D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 956 - 956 Chapter 956 Sleepy Lily is Adorable I tell You

Chapter 956 - 956 Chapter 956 Sleepy Lily is Adorable I tell You

956 Chapter 956 Sleepy Lily is Adorable I tell You

When a circle lit up beneath her, Kat was actually a bit relieved. Kat had started feeling rather odd after going so long without a Contract. She felt a bit like a kid that had been spotted sneaking into the cookie jar. Despite knowing she was entitled to a break, the fact that she just ended up with one without any further communication was somewhat uncomfortable. So now that it was time to leave, Kat felt the pressure that had been building in the back of her mind dissipating. josei

*You know… I wonder if this is the reason we keep getting Contracts so regularly? Is it because demons get a bit weird without a Contract to do regularly?* Kat wasn’t entirely sure of the answer. Shrugging she quickly got dressed and headed downstairs and out the door. Today was one of the days Lily hadn’t decided to risk staying the night over, in cat form of course. Because that apparently made it more socially acceptable. Kat knew why of course… but didn’t really feel the weight behind that assertion. Despite that, it DID make Lily more comfortable so Kat was in no rush to change things. Poke a bit sure, but not change things.

Kat said her goodbyes to Callisto, the only person who was currently around. It was actually pretty late in the day, but Sylvie was at work, and Vivian was at school. Wait. Kat shook her head, as she realised her train of thought was running the wrong way. It was actually nearly lunchtime and Lily had slept it. Kat blamed the fact that she kept up her practice like a maniac and had completely collapsed yesterday. Evaline had been watching Lily practicing at the time, and put her foot down, it was one of the main reasons Lily was sleeping by herself today. Evaline didn’t trust Kat to force Lily to sleep.

She was correct of course, but Kat was pretty sure that Lily wouldn’t have pushed to stay up anyway. Kat might not have stopped Lily doing anything, unless it was directly harmful… but even then. Kat knew if Lily begged enough she’d probably still give in. Perhaps Evaline was correct to force Lily to stay the night. Nevertheless, it was time to go on a Contract and Kat was ready.

She even had a brand new backpack that Callisto had made for her. It was small, and easily folded up, with clips on it that allowed it to act either as a handbag or as a small backpack that fit around her wings. It wasn’t exactly good for storing things in it, but it was perfect for Lily to ride in, which to Kat, was the entire point.

Lily had also pulled out her old school backpack. Well, it was on the floor of Lily’s room with extra close in it at the moment, but it was still prepped. For Lily, it was simply a matter of the nice cloth bag she got from Jara being more of a showy bag that didn’t fit all that much then a proper storage device. Lily now had three changes of clothes, a large water bottle, a blanket, a few packets of jerky and a sealed container for after it was open as well as a towel that could be used as a towel, or a second blanket in a pinch.

The blanket was the only thing Lily wasn’t entirely pleased with. Due to space constraints it wasn’t particularly thick or large enough for two people. Lily would’ve preferred a sleeping bag, but the only one of those her family had was a large couple’s sleeping bag her parents owned. It was old, and even folded up took up nearly as much space as the backpack itself.

Kat snuck in through the window, Lily had taken to leaving it open just a crack. Kat could use her finger nails to open it but unsavoury individuals should struggle. It also wasn’t obvious to the naked eye that it was open at all. Kat smiled down at Lily, who was sleeping on her pillow in Memphis form. Even after Lily had gotten her humanoid form back… Lily mostly seemed to gravitate towards her Memphis one, especially when sleeping. Kat wasn’t sure if this was a habit born out of sleeping as a Memphis on top of herself regularly, or if Lily now preferred to sleep as a Memphis.

Regardless, Kat scratched a finger against Lily’s cheek. Lily, even in her sleep could recognise whose touch it was, and simply started to purr, while leaning further into Kat’s finger. Kat sighed, knowing she was going to have to wake Lily up, no matter how adorable her girlfriend was. Especially considering how late it was. She’d have no excuse.


Kat started to click her fingers near Lily’s ears. Not too close, Kat didn’t want to hurt Lily, and a cat had much more sensitive ears after all. It… didn’t really seem to be working. Lily’s ears twitched every time Kat snapped her fingers, but after a few sniffs, Lily simply settled back down and let her ears follow the sound in her sleep. Kat’s scent was much too prevalent at the moment so in Lily’s mind everything was all good. It didn’t matter that Kat was the one trying to wake her up. Kat was here… and it was all good.

“Lily, Lily wake up,” whispered Kat.

A few moments pass.

“Lily, wake up please,” repeated Kat.

A few more moments pass.

Kat prepares to yell… and then realises Evaline is home. Hmm… Kat walks out into the lounge room to find Evaline at her laptop doing… something? Taxes perhaps? Evaline looks up as she hears Kat enter the room. The floorboards in the hall creaking somewhat under Kat’s weight. “Ah, Kat. It’s nice to see you I suppose,”

Kat nodded, “It’s good to see you as well Evaline,” Kat said ignoring the implications in Evaline’s phrasing, “It’s finally time for another Contract and I need to wake Lily… but she’s not really budging for me,”

Evaline sighed, “That girl… I warned her she needed to rest properly,” shaking her head Evaline stood up as she brushed past Kat who was taking up a good deal of the hallway. When Evaline got the door open she just shook her head again, “I’m not surprised you couldn’t wake her. She’s awfully perceptive even while asleep in that form. She probably thinks you being around means that there isn’t anything to worry about,”

“Lily, wake up now,” said Evaline. She simply used a natural volume… but there was a force behind it that only a mother could generate. Lily flinched awake immediately, quickly looking around the room for a clue as to what was going on, only to see Kat standing in the doorway behind her mother. [Hi Kat? Um… not that I’m not thrilled to see you as soon as I wake up but what’s going on?]

*Time for a Contract!*

Lily’s eyes went wide before she quickly transformed mid motion. She was diving off the bed and managed to roll into her backpack before transforming again and hopping up onto the bed, then shoot over Evaline straight into Kat’s arms. Evaline rolled her eyes at the movements. “Not even a goodbye for your dear old mother?”

[Oh dear. I seem to have made a mistake.]

*We’ve got time. I rushed over here and the circle isn’t being too much of a pain. Plus… pretty sure I can manually ask to leave from here if I want? Let me just ask…*

User Kat can indeed leave from whatever position User Kat wishes. User Kat will be forcefully moved if no excuse has been raised and the time limit expires. The Glowing circle serves as both a convenient exit, and a way to remind User that a summoning is occurring.

*Ok, we’re good. You can chat with your mum then I can just summon us straight from here.*

Lily nodded and transformed, not really taking into account the fact that there really wasn’t much space in the hallway, and certainly not between Evaline and Kat. When Lily’s transformation finished she was wedged into between the two, with her backpack pushing into Kat’s chest. “Um… woops…” mumbled Lily.

Transforming again, Lily ducked around Evaline’s legs before transforming a second time, or arguably third time, back to human. Lily shifted the backpack awkwardly, trying to make sure her tail wasn’t caught by any of the straps. “Sorry Mum… I sort of panicked?”

Evaline sighed, “Yes indeed, you panicked and your first thought was to jump into Kat’s arms. I understand, I’m no longer the most important woman in your life and while that does make me sad, I suppose it is still nice to see you growing up,”

“Muuum…” mumbled Lily embarrassed, only to be cut off by Evaline stepping forward to wrap her arms around her daughter.

“It’s fine Lily. I’m just teasing you a bit. Just know that I’m still your mother and while I support your decisions I’ll always be here if you need help. Try not to be away for so long this time alright?” whispered Evaline for only her daughter to her. Of course, Kat’s ears were good enough not to miss it… but well… Evaline didn’t need to know that. Lily just hugged her mother back, rubbing her face into Evaline’s side.

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