D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 978 - 978 Chapter 978 Bodeir VS Bodeir

Chapter 978 - 978 Chapter 978 Bodeir VS Bodeir

978 Chapter 978 Bodeir VS Bodeir

At exactly 1:00am there was a deep rumbling sound as the ground shook. The large wall that kept the Floating Rock penned in slowly lowered. Kat couldn’t see them, but it was the work of three teams of cultivators working together with an Earth mage to bring the wall down. The Captain Creshe headed off to start operating the shift with the other captain, or captains. josei

The demonic trio, Kat, Lily, and Sue, all stood nearby and watched as the boat started to move. The oars were slowly paddling from the side and they did actually seem to be moving the boat. Eventually, the boat left the docking section and got onto the main straightaway… but instead of going forward it started to drop backwards. A confused glance showed that all the scurrying crew members weren’t reacting at all. Apparently this was intended?

Kat soon found out why. At the back of the hanger was a large device that gripped lightly onto the side of the ship and pulled it off to the side where there was a series of tracks. A few creaks and groans later and the Floating Rock started to move around the circle. The speed rapidly increasing as the outsides blurred to normal eyes. For Kat, her vision was good enough to keep up… but just barely. Without demonic energy even her sight was starting to blur around the edges.

Even still, the Floating Rock continued to gain speed. Kat was bracing herself for the launch… when she heard a thunk. Turning to the source with a small amount of fear… Kat spotted Bodeir standing over another mountain elf bound in rope. Bodeir clearly wasn’t happy with whoever that was, but Kat had a pretty good guess. It was confirmed when Bodeir said, “My son. Present and accounted for. Don’t let him do anything so stupid it gets him killed,”

“FUCK YOU DAD” growled the elf on the floor as he tried to get out of the normal looking rope. If Kat was to take a closer look, she’d seen that while the rope was normal, Bodeir the elder had reinforced it with rock enhanced by his qi. His son would never be able to break it no matter how he struggled.

“I’m sorry son, but I’ve not had sex since your mother died. I’m not going to break that streak for YOU. I’m afraid I have no interest in men, or children. Still, now that you’ve made your interest in men clear, I’ll remember to look for a good male escort service in the future,” said Bodeir dryly.

“Dad, that’s fucking gross. And I’m NOT GAY!” shouted Bodeir Jr.

“Well son I’m just not sure I can believe you. In fact, I’m starting to think you might also be a masochist. I mean, it would’ve been much easier for everyone involved if you’d just listened to me the first time, the second time, or the third time. In the end though, I had to tie you up and drag you hear after you tried to flee. Surely that says something about you my son.

“Then there’s your problems with women. You see, you never could pick good ones. So many spies and gold diggers. But, but I have HOPE! You see, if you’re gay it would explain why you can never seem to pick out good women. It’s because you’re not really trying. Well, it’s ok son. Despite being a masochist pervert who gets off on some weird shit, I don’t mind having a gay son. It might make passing my title down to you a little difficult, and unless you adopt someone early and they turn out to be a great cultivator you probably won’t have a successor of your own… but that’s ok son. I’ll support you because I love you,” Bodeir said with such sincerity that you felt like you had to believe him.


Kat didn’t notice it… but her eye didn’t even twitch. It sounded sincere because it… sort of was. The best lies were those mixed with a bit of truth after all. Bodeir really did care about his son. Regrettably… his son really wasn’t enjoying the attention, “GO TO HELL DAD. I DON’T NEED YOU RULING MY LIFE!”

“Son, you nearly missed your boat ride. If I hadn’t come to help you out of the goodness of my heart,” Kat’s eye twitched but Bodeir continued, “I’m sure you would’ve been late and that’d be rather embarrassing for you, I’m sure. It’s ok, I don’t expect anything thanks for this. It is my duty as your father to make sure you’re on time, just like when you needed to attend lessons as a child. Ah the memories…”


“Is this about the fact they’re both women?” asked Bodeir ‘innocently’. His hair and clothes not moving at all despite the fact the ship was still increasing its speed as it rushed around the circle. “I already told you I didn’t know you were gay before. I’ll make sure to summon an Incubus next time, but can you put up with it? Just for a few days son? For me?”


Bodeir sighed, “I thought we already established I’ve only ever loved your mother. Has the fact you repressed your own sexuality made it impossible for you to see that I’m not gay? Strange… I might have to take some drastic measures to correct that. Would an incubus orgy help you son?”

Bodeir Jr yelled something in response… but Kat couldn’t really tell you what. It sounded more like someone had given a bulldog with rabies a massive shot of adrenaline then kicked it then a person. No… that was rude. The bulldog in this scenario would’ve been much more eloquent.

“Son, use your words please. I know you’re a masochist, and probably a bottom too, but I don’t speak bottom, I need you to use proper words,” said Bodeir as he gave his son a small pat on the head.

Bodeir Jr just glared up at his father. Completely silent. Bodeir gave his son another round of pats, causing Bodeir Jr to growl, breaking the silence. Bodeir grinned at his son who glared off in the distance, knowing he’d just been played. “Well son, it seems like you’ve calmed down, and the boat is leaving now so I have to get off. You’ve got one guard, and one escort. Both of them are smarter then you, better looking then you, and have better attitudes by far. Hopefully you learn something on this trip. I don’t even care if you place last in the tournament as long as you learn ONE useful thing from the demons,”

“Why can’t you just let me live my life Dad?” asked Bodeir Jr in a whisper.

Bodeir the elder paused. He’d been in the process of turning away and jumping off the spinning ship, but hearing his son ask such a question, in such a quiet voice, a spark of hope lit up. Perhaps his son was finally willing to listen? Bodeir turned to his son and sat down on the ground before pulling his son up and leaning him against the mast.

“Now son, I’m glad you asked. The thing is, I can’t trust you anymore. I gave you years to make mistakes and learn from them. I gave you test after test, trying to show you bits and pieces of the real world… and you just haven’t noticed anything. The reason I’ve become more overbearing in the last few months is because I gave you the chance to make mistakes, and learn from them…

“But you haven’t learned. You’ve made dozens of mistakes that I’ve barely managed to prevent from turning catastrophic. I’ll give you your freedom when I can trust you not to get yourself killed. The problem right now, is if I gave you a bit of rope to climb a cliff. If I left you by yourself, you’d find a way to choke yourself with it. I know you want to get away from me. To live your own life. Well, you had that chance and you failed. Now I’m going to have to try beating the lessons into your head.

“I don’t take any joy in this son… but know I do love you. Not only are you my son, but you’re the most important thing left to me by my wife. I have tried to raise you well, giving you more and more freedom over the years. Letting you get a taste of leadership, letting you find love, and loose it… and I just can’t anymore. Our world is dangerous son and I have yet to see any evidence to say you can handle it,”

Bodeir paused, waiting for a moment, “Also you’ve had a spy as one of your servants for a few decades now and I can only ask them to make so many mistakes before they’re basically just shouting in your face they’re a spy. I mean come on son, I gave you spy craft lessons myself, did none of them stick?”

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