D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 945 - 945 Chapter 945 Bruce Takes the Lead

Chapter 945 - 945 Chapter 945 Bruce Takes the Lead

945 Chapter 945 Bruce Takes the Lead

The silence continued as Roxanne struggled to think of something to say. Then her gaze sharpened and Bruce realised Roxanne was about to say something particularly nasty to try and trip Vivian and the kids up, perhaps even Callisto as well. Bruce firmed his decision in that moment. It was a risk, and maybe he’d look like a fool… but Roxanne was definitely about to take things too far. “You know, I’m amazed you managed to keep the fact that magic is real a secret,” said Bruce. Roxanne’s mouth slammed shut as she glared at Bruce out of the corner of her eyes. She was shocked, and couldn’t properly control her facial expression after such a declaration. “With that knowledge on the table… Kat… are you actually a demon? Or just a witch pretending to be one?”

*Holy shit Bruce knows?! Might as well go big then.* Roxy didn’t look too pleased with Bruce’s statement, but for him it was an easy choice to make. He recognised that his wife saw no lies, but didn’t want to play the fool admitting it either under the circumstances. Well, he could play the fool. In this instance though… Kat pressed down on the mental button and exploded into purple smoke.

She manoeuvred around behind the chair and returned to normal leaning against the backrest, trying not to show how horribly draining that was. *Shit. If I wasn’t linked with Lily, and didn’t have the powerup from being Rank 3 I don’t think I could have pulled that off. Earth really does hamper our abilities. Sure I wasn’t using it as intended but I’m basically out of energy!* “I’m actually a demon,” said Kat letting her wings spread out for good measure.

“I see,” said Roxy stiffly before turning to Bruce, “Dear husband” the word husband was sounding an awful lot like an accusation to Bruce at that moment, “might you enlighten me as to how you were able to… deduce such a thing?”

“Well. Wife.” Bruce shot back, “I would have to say that you’re losing your touch. If you’d been watching Kat a bit more closely you might have noticed her wings fidget when held in place too long. On top of that, her horns are clearly not paper mache or plastic. Finally, her tail. It moves in such a lifelike way that unless Callisto suddenly took an interesting in advanced robotics and put the whole thing together in the few moments she was out of the room… then I have to conclude that it’s all real,”

Roxy glanced at the room and didn’t really no what to say. She seemed to be the only one that was surprised. “What… this… this is really not how the game is supposed to be played here. Storing ammunition to ensure that I embarrass my daughter is one thing… but you were basically keeping a nuclear bomb in the basement. I mean really, magic is real. How did you manage to hide such a thing? Why are you hiding such a thing?” grumbled irately.

Vivian of course, had no response of course, but Callisto was once again on the ball, “Firstly I could point out that we did not sign up for this ‘game’ in the first place. I could also then point out that we were given no warning of your arrival, and thus, the fact we had something to shock you so thoroughly is hardly something to be lain at our feet. Lastly… what else could we do really? It is not as though you could believe it all from a simple letter. Even now I can see the doubt in your eyes. Only the fact your husband is looking so smug about being correct is stopping you from checking for hallucinogens.”

Roxy let out an exasperated sound, “To be fair, it wouldn’t be the first time we were dosed with something strange before a big meeting. Bruce gets very huggy when he’s like that though, so it’s rather easy to tell he’s in his right now,”

“Don’t tempt me woman,” fired off Bruce.


“My Bruce, so forward,” said Roxy with a husky tone of voice, “but I can’t say it’s appropriate right now. I mean, what sort of example would we be setting for the grandkids? I’d really rather not give them a show like that. What would they think of us?”

Bruce rolled his eyes, “Considering one of them is a little Callisto and the other has a girlfriend, I’d say one would be mortified, and the other would be taking notes about ‘normal human mating rituals’ as if they were some rare bird from another continent,”

Roxy nodded, conceding the point, “Yes that does indeed sound about right. I suppose it would be a bit much for a lesbian in a buddying relationship to see us old folks partaking in our own pleasure. Probably not a family activity. Although…” Roxy took another glance at Kat, “I think Kat has to be a Succubus, so perhaps it IS appropriate,”

“No I’m asexual,” Kat said firmly, cutting off that line of thought for the pair. It was already mortifying just to hear it. Kat had thought that after recently spending the day with Sue that she wouldn’t be so flustered hearing stuff like this but apparently there was a whole new level of mortification that came with having the speakers be from an older generation.

“Wait then how did you end up with a girlfriend?” asked Roxy, genuinely curious on this point, “and how are you asexual AND a Succubus, because I noticed you didn’t deny that part,”

Kat shrugged, “Same way as you can be asexual and human I suppose? I have heard that it’s even rarer to see in Succubi but it does happen. It’s much more common with other types of demons, but here we are. As for how I got a girlfriend… well… do you want to hear the long version or the short version?”

“Well, I am definitely interested in both…” said Roxy slowly, waiting to see if that would spark any reaction in Kat. It didn’t, all that happened was Kat turning to face Roxy as she spoke, “…but we can just take the short version for now. We’ll be staying in town for a while and we can get the full story later,” josei

Kat nodded and hopped back down into her seat, “The short version is that while I might not be sexually attracted to Lily, she is, if you ignore Sylvie, the most important person in my life by a considerable margin. Combine that with the fact she IS a lesbian and I apparently check all of her boxes, it was enough for her to ask me out, and for me to say yes. We’ve been best friends for years, and it was a little hard for her to not say anything because of the whole turning into a cat thing,”

“Oh… oh right you did say that…” mumbled Roxy as her brain caught up to the fact that Kat had in fact said that she was dating a ‘catgirl’. Now Roxy didn’t really know what that meant, but it was weird and the fact she’d let it slip her mind so easily was a failing on her part. She didn’t take it overly hard, she did just find out magic was real, and hadn’t had time to examine the conversation in light of that revelation. “I suppose the next question then is what is a ‘cat girl’ and how did Lily become one? Assuming she wasn’t one before, considering you did say ‘turning into…’?

Kat nodded, “That story is a little longer and isn’t really mine to tell. Lily is always in my thoughts and she’d be a bit put out if she couldn’t explain it all herself. Especially when she lives just over the fence. If you don’t mind waiting a few moments she can be over here to tell you herself,”

“While it is sweet that she’s always in your thoughts, that doesn’t mean you cannot speak on her behalf. Just the highlights are fine, no need to bother her getting here early. Assuming she is coming around for Sylvie’s party?” said Roxy.

Kat shook her head, “No I mean that a bit more literally. As in Lily can hear my thoughts and has been watching the whole conversation,”

Roxy stared at Kat for a few moments. “That… that is an awfully close bond to have with someone. I can hardly picture what that would be like. While I do love my husband I’m not sure I’d want him to be privy to my every thought,”

“As if I’ve not already figured out 95% of them,” chuckled Bruce.

“And I’d like to keep it at 95% thank you very much. Some things must not be shared!” insisted Roxy.

Kat shrugged, “Technically we can close it off if we try but Lily can’t do that yet and I don’t like to, both out of respect for that particular fact and because I don’t have anything to hide form her,”

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