D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 993 - 993 Chapter 993 Messing with Some MORE Bitches?

Chapter 993 - 993 Chapter 993 Messing with Some MORE Bitches?

993 Chapter 993 Messing with Some MORE Bitches?

Sue... blah blah, you know the drill.


They shrieked in rage and made to jump at Sue only to be restrained by one of the other guests, “Attacking someone at a formal event? Mureale, I’m disappointed in you,” said the newcomer.

*If the poor girl’s name is actually Mureale I’m not entirely sure I feel comfortable picking on her anymore. Her entire life is already a joke. Not sure I’m wanting to add to that massive pile.*

Sue’s was mostly joking with her thoughts as she turned to the newcomer and couldn’t help but be a bit stunned. Here was a girl, no, a woman that knew how to play the game. The first thing Sue couldn’t help but note was that she was flatter than a pancake. At least those had some bounce. The woman in front of her only had anything up top because she had defined pectoral muscles. The thing is though… the girl looked pretty good. She clearly knew what she was doing.

It was clear that she’d carefully crafted her muscles before taking to cultivation and preventing the easy formation of muscles. She’d also balanced it well across her body. Her back was noticeably light on muscles, and her arms had well defined muscles that were still quite small for that. Sue wouldn’t be surprised if she had a six pack under that dress, but it wasn’t visible for the moment. Her legs though, in contrast to her arms, looked like they could snap Sue in half. They were packed with muscle and looked more like they were chiselled from stone.

The woman clearly knew what she was going for. What really brought her whole look together was the pure confidence that she radiated from every poor. This was a woman who had her shit together. Sue knew her usual tactics of abusing her more impressive physical assets would never work against this potential foe. They had clearly gone for their own style, and Sue’s soft and squishy look had a completely different kind of appeal.

The thing that raised Sue’s eyebrows though… was that the newcomer also had purple skin. It wasn’t a common colour, but she’d plenty of demons with it over time. It didn’t quite match her own. If Sue would say, somewhat narcissistically that she had royal purple skin, this newcomer had skin more closely matching an eggplant. Now, despite the potentially unflattering comparison, that didn’t mean Sue thought the colour was bad for the woman. No, it went well with her muscley atheistic.

Mureale was struggling in the newcomer’s grip but she wasn’t making any progress getting through. Sue stopped examining the competition and started puzzling out what she wanted to actually DO about it. *Because that’s the question isn’t it. How do I want to play this? Whoever she is, she’s got her own style and more confidence then someone our age normally has to just rock it. A quick glance around the rest of the room shows that outside of the men and the bodyguards she’s the only one with this sort of aesthetic…


Still, she can easily weather the storm if it isn’t in fashion just because of the charisma and confidence she seems to radiate. What is she though? She doesn’t have the pointed ears I’d expect from a dark elf, and she’s much too tall for a undertow dwarf. I’m also pretty sure she can’t be human… they don’t tend to go purple no matter the world. Hmm… I wonder if it’s just something to do with her cultivation technique? josei

Damn. It doesn’t really get me any closer to knowing how to deal with her. Perhaps I should just start to see how things go. I mean, this is only a temporary assignment. If we click well… two purple chicks causing trouble seems like more fun then just the one right…?*

“Let me go Tess!” hissed Mureale “I’m going to make sure this whore gets it!”

“It’s not very nice to call someone a whore Mureale,” the newcomer now marked as Tess, was able to make use of Mureale’s name as if that alone was an insult. Sue was in agreement, that it really was. “I thought after last time you’d be on better behaviour. I can’t keep having this talk with you,”

“I’ll catch up with you in cultivation one day Tess, then you’ll learn just what I really think of you!” hissed Mureale.

“Now, now,” said Sue as she stepped in, making sure to position herself just so that Mureale had to deal with having Sue’s breast resting lightly on her head. Mureale couldn’t even struggle too much or risk loosing one of her dozen trinkets weaved into her hair. Fancy they might have been… but there was too many of them to all be secured properly. “Technically speaking I am being paid as a… let’s call it… a private escort,” Sue smiled lightly, “So even if Mureale isn’t being the kindest about it, that IS my job,”

*Let’s see how she responds to that. I’ve given her an easy avenue of an attack. Will Tess take it?*

“Ah, but I’m quite certain Mureale wasn’t guessing at your profession. Personally, I see no reason to denigrate someone for that sort of work… but trying to force a label on someone who wasn’t doing anything wrong, well, that’s the sort of bad attitude that gets people kicked from these parties,” said Tess with a smile.

Mureale carefully extracted herself from Tess’ grip. It wasn’t easy with Sue’s… position nearby… but she managed it. “Fine. Whatever, you win Tess. I’ll leave. I’m sure you’ll enjoy each other’s company,” said Mureale before she rushed away from them both.

“You know, that was almost a good insult for someone of her level of intelligence,” offered Sue as stared at a retreating Mureale.

“That’s a bit rude. Mureale’s got special needs and we shouldn’t be making fun of idiots. We’d be so strapped for entertainment without them,” offered Tess in turn.

*Hmm… Tess seems a bit brutal but I wasn’t exactly being kind either. I’m honestly not sure that I could go toe to toe with her in this arena. She likely knows a lot more about the local politics. Still… she doesn’t seem the type to get too into politics. A bit too much time sculpting her body for all that nonsense.*

“I suppose I can see where you’re coming from… but when they set things up so perfectly you just have to take those openings. I’d already planned out exactly what to say to the first person who commented on my ill-fitting dress,” ‘admitted’ Sue.

Tess rolled her eyes, “Calling your dress ‘ill-fitting’ is like saying it’s warm outside tonight. Technically speaking, it IS warm for this time of year, but we both know that’s not what’s important. That dress is exactly what you wanted for a night like tonight, and I bet you’ve got your own tricks to keep it on for the night,”

“Who knows? I could be dying to take this off…” suggested Sue.

“I’d make a bet it’s tape,” said Tess with no hint of shame, and her gaze locked on Sue’s tits, making it clear what Tess knew what she was talking about.

“Most girls wouldn’t admit to knowing what I’m doing, especially not in a crowd like this,” said Sue. “But yes, it IS tape. I don’t really know of anything better for things like this. Tape is easy to find, easy to remove, and secure enough that I’m not scared of dancing around… but if I really wanted to… give people a show, I’m not really prevented,” explained Sue.

“My mother preferred to use a complicated mess of magnetic broches to keep things together… but did rely on tape in a pinch. I of course, don’t have the same issues,” said Tess with a gesture at her body.

“I see, I’m sure your mother knew what she was doing. And while I agree you don’t have those… issues, you’ve certainly got your own style. The sheer confidence you manage to emanate is impressive. I’m confident in my looks yes, but compared to you…” Sue let her words hang in the air with a shrug.

“That’s because you lack confidence in your future,” said Tess after a few moments.

“What?” asked Sue, a bit stupidly. Tess had just said it with such confidence that when Sue couldn’t understand the question she had to ask, as if she was speaking to an older friend or cousin.

Tess stared at Sue for a few moments, letting her gaze hang there. “It’s because you lack true confidence in yourself. Your body is something I doubt you worked at much. You trust it. You trust your attitude… but you doubt yourself. Youb question your future, and you lack confidence to be able to survive anything the world throws at you. I’ve fought and bled for scraps. I’ve pioneered my own style. I’m one of the cultivation geniuses of this generation. I know that I will succeed in the future… or die trying. You… well… you can’t see your future, and it scares you. Can’t be confident if you can’t deal with your fear,”

And with that Tess left, weaving her way through the crowd. Bitch.

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