? Yang wants you to talk to her, maybe relay some messages, Xiang wants to keep everything nice and stealthy, Ron thinks that while the chance Xuena has a device for recording sounds in Xuena’s room is low. He ALSO believes that it’s getting late, or rather, early, and that it’d be best to not tell her anything until tomorrow when we’re actually breaking her out which...]

[Well that just led into a whole ‘nother round of arguments because now they can’t decide when the best time to attack is. Ron is trying to push for later, especially because it’s better for him and his men, but Xiang and Yang aren’t overly comfortable with leaving Xuena there for an extra day. Um... how does she seem to you?]

*She seems fine? I mean... if she didn’t have the shackles on I’d say she looks completely normal? Well no her appearance is weird by human standards but I mean... she doesn’t have any bruises I can see. Though she’s quite covered up. Certainly doesn’t look like she’s in pain but she isn’t really moving... she’s just writing at the moment so it’s hard to say. I think she’s fine?*

[Yeah... I don’t think I’m going to repeat that. Chances are Yang would just get more worried. Um... what about you? Are you fine like... hiding out nearby for a day? Or I guess just till tomorrow night?]

*Yeah I think so? I’ll probably just find a nice corner to sleep in. Maybe take over one of the cots and hide under the shitty pillows? I doubt I’d be found if I did something like that and if I WAS found I’m all but certain they’d just think I was a normal demon cat. Granted they might try to research me or something... but I don’t think I’d be in any danger any time soon.*

[You know... I don’t think I like that answer very much. Seems a bit risky now...]

*Oh Kat it’ll be fine.*

[I’m not really having a great time imagining all the ways you might possibly be experimented on Lily.]

*Kat, I am quite willing to bet, and I suppose considering the circumstances I AM betting my life, but I AM willing to bet that the worst likely outcome is a few minor non-invasive tests before being handed off to a young relative as a pet by whoever catches me. That’s all of course assuming you don’t just bust down the door like a minute after I get found.*

[I’m not that quite THAT fast Lily]

*Well, once again, I’m willing to bet on that one. Though I’ll also say that restraining yourself is probably the better idea. Still, I think if push came to shove you’d be able to move a lot faster then you think.*

[Ok, fine you’re probably right. If you did get hurt I’d turn into some unholy fireball of swift vengeance but I don’t like how much you’re counting on it either.] josei

*I’m not counting on it at all though Kat. I really do feel safe here. I might be in enemy territory but remember, to them I have no cultivation at all. I’m not a threat, I’m a weird kitten on the edge of being a cat. Plus, this mansion is owned by an alchemist not a biologist. I doubt they have the knowledge to properly investigate me. Plus I’m adorable.

Cultivators so far are all about prestige and pride. The idea that they found a unique species that has never before seen, and then they treat me like a minor prize by handing it off to a child. Well... I suspect that’s exactly what their pride would force them to do. I can’t be a familiar, I’m too weak for that. A unique pet though... very fancy.*

[I don’t like that you’re making sense here Lily.]

*It’s simply reasoning Kat. Plus, think of this as practice for when I eventually become combat capable. I’ll be participating in fights WITH you eventually. If you can’t even stand the idea of me safely sleeping in enemy territory what will you do if we end up in a fight together?*

[I don’t like how you’re trying to spin this...]

*Would you rather pay attention to the argument going on at camp?*

[So how would you contribute in a fight? Assuming you get your strength up?]

Lily grinned. Kat wasn’t going to call her bluff; they both knew it. They enjoyed speaking with each other far too much to bother with whatever nonsense was going on around Kat. Lily did use the chance to carefully reposition herself under one of the pillows. If she was going to keep chatting with Kat, might as well keep at it until they both, or more likely just Lily, fell asleep.

*I think a sort of... ranged artillery/utility type of thing? I’m not all that large so... maybe anchor my shadow to one of your shoulders? Maybe just the top of your head? Sit there and then start throwing spells a people. I’m not sure if I’ll have things that can boost you, but if I do that would be another thing I’d use. Actually... I wonder if I could just hide in your shadow and cast from there? That’s probably a bit higher level but perhaps... very useful.*

[That would be nice. If you were safe in my shadow, maybe like... not mine but say my outfit’s shadow? Maybe hide in a shadow cast by my sash or something? Wherever is safest. Then we figure out a sight sharing trick... and you could use my vision to cast spells from a defensible position.]

*Yes exactly. As much as I might like the image of casting powerful spells from the back line, I know that you’d be forever worried about me getting hurt if I wasn’t right next to you. I also know I don’t want to be just a princess in the library. What is that saying? ‘Better to be a warrior in a library then a librarian in a war?’*

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