D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 960 - 960 Chapter 960 Old Man Walking

Chapter 960 - 960 Chapter 960 Old Man Walking

960 Chapter 960 Old Man Walking

The girls eventually moved to one of the nearby chairs. Kat grabbed a plate of fruit to share, while Sue grabbed a plate of stew and a plate of raw meat. They took up residence in one of the normal sized chairs and started to eat slowly. Well, Kat and Sue were eating slowly. Lily gulped down four slices of meat in quick succession before curling up in Kat’s lap. “Do you get much good food during a Contract?”

“Oh all the time,” said Sue between mouthfuls. “I’m at fancy parties quite regularly and if I’m on something resembling a proper date I’m normally treated something special, either a nice home cooked meal, or a good dinner. It’s weird how often guys try to impress me on dates despite the fact they’re paying for my time you know? Not something I totally get. I mean, maybe if I was a Gluttony demon but like… I’m going to be way more impressed if you try during our night-time dancing then if you’ve got money to blow on food. Clearly you do if you’ve bothered to summon me in the first place,”

“Huh… I guess it’s not that special then,” mumbled Kat.

“Eh, I’m not trying to downplay whatever favourite dish you seem to have, but for me I regularly get good food. Both Mum and Dad are great cooks. I get good food during Contracts. Food is food to me. I’ve got a taste for the expensive stuff but I can deal with eating crap if I have to. I’m not so far gone. Then again… that might be from swallowing,”

Lily and Kat gagged in sink. “What?” grumbled Sue, “Nothin’ wrong with it,”

“I…” Kat started and then paused for a few moments. “Huh… I’m not sure I have a good excuse for my reaction… it just… doesn’t seem appealing at all…”

[Well for me it’s the idea of having dick in my mouth. Ugh. I hate that I even had to acknowledge it mentally] “Huh… Lily had a better reason then me,” said Kat before going on to explain Lily’s thought process.

“I can’t say I understand Lily’s thoughts either truth be told,” said Sue as she ran her tongue seductively over the spoon. Seeing that Kat and Lily weren’t reacting to that, Sue took the spoon into her mouth and down her throat before pulling it out again, “Gotta make sure I get all the soup off it,”

Kat rolled her eyes, “Yeah sure that’s why,” said Kat as she ate the not-grapes she picked up. They were rather crunchy but considering they were crunchy all the way through and the whole thing tasted rather nice, she was pretty certain they were meant to be eaten as-is. “Do you know what’s taking so long? I’d have thought we’d be contacted by now,”


Sue took another big gulp of soup, like a normal person this time, before answering Kat’s question. “Could be any number of reasons. They could be willing to observe us until we start to do something strange, they could be a big group of demon summoners and be waiting for the client to actually arrive, they could be slowly poisoning the air here just to see if it’ll impair our judge. Really, it could be anything,”

“Wait… can they poison us?” asked Kat with some concern.

“Eh… not easily,” said Sue. “A lot of demons are resistant to poison. Venom is another matter, but our stomachs are built very differently so it’s not a hug concern. If I really wanted to I could eat the metal plate you’re using. I doubt I’d like the taste, but I could do it if I wanted. If we’re breathing it in… depends how concentrated it is, and venom is regularly an issue unless you have bullshit regeneration like you,”

“So… do you think they’re trying to poison us?” asked Kat now with some more concern.

Sue shook her head, “Nope, not worth the effort. Especially considering you’re here. At Rank 3 the chance that you’d be effected by anything short of the very best poison, venom, either or, is super low. The problem is, I’d likely be effected first, and then you’d bash their heads in. If they went to the trouble of getting something really really strong? Something that got us both? Well then we’d be summoned back home via the safety protocols.” Kat still didn’t look super pleased with the news so Sue added, “Look Kat. You’ve got your regeneration and you’re Rank 3. Poison is not something to worry about. Acid is a bigger concern and you’d notice that,”

“Why acid?” asked Kat carefully.

“Well, perhaps not for you specifically but acid and fire scar wounds. If you regeneration isn’t up to par then you need to either see a doctor when the missions over, or if it’s nearly good enough you need to slice bits of yourself off. For you… it’s more an that good acid is a lot more common then good poison. If that make sense,” explained Sue.

Kat sighed, “Is there anything else I should be wary of?”

“Eh… I doubt it?” said Sue with a shrug. “The only things that come to mind are for much stronger foes then we’re likely to face, you know, Rank 5 stuff I’ve been told about. I don’t really know how dangerous or common they actually are so I’m not sure if it’s worth trying to scare you with them,”

Kat thought back to her other scarring memories, “Let’s go with later. If it’s not a problem right now, then I don’t want to know,”

The girls relaxed for a little bit. Sue grabbed a few of the not-grapes, Lily tried lapping at the soup and Kat got a spoonful as well. Of course, Kat made sure to use a different spoon after Sue deepthroated hers. Sue actually had a second spoon, so Kat didn’t need to get up, but she was prepared to do so. Eventually, the sound of door opening rang out across the room. It was actually pretty silent once the door was in motion, but the large rush of air at the beginning made it very noticeable.

The door opened just enough to let through a small man before they shut again. The man in question was about Lily’s height with a shaved head, and a few wrinkles around his eyes. He had a salt and pepper goatee that was well kept… but robes that looked like they’d been worn for as long as he’d been alive. The threads on them looked so worn Kat couldn’t help but wonder how the whole thing stayed together. There was also a few splotches of ink, both on the edges of the man’s robes and on his hands. In those same hands was a clipboard, though it was clearly rugged and personally made, not mass produced.

Kat looked at Sue for a cue on how to act but Sue just remained where she was, despite the fact they were properly the fitter party. Sue simply gave the man a nod and went back to her soup. *Um… is that the right attitude to have?* josei

[I suppose it depends on the image you want to show off. Sue is trying to say that this is nothing special to her. At least, I think that’s what she’s going for. My guess is Sue wants to present herself as well-used to this whole song and dance. For us… well… I guess we can try the same? Or at least follow her lead. Then again… that might look bad considering we’re the stronger party.]

Eventually, the old man made it to the table and sat down across from Sue and Kat and spoke as soon as his but was on the chair. “Greetings demons, I have a Contract prepared but I’m wondering if you would indulge me a few questions. Nothing major, just a way of ensuring the summoning array was attuned properly,” Now that he was in front of them though, Kat was pretty sure she could smell dye on the old man. It was covered by the ink well… but he might not be an ‘old man’ at all. Just trying to look like one.

*Um… system? Can I answer whatever questions he has for me?*

Summoner in question knows not to push questions beyond a certain limit. Summoner has regularly double checked to ensure the Demons they Summon are as requested. User is allowed to answer, or not answer as User wills.

*Right. Thanks.*

[Also Kat. I’m with you on the whole ‘dyed hair’ train.]

*Good to know I’m not going crazy. Why pretend to be older though? Do you think the wrinkles are fake as well? I don’t know enough about makeup to say either way…*

[Um… could be? I don’t really know much about faking wrinkles either. Might even be able to make them appear with good facial control as well. Hmm…]

“I’m perfectly happy to answer a few questions,” said Kat despite the fact that she had a few questions of her own she doubted would be answered.

Sue gave a look Kat couldn’t quite decipher before saying, “I suppose I can answer a few if my partner is willing to give answers out so easily,”

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