D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1060 The Twins Awaken

Chapter 1060 The Twins Awaken

Chapter 1060 The Twins Awaken

The pair of fighters separated when the door started to open again. Kat's dress was in tatters. Once Meng realised that Kat was perfectly happy to fight her while Meng abused more speed and power, and further, was completely unconcerned about injuries, Meng let herself flex a bit. It was all in the name of showing off techniques, but Kat had a strong base and it was just a matter of training the techniques into her muscles. Meng was happy to oblige.

When the door opened to reveal both Bing and Feng exiting together, arms over their shoulders and laughing, neither Meng nor Kat would say they were surprised. They also didn't really think how it would look to the two newcomers. The room had a few chips in the floor, with a good helping of black blood scattered over the stone. Meng only had a few cuts and rips in her outfit, but as already mentioned, Kat's was much worse for wear.

Upon seeing Kat and Meng's state, Bing and Feng both got into combat stances, despite not seeing any drawn weapons. Kat blushed, realising her state of half undress, and tried to back off. Feng jumped to Meng's side of the room, daggers drawn, while Bing remained where she was, her own weapon drawn as she looked awkwardly between the two. "Um… give me just a second…" mumbled Kat as she ducked into the portal room.

Feng made to follow, dagger in hand, but Meng's hand on his shoulder kept him in place. Bing was still glancing between the area Kat was and the place Meng was sitting currently, trying to work out what was going on. When Kat had resummoned her outfit, she was much more presentable. In fact, as a demon, it meant she looked as she always did, with only the slightest touch of mess to her hair that already seemed to be smoothing out as she stood there.

"Ok… so we're not fighting anymore… what the heck is going on…" said Bing, an edge to her voice.

"That's a pretty long story. Meng… do you want to go over everything? I'm mean, they're your kids," said Kat.

Meng frowned, "Can't you just do it for me? You can't lie, and I made sure to teach my kids enough about demons that they really should remember that part. So it will probably be more believable if you go over it, plus, it is sort of your fault," said Meng.

Kat huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at Meng. "Hang on, I will take minimal responsibility for this fiasco. You're very much at fault in a few key ways. Plus, I only know it as 'the truth' because I heard it FROM YOU. So how does that make me any more trustworthy in this situation?"

"Look, I just don't want to say it ok?" said Meng.

Kat glared back at the adult, the adult she was starting to see more and more as a scared child. It was an overly generous interpretation. Kat KNEW that. Meng was much more responsible then a child, and she had committed far more atrocities. However, Kat could feel the part of her brain that liked to be responsible, that liked to help people. That liked to shield them from problems rearing its head and whispering all the reasons that she should be the one to break the news. Kat grit her teeth and thought it over for a few moments.

*I really don't want to be the one to break the news, and clearly Meng doesn't either. I'm pretty sure I could get her with the whole 'do it for your kids' line, and Meng would crumble under a minor assault with that logic… but I don't feel comfortable essentially using the love she has for her kids as blackmail material. Fuck I'm going to be the one to break the news aren't I?*

"Fuck it fine. I'll do it," said Kat throwing her hands up in the air. "But if I'm the one breaking the news, I'm going to have to be clinical about it. I can't put much emotion into this that isn't frustration. Because that's what this is, a frustrating situation, and Bing can you please step forward so the vault door can close again?"

Bing glanced at Meng who nodded and she stepped forward, the vault slammed shut and Bing couldn't help but swallow. Something was very wrong here and nobody seemed interested in admitting to what that particular thing was. Kat sighed once more before she got started, "So it all began when I was watching the awards ceremony and I noticed that Meng, well…

"She didn't look anything like either of you," Bing and Feng shared confused looks, both having inherited things from their mother, "and then I found out from Lily and confirmed with Lian, that there was a whole big show on that I wasn't seeing. It was all an illusion, Meng wasn't really there. So off we ride, Lian, Lily and myself, in an attempt to find out what was happening and protect you all from what we were pretty sure was an imposter…"

Feng remained still, but the grip on Bing's sword tightened as Kat continued to speak, "Lian cursed the teleportation array, and I left Lily to guard her while I continued on to find Meng here, just waiting. There was a lot of ranting, but what the truth boils down to, is two annoying little facts that I had a hard time dealing with,"

Kat waved her hand over Meng, "That right there, is Meng, but only because her real name is Meng, and not because that's your biological mother. She was replaced…" Feng started to step forward, aiming to attack Kat when Bing blurred into the way. Kat just kept speaking, "… quite a long time ago. Meng here might not be your biological mother, but from what I've gathered? She really does love you, and she raised you for longer than you can remember,"

Kat couldn't see Bing's face, but it was a mask of horror as she dropped the sword and stumbled backwards towards Kat. Feng whipped around and charged at Meng, who looked on in sadness. Feng didn't hesitate, he went straight for the throat… and Meng let it happen. Perhaps she knew she'd be fine, perhaps she thought she deserved it. Feng's blade sounded like it hit granite when it dug into Meng's flesh, leaving only the tiniest hint of blood.

Feng swung again, qi infusing his blade and Meng sighed but let it hit her again. Three strikes he was able to get off before Bing stumbled forward and wrapped her arms around Feng, dragging him backwards. "Let me go sis! I'll kill this bitch if it's the last thing I do!"

"She's our MOTHER Feng! How can you attack her!" hissed Bing. Feng was letting himself be dragged back, but he did not look happy about it at all.

Meng was crying, but Kat was certain she was hiding those tears behind an illusion so that her children couldn't see. It was unclear to Kat just how much damage Meng was faking on her illusion, or what her face looked like, but it was clear Meng was devastated. She just let out a long sigh.

"How long?" asked Bing as she continued to back up until she was in the centre of the room.

"Weeks after your birth," answered Meng.

Bing nodded, silently letting the information churn over in her mind. "Why were you here?"

"I was ordered to infiltrate and destroy the Holy Icy Wind sect slowly so that it looked natural by the end," answered Meng. josei

"What about our father?" asked Bing. She was trying to be the calm one in this situation as Feng continued to struggle against her grip.

"He was replaced not long after I replaced your mother, however he has no interest in children unlike myself, and I doubt he'd be willing do go against our bosses," said Meng.

Feng proved that he really was just playing along by ripping his arms out of Bing's hold and shouting, "And why should we believe that? Apparently you've been lying to us our entire lives?!"

Meng just shrugged sadly and said, "I don't really know. Kat seems to believe me, and I have no idea why. It's not something I can provide a lot of solid proof for. If you don't believe me, I will be sad, but I won't stop you. Though, we are somewhat stuck here at the moment because the array is broken so we've got time to talk it out I suppose,"

"What did you agree to do Kat?" asked Bing while Feng was snarling at Meng.

Kat sighed, "Well I agreed to help you all out, especially now that it seems like Meng has something in her soul that forces her plans to escape from her organisation to be planned poorly. The current best idea we have is for you two, and Lian, to flee together and just keep running until you stop being chased,"

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