D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 985 - 985 Chapter 985 Strutting Around Town Part 2

Chapter 985 - 985 Chapter 985 Strutting Around Town Part 2

985 Chapter 985 Strutting Around Town Part After the meal Bodeir was in a noticeably better mode. That didn’t stop him entering stores, and leaving before really doing anything. However, this improved mood meant it was time for Sue to start her own angle of attack. Kat didn’t notice it until the fourth store, but Sue had started directing the group, or more accurately, directing Bodeir to direct the group towards fancy female clothing stores. Sue achieved this with a few whispered words… but mostly the power of tits. Certainly not something to be underestimated.

After Bodeir got used to being lead around, Sue started to extend the time they spent in each store slowly. Carefully forcing Bodeir to spend enough times for her to take in the offerings they had on display before leaving again. Before Sue’s plan could crystalise… the group had their first hostile encounter. It was straight out of a JRPG. Final Fantasy eat your heart out. Kat had ‘Cultivator in Hostile Territory Simulator’.

The other cultivator was a buff human male with no shirt on and pants that only reached his knees. He was muscly sure, and he had a nice tan… but despite the brave face he was putting on the guy was also quiet clearly shivering. He was supressing it as best he could… but Kat’s eyes were better then that. Though… what he was using for warmth was very silly, at least in Kat’s mind.

He had three girls draped over him. One clinging to each arm, both pressing their breasts into the arms in question while the third, and smallest of the group rode on his shoulder and leaned across his head so that her boobs were just barely in his line of sight. He had one servant behind him, a butler that looked like he was no older than fifteen but that probably just meant the butler in question was a cultivator himself.

The two groups squared off against each other. The women glaring jealousy at Sue who was of course wearing a thick jumper… that showed off her much larger tits. The fact that all three of the girls were noticeable smaller, and two sets of gazes were trying to burn away Sue’s ‘extra fat’ was a good hint they weren’t too happy with their Succubus counterpart. The one on top of the guy’s head though, she stared at Kat, eyes burning with envy. Why? Kat really didn’t know.

Kat just looked back with all the confusion and apathy she could manage. Kat really didn’t know what their problem was with her. They were nice looking girls, and Kat just couldn’t comprehend why they’d feel threatened by Kat’s presence. Which… was very silly of Kat, all things considered.

Kat was a Rank 3 Succubus. Her skin was flawless and she radiated a subtle grace that seemed to lightly caress the senses. Kat had no obvious defects anywhere, and her face was now perfectly symmetrical. Kat’s legs, as Lily liked to point out, where easily her best feature and unlike the rest of the girls she was wearing a light silk kimono that showed off her body quite well and didn’t seem to be suffering for it. Of course, the fact that Kat clearly wasn’t trying and still looked better then them just made it worse.

Kat of course had no real understanding of this. A combination of not bothering with her appearance before changing into a demon. Thinking makeup was always too expensive, and the general lack of time in front of mirrors meant that Kat didn’t have a proper understanding of how her appearance had improved over time.

Lily also wasn’t much help on that front either. Lily had always thought Kat was the best-looking person she’d ever seen. Her deep infatuation gave her exceptionally rose tinted glasses when it came to Kat… but it also meant that the improvements were rather unremarkable to Lily. What did it matter if Kat’s face was a little more symmetrical if Kat was already the best looking person in existence to Lily? Smoother skin? Presence? Kat was already an 11/10. Getting to 12/10 meant nothing in her mind.


At some unseen signal, while the girls were eyeing each other up… well, most were. Sue was making more of an effort to push her chest out then glaring back… Bodeir spoke first. “The young master of Mountain Shaker sect greats his junior,”

The shirtless man grimaced, realising that he was outclassed in background and in beauties, nodded, “This junior disciple of Iron Body Mountain greets senior, and would be most grateful for any tips the young master can bestow upon this junior,”

Bodeir seemed to think for a moment… but Kat could guess he was waiting for someone else to provide him the answer. When he finally spoke… Kat was pretty sure it was just nonsense that was meant to seem insightful. “This senior disciples suggests that junior brother meditate on the fact that a single apple tree can provide more sustenance then an entire farm of carrots if given time and care,”

The shirtless man had a look of confusion flash across his face before he forcibly set it back to something more neutral and bowed to Bodeir, “This junior brother thanks senior brother for the insightful words. Is there anything this junior brother can do to repay this wisdom?”

“No, it is the duty of all seniors to dispense wisdom to deserving juniors, go in peace and think on my lesson,” said Bodeir with a shocking amount of poise and gravitas.

The shirtless man bowed again before quickly power walking off, taking the first turn down a side street to get away from Bodeir’s line of sight as quickly as possible. The girls did keep glaring at Sue, even the one that had originally focused on Kat. They kept up their glares until they round the corner. Sue of course wanted the last laugh and slapped her ass right as they rounded the corner. Kat could actually hear the growling start as soon as they were out of sight.

Things calmed down a bit after that until a few stores later, while Sue was looking at clothes for a full five minutes this time, a woman with antlers on her head slid up to Bodeir and said, “Hello handsome, how can I help you? I can get you A N Y T H I N G in the store if you’d like.” Now, this was of course said in the most seductive manner possible. So Sue had to rise to the challenge.

She hopped in front of Bodeir to partially block the sight of the woman, and said, “Yeah can I get this in a gold? This shade of blue does my skin no favours,”

The two then proceeded to stare at each other for… minutes it felt like, changing their expressions slightly over time. *Ok. What the heck is going on here?*

[It is the ancient art of ‘establishing territory’]

*I am beyond confused.*

[Look it’s going something like this…

Sue: He’s mine.

Antlers: I don’t see him complaining about the attention

Sue: No but I am. I’m staking my claim and you can shove off.

Antlers: There’s nothing wrong with looking is there? If you think his attention is so easily caught maybe you can find someone better.

Sue: Maybe I can but he’s an idiot, rich, and good at a few other… naughty things.

Antlers: Well that’s just making me want him more.

Sue: And I’ll fight you over it if you press me. Think you’ve got tits better then mine?

Antlers: No but your leg game is weak and your ass is so big it makes clapping noises when you walk.

Sue: Of course it does. I practiced that walk for years. If I didn’t want people looking at my ass I’d wear less tight pants. Just because you’re flatter then a pancake up top, and down bottom doesn’t mean I feel bad about my extra stuffing. It goes to the best places after all.

Antlers: Clearly if you need that much extra padding you’re doing something wrong. josei

Or something like that.]

*Are they really having a conversation like that?*

[I mean… probably? I don’t really speak the language because I was never interested in men so I didn’t pick it up properly. They are definitely trying to tell each other off for various reasons but honestly? I don’t have a clue what they’re doing anymore then you do]

*Ok… but that was a hilarious image. I could actually imagine them saying all that stuff.*

[Yeah… Sue would. Not sure about the cashier check but if she’s already trying to sleep with Bodeir without even hearing him talk? I feel like my guesses aren’t too far off.]

*Think we should share this with Sue later?*

[Hmm… yeah I think we should. Or maybe we should ask how accurate our version of events is?]

Bodeir, a bit slow at the best of times, took a while to work out he wanted nothing at all to do with… whatever the heck this was, regardless of how accurate Lily’s ‘translations’ might have been. So… he just walked out. When Sue noticed this, she kept the cashiers attention for a little longer before walking out… and knocking over a pile of clothes with her ass on the way out. The wink might have been overkill though.

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