D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 976 - 976 Chapter 976 Jiggle Physics

Chapter 976 - 976 Chapter 976 Jiggle Physics

976 Chapter 976 Jiggle Physics

Kat spent the rest of the afternoon going over things with Sue. It took a while, considering Bodeir had a lot to say. By the time Kat was done with that it was Sue’s stomach was complaining. “Apparently I didn’t swallow enough!” Sue cheerfully added.

For that comment alone, Kat was tempted to tell Sue to get her own dinner… but Kat had practice cooking for large crowds and the idea of just… not giving Sue food was a strangely unpalatable one. Kat hadn’t realised she had such an inclination, but didn’t find it too annoying. Still, it wasn’t really a hardship to prepare a bit of extra food. Kat was even pleasantly surprised to see Lily stumble her way into the kitchen about five minutes before it was done.

The three ate dinner together, or more accurately, Kat watched the other two eat dinner. Sue made a few… choice comments but Lily was still rather wiped out from her exertions earlier in the day. Lily explained it, “I feel a bit like somebody decided to use one of those juicers people use to get orange or lemon juice out of the fruit. I feel wrung out, dry, and like my insides have been shredded a bit,”

This of course set Kat into a mothering mood. Carefully poking and prodding and pampering Lily who kept insisting she would be fine. Of course, that didn’t really help. This was the first time Lily had ever really gotten hurt on one of these Contracts. It didn’t matter that Lily saw it as mostly her own fault. No matter how true those thoughts were, Kat seemed determined to baby her about it.

This meant that Kat and Lily turned in early. Lily had just yawned once. She wasn’t even that tired, she was simply still recovering from her previous nap… but Kat wouldn’t hear any of it and carried Lily off to bed, before wrapping herself around Lily as much as possible. Tail, wings, blankets, arms, legs. Lily was glad Kat didn’t run very hot after becoming a demon. In fact, with the heat, Kat was actually cooler then the ambient air. It wasn’t too bad… but it was rather suffocating. This was of course balanced out by the fact Lily could feel Kat… EVERYWHERE.

The next morning, Lily actually woke up first. Granted, this might’ve been due to Kat staying awake for most of the night stressing out about Lily before loosing consciousness sometime in the early morning… but what really mattered was that Lily was up first… right? Of course, as soon as Lily moved, Kat was instantly awake, ready to attend to whatever Lily might need.

Lily felt the panic going through Kat’s head, and in her somewhat groggy state decided to do something about it. She turned, with some difficulty, in Kat’s arms until they were face to face… and Lily pulled Kat into a kiss, sticking her tongue as far into Kat’s mouth as she could. Lily felt Kat’s surprise, then surprise turned to happiness, which turned into contentment.

Lily… Lily could feel herself burning just a bit. Sure this was apparently quite relaxing for Kat but for Lily it was the opposite. It set her blood pumping, made sure she was very awake, and set fire to the area just below her stomach. Lily had to stop herself from pushing her lower half onto Kat’s knees and trying to generate a bit of pressure. Lily… wasn’t quite ready for that and this was to calm Kat anyway. The fact it was an amazing kiss was just a nice bonus.

When Lily was finally forced to break away just to get a bit of air, Lily dipped back in for a quick kiss on Kat’s nose before transforming to escape Kat’s grasp. Lily couldn’t help but laugh when she looked down at Kat’s pouting face as Kat’s hands tried to grip onto her now missing girlfriend. When Kat turned upward, Lily couldn’t help but laugh at the adorable pout Kat was wearing. It almost made Lily feel bad about escaping… almost.


Kat then leapt up and pretended to chase Lily around the room for a while, the pair of them laughing all the way. Lily transformed back to open the door and then continued running to the kitchen where she ‘allowed’ Kat to catch up to her, the pair ‘falling’ onto one of the fluffy ground based chair things. It was a good time, though Lily’s stomach decided they couldn’t just have a calm moment, and as such Kat got up to make everyone food.

Today was nothing too tough for breakfast. Knowing that nobody else would be staying here, Kat just grabbed whatever looked interesting and good to eat right now and carried them up to the table near the kitchen. Sue, perhaps using some strange sixth sense, managed to jiggle into the room right as the food was being set down. Though… ‘jiggle’ was definitely the correct way to describe the way Sue entered into the room.

Apparently Sue liked sleeping in the nude, either because of her desire for nightly activities, or just habit at this point. Sue also apparently couldn’t be bothered to even summon up her demonic attire. Kat and Lily both stared at Sue, though… with very different expressions on their faces. Kat’s was a deadpan stare that said ‘you’re too lazy to just WILL clothes onto your body? I’m disappointed’ while Lily tear her eyes from the wonderfully torturous sight. Lily didn’t know where to look, if she should look, or what Sue wanted her to look at.

Now, a small part of Lily’s mind was trying to remind her that she was in love with Kat, and that she really didn’t NEED to look. The rest of her mind was a thirsty lesbian who was watching a naked succubus ‘jiggle’ into a room. Perhaps if she wasn’t a teenager, or perhaps if Lily hadn’t engaged in a serious make-out session then baited Kat into chasing her Lily’s hormones would’ve been a bit more controllable. Alas… Sue.

To Lily, it really was a sight. Without anything at all to stop Sue’s body from wobbling every which way everything was jiggling. Lily wasn’t sure if she should be looking at Sue’s boobs, which bounced noticeably with every step, her ass which she could swear gave off clapping sounds… or… no, Lily wouldn’t look at that last option. It wasn’t as tempting when she didn’t actually want a taste.

Sue sat down more with a… plop then a thunk, and then reached over for the food, letting her breasts rest on the table as she did so. “Really Sue? You can’t even be bothered to put on proper clothes?” asked Kat with a sigh.

Sue shrugged, deliberately putting more motion into her chest as she chewed on some fruit. “It’s just us girls here and Lily’s enjoying the show immensely. Is there really any need to cover up? Could it be… jealousy?”

Kat sighed and said, “Sue, while Lily is attempting to devour you with her eyes instead of the breakfast, might I point out to you that I know you’re not interested, and Lily while definitely a lesbian, is not so starved for affection she’d just jump you. Also… the windows are all open,” josei

“So? What do I care? They can look if they want. Not that I think any of the houses nearby are close enough… but heck maybe a cultivator replaced his eyes to see better or something. I wouldn’t want to disappoint him,” retorted Sue.

“Sue, now is not the time to indulge in your exhibitionist tendencies, I’d like to actually discuss the job we’re going to be properly starting in just a few hours,” said Kat patiently.

Sue waved her off, with a hand as she shook her head. “Ah, you see technically I don’t qualify as an exhibitionist because I don’t get any sexual gratification from being watched. I just don’t care if they do. Exhibitionism requires a lot less apathy on my part,”

“Pretty sure you’re enjoying this a bit too much for it not to count as exhibitionism,” ‘corrected’ Kat.

“Hmm… I dunno… perhaps we can get Lily’s opinion on the matter?” said Sue as she waved at hand in Lily’s direction, making sure to flick her rest and set her chest to jiggling again.

“Boobs” was Lily’s intelligent response.

“Stop torpedoing my girlfriend’s IQ please Sue. I do mean it when I say we’ve got things to discuss,” requested Kat.

Sue turned to Kat and said, “It’s really nothing to worry about. We’ll have plenty of time to discuss this on the boat and see how things stabilise. I don’t see the point in making any plans before we’ve even met the guy. Sure he might be a bit belligerent, but I’m sure if I flash the goods in a tasteful manner he’ll fold like wet clay,”

“You consider this a tasteful manner?” queried Kat with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh not at all, this is flashing someone… indulgently. Perhaps excessively,” said Sue, as she wiggled in place to set things moving again. Lily was just about to snap out of her daze after all. Couldn’t have that.

“Sue… is there a reason you’re being a bit… distracting this morning? I mean, it’s not completely unusual… but I feel like you’d normally be a bit more tactful about things, or not be quite so inclined to go for the low hanging fruit,” said Kat with some slight concern.

Sue grumbled, “Well, there’s two reasons. The first, is that we’re going to a fancy party with a bunch of cultivator women. They’ll all be supernaturally beautiful and trying to use that. Lily needs to be able to resist that and this is a funny method of training. Secondly…” Sue let the words hang for a moment until she was sure she had both other women’s attention, even letting Lily regain a bit of her wits. “I’m enjoying the feeling of not having sand everywhere. Trust me. It’s not fun, don’t ask,” The sound of two heads slamming into the table rung out.

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