D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 998 - 998 Chapter 998 Sue “Enjoys” a meal

Chapter 998 - 998 Chapter 998 Sue “Enjoys” a meal

998 Chapter 998 Sue “Enjoys” a meal



The first round of food came out and Sue could instantly label it as a salad. Well, that wasn’t quite true. It actually looked like someone had plucked holly, leaves and all and then thrown it into the bowl and sprinkled oil over the whole thing. Sue, not being from Earth, had no idea what holly was, nor the fact that holly was quite poisonous. Of course, even if Sue had known she wouldn’t have panicked. Everyone had the same food, and their hosts weren’t going to so blatantly poison anyone like that.

Kat did tense a bit in the background. Despite intellectually knowing that serving poisonous dishes to your guests was exceptionally poor form no matter the world. Of course, it wasn’t only that. If Kat thought a bit about how demons actually ate food and that their stomachs acted not as an acid bath but an incinerator for the most part, she’d know it was beyond silly to worry about something like that. Alas, she still worried. Lily too, sensing Kat’s worry and agree that while silly, was worth worrying about apparently.

Sue tried one of the bright red berries and was surprised to feel them crunch in her mouth. A bit more chewing revealed a frozen centre with a bit of ice that melted in your mouth, washing the flavour onto your tongue. It was certainly a unique eating experience. Rich in earthy and floral notes with a bit of a tang from the dressing. *Honestly… not bad. Not my favourite because berries really shouldn’t crunch when you eat them and while the dressing does elevate the dish… it still feels a bit bland overall.*

Sue grabbed a leaf this time and was thoroughly disappointed. It tasted like dressing. Nothing else. *Is this meant to be one of those filling salads so we don’t eat everything at the buffet table or something? I don’t get why they’d bother considering they’re still going to serve us the other courses. Aw well, at least as a demon I don’t have to worry about it not all fitting in my stomach. I’ll still feel a bit bloated if I try, but I could certainly eat it all if I want.*

Sue shrugged a bit and grabbed another bite, with the berries and leaves together. Sadly there was no new taste combinations so she focused on her surroundings. To her surprise, all of the cultivators were really chowing down. Many had in fact already finished up their dishes. Sue even spared a quick glance over at Bodeir to find he was still eating. Somewhat slowly at that. *Hmm… I wonder what that says? Is the dish not to his taste? It looks… about his normal eating speed I think? I wasn’t really paying that much attention but he does seem to take his time to enjoy food when its offered.*

*Then why do I get the sense that he’s not pleased with this entrée either?* Sue couldn’t really put her finger on it. For all appearance Bodeir seemed perfectly content with his meal, if a bit slow in eating it. Despite that Sue’s gut was telling her that Bodeir was unimpressed with the display. Sue glanced at their hosts to find Feng, the brother had eaten the entire thing already while Bing was picking out just the berries to eat, leaving the leaves behind. Feng was glaring at her for this behaviour but wasn’t saying anything. Bing acted like he wasn’t glaring at all.

With that new information Sue looked around the table and noticed a few ladies that were matching Bing’s eating habits… but truly it was only a handful. Aside from a few people who had clearly not enjoyed the taste at all, and were just being polite and forcing themselves to eat a bit, everyone else had consumed, or was in the process of consuming everything in the bowl.

..... josei

Sue really wasn’t sure what that said about the meal in question. *Considering how fast a bunch of the guests here ate, I’d bet half of them didn’t even taste it. I wonder if this stuff is rich in qi or something? You’d think if it was everyone would be eating the whole thing, not just the berries… unless it’s concentrated in the berries? Does qi make things taste better? I know most things with more higher energy in them tend to taste better because they use that energy to improve themselves…*

*But not everything considers ‘tasting better’ an improvement. Plenty of things go the other way as well, making sure that they taste worse, are more toxic, use less resources to keep existing. That sort of thing. Well, whatever. The qi isn’t going to be helping nor hindering me so I can just eat everything I’m served with no issues.*

Bodeir and the rest of the ‘stragglers’ finished their meals after another five minutes. That wave of people seemed to be a sign to the butlers who came in, collected the dishes then started handing out what might be the main meal? Sue wasn’t entirely sure, but that was her guess. It was some sort of small bird. Without its feature it was hard to tell what it might have started as, but even without any feathers it was clearly ‘bird’ shaped.

Sauce was drizzled over the main meal, and there was a number of cooked vegetables ringing the plate. Sue wasn’t surprised to see a number of the cultivators simply ripping off pieces of the chicken and eating it that way, ignoring the fact they were dining in a rather upscale environment and that they had knives and forks specifically for this. You might think it was just the men… but sadly, even with the reduced number of girls, there was still a good number of them that chose to go at the bird with their fingers.

*It’s not that I mind my fingers getting sticky… but why would you choose to use them when the hosts are clearly implying that you eat with your utensils?* That line of thought died in the water when she glanced at their hosts… and found both of them eating the bird with their hands. Why the fuck do I even bother with this shit.

Sue glanced at Bodeir, not even sure what she was hoping to see… he too was using his hands. Sue felt like slamming her head into the plate. *WHY DID YOU PROVIDE US WITH SO MANY FORKS IF YOU WANTED US TO USE OUR HANDS!* Sue’s internal screeching was heard by nobody, but Bodeir did lean away slightly, making it seem as if he was protecting her from the juices that splattered a bit as he broke off a chunk of food… but he was clearly feeling some unease.

*So do I eat it with this fork or not? Because I’m feeling like stabbing someone with it! What the fork is even the polite thing to do here! The hosts clearly have no issues eating it with their hands. So is that the ‘proper’ way to eat this dish? I can see a few people just as confused as me… but easily double that simply eating it with their utensils.*

Sue heard a loud crunching noise beside her. She realised in that moment that Bodeir was eating the bones as well. Sue couldn’t supress the twitching on her eye. Fuck it. Sue ripped off a leg and bit straight through the entire thing bones an all before swallowing quickly barely tasting the food as it went down. Sue quickly finished off the bird, barely tasting it as she did. Before huffing and looking away from the plate.

Sue didn’t see the look of horror on her neighbour’s face who’d just watched the whole thing. They were one of the confused people that hadn’t started eating yet, and after Sue’s display… slowly started to eat just the vegetables on the edges. No sense in borrowing trouble.

Bodeir seemed happier with this meal but he didn’t say anything, and despite the chatter that eventually started up around them Sue had no interest in it. She was trying to push down her anger at the hosts, and whoever thought serving that as a main course was a good idea. When the plates were collected, Sue was glad to see that garbage go.

It meant that she didn’t see Kat carefully pick off bits of meat for Lily to eat. Not wanting to risk going for the bones like many others. It was an adorable sight, and certainly would’ve calmed Sue down a good deal. Shame she never looked over at it.

When the dessert came out and it was a spread of normal looking ice cream Sue nearly cried. *Finally something normal. I don’t even care if it’s average ice cream. It’s ice cream. I know how to eat this, and what it is.* Sue grabbed her spoon and tried the purple coloured one before smiling. *This is good.*

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