D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 935 - 935 Chapter 935 2nd Base on Offer

Chapter 935 - 935 Chapter 935 2nd Base on Offer

935 Chapter 935 2nd Base on Offer

As they came out of the teleportation Lily was surprised they ended up a good metre off the ground. She panicked, clinging to Kat who simply took the fall damage on her legs without issue. It was then, that Kat realised why they weren’t summoned on the ground. It was completely intentional. When Sue’s feet hit the ground her assets bounced slowly taking the laws of physics as suggestions. The light clap of what had to be Sue’s backside was in Kat’s opinion, a step too far.

“WHAT THE HECK! Are your boobs made of jelly or something?” hissed Lily, thoughts filled with images of what it’d be like to squish Sue’s boobs in her hands. They all the harder to dismiss because she knew Sue would allow it, should she ask, and Kat likely wouldn’t care knowing it was more about curiosity and the lack of proper romance. Still, it was only Sue that would ever suggest such a thing out loud.

“Mine certainly aren’t” said Sue bending forward and letting her chest sway from side to side. She also lifted her tail up showing her backside to the crowds of people behind her at the teleportation point. “But perhaps you’d be more interested in a hands on example? Instead of just taking my word for it?”

“Flirt on your own time lady there are kids around!” shouted a demon from the crowd. That was of course, when Lily realised they had an audience. Kat had been paying them minimal attention, Sue was actually the most aware of her surroundings. A second look would reveal that Sue had actually angled herself to show off to Lily yes, but also to the group of adults walking by. Children could see her sure, but the four groups with children in them were all off to the side and would need to move to see anything properly.

Sue stood and turned to the demon who shouted. He looked like a cross between an eagle and a vampire. His skin was chalky white with bright red eyes. His back had bird wings on it and his face sharpened to a point. It was only a slightly different colour, but it caught the light in such a way as to make it obvious it was a keratin beak, or whatever equivalent demons had. His outfit was a pure black suite with a dash of a red tie revealing a chest of feathers underneath his jacket instead of a shirt. He did however have one strange feature… his hands were tentacles.

So when Sue spotted that she grinned and said, “Who me? Why my god sir I am hardly doing anything indecent. Especially when you are so brazenly allowing your own assets to be on such a proud display? Why… if I were to get a little closer I might be worried for my chastity!”

The demon just sneered at her and walked off. The few others that were watching the ‘show’ looked away as well, forming into one big line that progressed into the sea of tents surrounding them on all sides. “Damn, that one actually knows how to play. Prude he might be… but he wasn’t going to win if he responded to me. I feel… unfulfilled,”

“Um… right well… what direction are we heading?” asked Lily cautiously, hoping not to provoke anymore teasing.

Sue gave Lily a look that said ‘you aren’t fooling me at all. Or getting off the hook’ “Follow me my friends! It’s still a fair way but this is the closest teleportation spot to the board game quarters. They are… thisaway!”


Lily pretty quickly decided she wanted nothing to do with the crowds and transformed in Kat’s arms before hopping up and taking Kat’s head as her place of rest. It let her see most stalls a lot better and prevented her getting packed in or carried away by the tide of people. Lily and Kat were of the opinion that the crowd really should be a bit more orderly. People were swiftly heading too and frow and while there were two main lines on the footpath, one for each direction, many people were ignoring them to get to stalls, or just pushing their way through.

What was strange, to Lily at least, was that quite a few demons would regularly try to reach out to Sue, brushing her chest or ass. Most of these Sue clearly let pass, either keeping herself going in a straight line, or in a few instances, actually pressing herself into the touches. The odd thing was though… Lily managed to barely catch one attempt that Sue smacked away, and Kat caught three more. [Ok… I’ve gotta ask what is Sue doing?] josei

*Yeah I want to know…* “Sue… what exactly are you up to?” asked Kat.

The pair could feel Sue’s grin even before she looked back to flash them the smile, “I was waiting to see how long that would go on for before you asked. Well, it’s pretty simple really isn’t it? Nearly everyone here is a demon, faster and stronger then this mortal speed I’m walking at yeah? It’s beyond easy for me to dodge pretty much any of those grabbing hands but I am advertising that I’m open to it,”

Kat opened her mouth to question that statement before Sue gave a notable flick of her tail, “No let me finish. See, it’s a cultural thing in many ways. For other cultures, what I’m doing might not be considered an open invitation. Here though, it really is. The reason for that is not only can I do the same thing back, something I WOULD be doing if I wasn’t with you guys, they aren’t actually reaching for me all that fast.

“If I wanted to stop them, I’m more than capable of that. If they’re moving at my ‘normal’ speed I can see those sorts of grabs coming and if I was really just dressing up to show off? I can avoid them. What I’m doing though? You see these hips? Every step I take I’m swaying them just the right amount to get maximum bounce for my efforts. I step and land heavily on my heels to make my chest bounce noticeably.

“For a race like ours, these are massive flags showing off. I’m doing practically everything short of ripping my top off and shouting for all to hear that it’s perfectly ok to touch, but I’m not stopping to have fun because I’m playing tour guide,”

“What about the ones you hit away?” asked ‘Lily’

“Well it depends on the hand in question. The first guy I hit away was because he had a girl on his arm. Now, I’m not against getting down with a group, it can be fun, but that girl was glaring a hole in the back of the poor guy’s head. Slapping his hand away was for her benefit not mine. It shows that I may be a whore, literally I do make my Contracts doing this type of thing, but I am a RESPECTABLE whore. It’s a big difference.

“The next one was a girl that was trying to touch me a second time. Bit rude really, she was running through the crowd and looped around abusing the fact she can go… sort of 2D? That’s just holding up traffic, and maybe if it was a hot guy I’d take it as an invitation to have a bit of fun somewhere… but I’m not that into girls I don’t want to encourage people to set up a merry-go-round nearby to try and get some. That’s also rude.

“The third one, was another girl, she was going in for a flick, trying to see just how much she could get my ass to jiggle. Which. Rude. That’s basically her way of saying she doesn’t think my technique is up to snuff or she thinks I’m abusing a skill to fake it. That’s basically spitting on my pride. I worked hard to look this good while walking through a crowded street, so I’m not going to let her get away with that sort of shit,”

Of course through this whole conversation Sue was able to ‘grab’ a further attention. “So… this is just normal?” asked Kat confused.

Sue nodded, “Eh… I wouldn’t say it’s normal exactly… but it’s something you learn as a Succubus that wants to attract that sort of attention. Those people you saw me leaning into? They were basically just teens. They were just trying to cop a feel because they saw other’s trying it, not because they know. I gave them a bit more of a handful to show them it’s ok, but it’s not like I have time to explain the rules of this sort of thing,”

“Seems a bit dangerous thing to have culturally acceptable” said ‘Lily’

Sue shrugged, “If it ever gets too far, just let out a bit of demonic fire. It’s not going to do much damage to a demon, at least, not quickly if they’re the same Rank or above… but it’s a big ‘FUCK OFF MATE’ sign. My little slaps are part of the game really. Besides if you haven’t noticed, not a single person has tried to do the same thing to Kat, despite the fact that her legs are on display.

“You’ve got to go WAY over the top to make people feel comfortable to go for things like this. I mean, you’ve seen me Lily, you’ve certainly noticed. I have like half my ass and a third of my tits out. These pants only fit on me because they have a size reduction enchantment on them to shrink once they’re on and a few medical ones to prevent any potential damage,”

“That… that seems like way too much effort,” said ‘Lily’

Sue nodded “That’s what I mean. I’ve clearly gone through a bit of trouble to look like this. So those who know? Well they know,”

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