D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 947 - 947 Chapter 947 Let’s Get This Party Started

Chapter 947 - 947 Chapter 947 Let’s Get This Party Started

947 Chapter 947 Let’s Get This Party Started

Eventually the conversation wrapped up for lunch, which then led into everyone moving to the spare room that had been set aside for the party. It was a bit cramped now that they had two additional guests, but Lily and Sylvie were happy to sit on Kat’s and Vivian’s laps respectively.

While they were getting situated, Bruce went back outside to grab their own gifts for Sylvie, before adding them to the large pile that was sitting on the table in the middle of the room. The plastic chairs everyone had taken weren’t terribly comfortable, but that was fine. Kat was actually the only one having issues. She could hear the cheap plastic groaning as she sat and needed to abuse her tail and demonic strength to keep herself from falling. Something she regularly forgot was that she was denser now.

Her muscles and bones were tougher, not just because of magical nonsense, but also because they compacted themselves and gained density when she ranked up. For the higher quality furniture, both in the Hub and in other rooms, it wasn’t an issue. For cheap plastic chairs that Callisto had picked up on sale by the dozen? It was a significant increase in weight and they just weren’t built to handle it. *Well that can’t be good.*

[Wait is that the chair? How did you get it to stop?]

*I’m essentially doing that ‘air chair’ exercise at the moment while making it look like I’m sitting down on the chair. My tail is on the ground and helping with the fact that I don’t want to put too much pressure on the wall either.*

[That… that’s not something I ever considered might be a problem. I wonder how often that comes up in the Hub. Does that mean you need furniture weighted for your ‘weight class’ essentially?]

*Are you implying I’m fat now?* Asked Kat knowing full well Lily was doing no such this. She was surprised by the rush of mental images. Mostly centred around a Kat with a slightly fully figure… mostly an expansion of her ass and tits with just a little extra on her thighs. *Oh? Is that what you’d prefer?* Taunted Kat, only to get a flash of panic before a deluge of more accurate mental images of Kat doing various stretches. Kat actually felt her own heart warm at the knowledge that Lily didn’t actually want her to look any different, just have chances to show it off.


*It’s fine. Though it is good to see you prefer me the way I am.*


[Of course I do! But you had to put those thoughts in my head!]

*Why I resent that implication. I did not send you a single salacious thought yet you forwarded a truly impressive number of lewd thoughts.*

[It was because you brought up getting fat.]

*Lily… if that’s your idea of ‘fat’ I feel like we need to have a frank discussion about body image.*

[That might be true if you weren’t a Succubus Kat. I don’t know if I could conceptualise you looking anything short of perfect, so while I can find the idea of you having more t&a to admire and… maybe play with a bit…] Lily shook her head to clear the images that were already rising back up. [Right well… despite that I still can’t imagine you gaining too much weight to be attractive or that the weight would ever go to the wrong places. I mean… look at Sue! She has to have at least a third of her weight tied up in tits and ass!]

*You know… I wonder about that. If she was a normal human, perhaps you might have a point… but how is a demons weight distributed? I doubt we’re made of the same sort of stuff and isn’t it a sort of Succubus stapple to have large breasts? Perhaps we evolved a way to make them large without needless weight.*

[Counterpoint, you can bench press a tree.]

*Ah yeah… that would probably negate the necessity of finding a way to remove back pain. Just have better muscles.*

[Right… but can we get back to the party? I can hear Bruce climbing the stairs and I really don’t want to be thinking about lewd things when Sylvie should be in the spotlight.]

*Of course. And Sylvie has been so very patient, waiting till after lunch to even look at her presents!* Kat and Lily left their conversation just as Bruce opened the door to bring in a medium sized box that was a little smaller then his chest, as well as a second smaller one that was about twice the size of a fist, placing it down with the rest of the presents.

Vivian clapped, to get everyone’s attention. “Awesome! Now that everything for Sylvie is here I can announce that the first gift, mine… isn’t actually here at all! Teehee” Vivian laughed a bit and poked her tongue out.

Sylvie gave Vivian a swift jab in the stomach, and Vivian played along, clutching at her side and toppling over, bringing Sylvie with her of course as she slumped off to the side of the chair. Which… really was a poor idea. The chairs didn’t have any weight of their own and instantly started to topple. Only the fact Callisto must have seen the interaction coming saved further issues. The maid in question stomped a foot down on the leg of the chair forcing it to remain in place. Vivian bolted upright and gave a sheepish smile to the room. “No injuring the birthday girl,” said Callisto, a slightly icy tone in her voice.

“Um… right sorry…” apologised Vivian as she gave Sylvie a kiss in the cheek and a few pats on the head. “I’ve got a shelf for all your books. It was a bit of effort getting something that matches Chekov’s work, especially considering he didn’t want to take another order from me until he finishes Kat’s desk… something he still hasn’t made much progress on apparently. It’s in the garage at the moment under some covers. Kat can take it upstairs later,” josei

“And you’re making your daughter lift that herself why?” questioned Roxy with a glare before Sylvie could even thank Vivian for the thought.

“It is likely because Kat could lift your car with a single hand and still not feel tired,” interjected Callisto.

“Ah… right…” mumbled Roxy suitably chastised.

“Mhm!” mumbled Vivian with a nod, “Unlike some people, cough, Lily, cough, it’s not a good idea to just stack books up on the floor. I thought now that you were starting to look for a few and keep them around a shelf was necessary!”

“You do know that you’re supposed to cough instead of just saying the word ‘cough’ right Vivian?” said ‘Lily’.

Vivian tilted her head and poked a finger into her cheek, “No… that can’t be right…”

Roxy lightly smacked the back of Vivian’s head, “Enough messing around, this is Sylvie’s party not your comedy show,”

“Where do you think I get the habit from Mum?” retorted Vivian. Bruce snicked until Roxy turned to glare at him. When they locked eyes, Bruce simply projected an air of complete innocence.

Sylvie giggled at the byplay which seemed to completely diffuse what little tension as building. She also managed to wiggle free of Vivian’s arms so that she could pick out her presents. Callisto instantly realised that was going to be a problem because the temporary table they’d set up in the room wasn’t designed with small children in mind. Sylvie’s eyeline didn’t even match up to the tabletop let alone give her the ability to look over her spoils. Callisto lifted her up in a swift motion and whispered, “Which one do you want?”

Sylvie shrugged until Callisto turned her around to a pouting Vivian acting like a child that had just been told Christmas was cancelled. Sylvie burst into laughter when Callisto continued the circle and revealed that Roxy was wearing the exact same expression. Bruce had a small smile of his own while Lily was laughing quite a bit internally and Kat was enjoying the feeling immensely. It was silly yes, but Kat was starting to understand what Callisto had meant earlier when she said Roxy was doing it all just to mess with them.

Sure Roxy was still teasing Vivian but it was clear that mother and daughter were just as bubbly and prone to acting much younger then their true ages when the mood caught them. It was probably why Roxy was so good at embarrassing her daughter. It was highly probably that Roxy was using all the same tricks her own parents, or maybe friends, used against her in her youth. Lily was quite interested in which of the two it was. Was Roxy teased by her friends when she was younger and decided to train her daughter up to resist that pressure? Or did Roxy have to deal with her own mother teasing her mercilessly whenever she visited.

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