D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Chapter 922 How Cold is Kat?

A thin purple hand of condensed fire extended out of Kat’s chest, holding Ozen’s own in place. Kat felt her vision shifting, shattering, something was going... sideways...

Ozen stared in horror as a figure or burning purple pulled itself from the no longer soon to be corpse. A burning visage of the woman he’d sort to kill stepped out casually as if she was just taking a stroll. Ozen could feel cold, a chill, for the first time since he had reached Rank 4 on his path. For the first time in decades, he felt a frost deeper then his own. He could see it clawing its way up his arm and he couldn’t help it. He was afraid.

He let go and the body that should be Kat dropped, heart remaining where it was and the large hole rapidly closing even now. Her voice was a strange mixture of burning and popping as well as harsh whistling wind. It promised an eternity frozen alive while being boiled from the inside. It was like the spitting of liquid nitrogen as it boiled in the air, and no matter how cold you knew it to be, it WOULD burn. “What’s wrong? Big bad ice cultivator doesn’t appreciate the idea of freezing to death?” taunted... Kat...?

Nobody else was around. Yang could only stare in amazement, Xuena was unconscious and Xiang... well if he was still in control of himself at all he had so many ice swords sticking out of him that he wouldn’t have been able to see anything anyway. Only Ozen could properly witness the figure before him.

To say it was anyone other then Kat would be demonstrably false. The face was unchanged, and the signature kimono rested over her shoulders. That’s really where the similarities ended. The eyes were sharp, predatory things with a gaze that seemed focused on its next meal. The teeth were sharpened points that made ‘Kat’ look like she’d swallowed a cavern of icicles. All of her features were backed by that ever present purple fire. It burned and twisted under an invisible layer that seemed to contain it all, limiting it to the shape. Though... to say the figure felt confined at all would be a mistake.

The kimono on its shoulders hung loosely revealing a good helping of cleavage. At her back, a slit cutting down the middle starting just above the figure’s tail allowed for a glance at a prize behind. Not to say that outfit continued all that long. The figures full legs were on display, the kimono looking like it was sliced off at the upper thigh as if a mere step would reveal a hidden jewel.

The figure floated slightly, stepping not on the ice but a good half foot above it as if the ground was too good for ‘her’. Wings as well, extended not from the back but a small distance behind that. Unlike the rest of the body that was contained, the wings flowed and dripped fire as they flapped, leaving long afterimages of their passage. The shoes were entirely absent.


Ozen tugged again, desperately trying to free his hand from this ice witch’s grasp but he couldn’t seem to get it to budge properly. All he managed was to crack some of the ice, taking off a few layers of skin as he did so, wincing at the sounds. “Aw... too scared to answer me little Ozzy?” josei

“I no not what manner of monster you are but you shall NOT TAKE ME!” screamed Ozen with genuine fear.

“Oh Ozzy... I don’t believe that’s really up to you any more... is... it? What was it you said... that it left you in a bad position? That it made you weak? To consider letting Xuena return that is. Well... I have to say... right now I’m the one who looks STRONG. I feel like that gives me a good deal of leverage right here,” ‘Kat’ twisted Ozen arm and he hissed, forced to go along with the movement. “See... you’ve been rather mean haven’t you? Playing with your food... naughty boy,”

‘Kat’ licked her lips with a grin showing far too many teeth... if they could even be called that anymore. “One dear forced to watch, her eyes protected by the light that allows her to see the devastation of her friends. Another, hiding and so forced to bear it all to the world. And the last... well... he you took out a lot of anger on. Nothing poetic about it. Frankly it was a little BRUTISH”

As ‘Kat’ finished her sentence she clamped down hard shattering Ozen’s wrist and the muscles frozen beneath her grasp. She let out a sigh as he screamed, “What a shame I didn’t quite get down to bone. Just a little bit of breakage... I’m quite impressed actually. I could play with you for some time...”

Ozen’s eyes widened in horror, only for the sound of crunching snow to ring across the clearing, something was running nearby. ‘Kat’ turned lazily to see what it is only for her to go wide at the sight of Lily charging through the snow. That moment of hesitation was all Ozen needed to make his own attempt. He brought his sword down and straight through ‘Kat’s’ neck... to literally no effect.

As ‘Kat’ lazily turned around to reprimand him for the attempt he instead sliced off his own arm, and then a moment later he was gone. ‘Kat’ stood there dumbfounded. Just standing there in the middle of the snow with bodies of half dead people surrounding her. “Huh... bit of a coward I guess...”

Lily slid to a stop nearby and looked between the Kat on the floor and the fire Kat standing up. She didn’t know what to do so... she transformed and glared at Kat, her gaze hardening. “What are you?”

‘Kat’ turned to Lily and pouted, “Oh Lily I’m hurt, why obviously I’m Kat aren’t I?”

Lily felt a spike in her own heart. As horrifying as ‘Kat’ sounded, as much as her eyes said that she was ready to eat this little kitty... there was also genuine pain in that gaze. As if what had just been said really did cause her pain. It was a subtle thing, and so much of her expression was trying to say that she was just playing with her food...

But Lily was an expert in Kat. She’d studied her face longer then any textbook. More frequently then all her random tangents put together. Every subtle nuance had been catalogued, if not understood and burned into her exceptional mind. Lily stared back... and said, “I’d never want to hurt Kat. I of course, never said you were not her. So I ask again, not WHO are you... but WHAT?”

‘Kat’ walked languidly towards Lily, even as Yang tried to open her mouth and scream at Lily’s foolishness. Xiang was finally having some of the ice pushed out of his body, though he did collapse. Lily... well Lily just locked eyes with ‘Kat’ and dared her to try something.

Then all of a sudden ‘Kat’ was kissing her, sticking an overly long tongue down Lily’s throat much further then it should go. Lily couldn’t help but moan at the attempt, and didn’t react when a flaming tail pulled her closer. Lily’s mind was burning, slowly being enveloped by pleasure, and even if it was very forward... there was still a touch of Kat in the movements. The fact that she was being hugged high up, the fact that yes there was a long tongue in her mouth but it didn’t do anything but sit there.

Then ‘Kat’s’ tail started to sneak towards something Lily was in no way ready for. She pushed hard to separate the two of them and ‘Kat’ went stumbling back. “Naw, does the cutey no longer want to play? I could just eat you up...”

Lily shook the blush from her face and said, “No. I’m not ready for that and frankly neither are you,”

‘Kat’ pouted, “Are you sure? I can guarantee that it’d be... exceptional. You’d be screaming in pleasure in mere moments. I am certain you’ll never forget it...”

Lily stood firm, “No. I don’t think you really want that either. You’ve also been avoiding the question, WHAT are you?”

“I believe I already said I was Kat did I not?” said ‘Kat’

“No, you strongly implied that you were Kat, but you still turned it into a question. You have not confirmed much of anything truth be told, and while I did let you kiss me, and I stand by that decision, I need more a little bit more from you now,” said Lily firmly.

“Oh playing hard to get?” asked ‘Kat’ with a coy look, leaning forward to make sure her breasts were exposed. Lily’s eyes couldn’t help but follow those firey curves that seemed to shift and draw the eye in.

Eventually she wrenched her eyes away. “No. I want a clear answer. The type of answer KAT would give me,”

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