D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 914

Chapter 914

Chapter 914: Chapter 914 Knocking On the Back Door


Kat pretended to crack her joints. Pretended, because it simply wasn’t possible to get her body to make those sounds anymore. It wasn’t exactly something she’d investigated, but it had to be either something about being a demon or her regeneration. Apparently cracking your knuckles wasn’t bad for you per say... but people had opinions about that sort of thing. Perhaps being a Succubus was all it took to remove it. Whatever the case, Kat had to cheat by clicking her fingers rapidly instead. Which was also a real pain to get right. Kat’s body had a... distant relationship with friction and physics in general. It was rather weird clicking for her was closing to abusing air pressure then letting her fingers snap naturally.

That nonsense wasn’t really important right now though. It was finally go time. Yang and Xiang were nearby, just outside of the compounds limits in the direction they were choosing to flee. It was a weird angle that ended up close to the inner sect, but apparently, they were trying to make it seem like a double bluff. In Kat’s hand was the pill she’d be giving to Xuena, and the wall was below her. Kat herself rested comfortably on the edge of the roof.

*Lily. I’m going to first smash the wall, then the floor, which is Xuena’s ceiling. Is everything ready on your end?* josei

[Yup. I’ve just given Xuena the heads up and she’s ready for this to go down]

*Ok. I’ll be carrying her the first bit of the way when I hand off those pills. I want you in her arms when I get down there, so I can just scoop you both up. I’m not sure when I’ll be breaking the shackles, but probably around the time we catch up to Xiang and Yang. I’ll have to slow down for them at least, so it won’t be a problem.*


[I’m all good chief! Xuena isn’t as good at hugs as you are but for now I’ll make do.]

Kat suppressed a light chuckle and got ready. It was go time. In one swift motion Kat jumped down from the house and kicked the wall on her way down, using her wings as stabilisation. The inscriptions holding the house together tried but they really weren’t designed to hold off attacks, certainly not from someone of Kat’s physical might. The wall exploded and Kat rushed in after it, not taking any time for the debris to even make an impact with the opposite wall.

Slamming her heel down to shatter the floor, Kat then used her speed to pull herself down using the hole in the floor. It broke off in another head sized chunk, but she was down. The door holding Xuena in was kicked off its hinges, into the hallway of course, and Kat grabbed the two girls, along with a couple extra clothes, before jumping back up, letting herself exit through the holes. The reason for kicking the door out was to hopefully confuse investigators a little more. Sure the exit hole was obvious, but Kat had landed in Xuena’s room. Why was the door also kicked open? It might not keep people busy long... but as Ron said. Every moment counts.

Kat wasn’t even paying attention to her surroundings as she charged forward. Xuena was gripping her kimono, and left tit, for dear life. Kat simply pushed that pain off to the side. It was minor at best and sure Xuena was using her full strength as a Rank 1 cultivator... but it was all reflexive. She wasn’t actually trying to do damage. It was distracting enough for Kat to plough through a shed and two bushes before paying more attention to where she was going, but her wings were strong enough to shield the weaker two from random, unenchanted shed debris.

Xuena clearly wasn’t paying enough attention to anything right now so Kat had to give up on passing off the pill which... Kat wasn’t exactly sure how bad that was. Hopefully not too much of a problem. It wouldn’t take long for her to rest a bit. Soon, Kat managed to find Yang and Xiang’s hiding place, and blitzed past them. Kat didn’t let up at all and simply sped onwards for another few seconds getting a good deal of distance before stopping. A large trail of destruction followed Kat. Her steps causing small but noticeable craters as her demonic energy failed to have enough time to stabilise the ground a bit for her speed.

Kat stopped herself from moving when she found a large, compact boulder that took the majority of her speed. If it was pushed back slightly and into the hill well... that’s not really Kat’s problem now is it? “Xuena, I need you to take this pill now. I get it was all very fast, but we need to stop any Qi based tracking,” said Kat softly, and, after a moment of thought, with her relaxation aura.

“No, not till I know you aren’t planning anything,” said Xuena firmly, hand still around Kat’s breast.

Kat twitched and tried not to point out that it was far too late to be looking for plots. That or the fact she was being molested, technically speaking. Having your tits grabbed by a pretty girl might’ve been nice for Lily, but Kat found no enjoyment in it, just a good deal of pain. In fact, Lily probably wouldn’t enjoy the feeling either. It was just unpleasant. “Ok fine, watch those trees, use your cultivation and LOOK at Yang when she runs passed. I can overtake them again, but you need to take your damned medicine. I mean, aren’t you an alchemist?”

Kat handed the pill over and Xuena studied it once it was dropped into her hands. Lily used this as a chance to escape and rub herself against Kat’s face. *Yes yes, you did a good job and you’re adorable. I’ll give you a kiss when we’re taking a break. Sound good?*

[I want you to do so much more then that...] Kat waited a moment. [OH NO! I did not just... I just... no I... I mean I do just... Um... sorry I... no. I’m not getting carried away by these instincts and this adrenaline high. I will take the kiss please.] Kat gave Lily’s nose a light boop, causing Lily to sneeze.

While that was going on Xuena managed to determine the main ingredients in the pill. They were... not great. Sure Kat was probably telling the truth, that it would hide her from trackers, but it was also deadly. If the dosage was wrong, regardless of what Kat THOUGHT it was... it would in truth be a crippling poison. If anyone wanted to take out Xiang, Yang and her, this was the way. Just one pill... and their cultivation could be ruined forever.

Oh sure, Xuena might be able to fix it eventually... but not with no cultivation of her own to do the alchemy. That being said... Xuena also watched as thirty seconds later Xiang and Yang sprinted through the clearing, Yang pausing for half a heartbeat, only for Xiang to keep dragging her forward. That confirmed, assuming Lily was telling the truth and they’d both had a pill of their own, that it wasn’t instantly fatal, or crippling... and Xuena really had no other choice but to follow along.

Xuena was broken out of her thoughts went she felt a sharp tug on her legs, and then the heard the screeching of metal. Kat had wrenched apart her cuffs when she wasn’t paying attention. “Ok, here’s what’s going to happen now. I’ll catch up to Yang and Xiang, drop you off with them, and then keep running. I’ll be making as big a mess as I can for a while, trying to lead them away. It won’t be for long though. I’m fast yes, but I’ll be making tracks for them to follow. Then I need to catch up with you all again just in case you’re found. Lily, you’ll be with Xiang,”

Lily transformed and pushed a cheek out, “I know I know, but kiss first?”

Kat rolled her eyes. Lily was being a bit cheeky and while Kat did love that... well... Lily deserved something that was both a reward and punishment. Instead of bothering with Lily’s cheek, Kat used her tail to pull Lily against her, squishing Xuena who was still in her arms and kissing Lily full on the lips, letting her tongue slide in for just a moment before backing off.

Xuena went bright red, mortified at what was happening in front of her, and Lily did the same a moment later when she regained her whits and realised what had just happened in front of someone who was basically just some random stranger to her. Lily went bright red and transformed to hide her embarrassment before diving into Xuena’s arms. Kat just grinned at the scene and waited for Lily to properly settled before kicking off the boulder and into a run. Catching up to two cultivators would be easy. Leading the rest on a goose chase? Perhaps a bit harder.

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