D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1109 1109 I’ve Got Nothing Good For A Title

Chapter 1109 1109 I’ve Got Nothing Good For A Title

Time passed, Kamiko got an excessive amount of jelly as a snack, and together, Kat and Sue, with some input from Lily, retold their latest adventure. "Seems like Kat's luck for strange contracts is rubbing off on you a bit Sue," said Kamiko. 

Sue shrugged and said, "Eh for me it wasn't that strange. Spend time with noble kid, fuck noble kid, attend dinner party, pretend I'm not also trying to fuck all the staff. Sure there was the worry when Kat had to go off to potentially fight a Rank 4 cultivator and somehow made friends, but that didn't really have much to do with me, especially when I was fucking the staff while waiting. Had to 'raise the moral of the troops' or something patriotic like that," 

Kamiko just nodded, apparently at some point Sue just stopped being embarrassing to the small woman. "Yeah that makes sense," as soon as Kamiko said that with no change in expression, Sue had to take a second look. Kamiko looked just as she always did… but there was no blushing. Sue studied Kamiko intensely. "What?" 

"Who are you and what have you done with our adorably innocent friend?" asked Sue, "The fact that you're not blushing up a storm is super weird… did you get laid or something?" 

Kamiko coughed, blushing bright red as she looked away, trying to hide her face the best she could without moving much. Lily looked at this confused, "Wait… is she embarrassed because now she's thinking about getting laid or is she embarrassed because she did?" 

"Of course I didn't!" hissed Kamiko, "I'm not just going to walk up to Lust and ask for a night with one of their employees! And I'm certainly not going to sleep with someone I've only been in a relationship with for a few weeks or days… or however long you might think I've had a boyfriend. Why would you even suggest that!" 

Lily shrugged and said, "Well it did get you to answer didn't it?" 

"Don't think you're off the hook either, Lily," said Sue. "I know you're almost as easy to fluster as Kamiko, though if you'd actually had sex with Kat I imagine you'd look a lot like a cat on catnip for a week after the event, so we can rule that out," 

This did of course cause critical damage to Lily's mental state. She blushed bright red and transformed back into her cat form so she could burry herself in Kat's arms and hide from the mean, well-endowed Succubus that was taunting her. Kamiko smirked at the turnabout until Sue turned her gaze back to the now smug Succubus, causing Kamiko's smirk to fall quickly. 

"So… come on, what is it Kamiko? Where did your sudden confidence come from?" asked Sue. 

Kamiko swallowed, "Ok… look, I'll admit to what it was as long as you swear not to ask any details," 

"Deal," said Kat and Lily together. 

"Boooo," said Sue, not agreeing with the two that easily caved. "That's so boring, I want to know ALL the details about what made you more resistant to my teasing," 

Kamiko shook her head, "Look, I'll add that there really aren't many details to the experience, so it really isn't a big ask," 

"Ah but if there are only a few details, those few extra details might be very important," said Sue confidently. 

"Look, you can take the deal or leave it," said Kamiko. 

"Meh, I can leave, you can tell Kat, and then I can get the story from Kat and then use that knowledge to wheedle the extra details out of you, no problem. Or… I could use my fancy new glowing eyes," said Sue. 

Kamiko held firm, "Do you accept?" 

Sue groaned, seeing that Kamiko wasn't going to give in, "Ok fiiine," whined Sue, "I'll agree," 

"Right… soo…" Kamiko went red, as she started to recall the memory. It took a few seconds to fight down the embarrassment, "I was… well… I heard that my sister home, so I went to talk to her… she was no alone, or wearing clothes. I just… stared for a little bit till my brain rebooted and then yelled 'LOCK THE DOOR NEXT TIME' as I ran away," 

"Ok… and this is important, which sister was it… and was the partner a girl?" asked Sue. 

"I said NO further details," retorted Kamiko. 


"Yeah but you barely told us anything, I mean, which sister do I need to go up to and interrogate about this? Was it a mistake? Does she just enjoy exhibitionism? Was it your sisters partner or just someone the brought home? What happened after you left? These are all important questions that, while I don't need YOU to answer them, after all I did promise, I do want answers from someone," said Sue without a hint of shame. 

"Well that's funny," said Kamiko with a thoughtful look on her face, "It's almost as if I'm friends with you and expected exactly that! Why, perhaps my choice of words was intentional, and I did not wish to direct you towards any of my sisters! Perhaps we get enough embarrassing shit from our mother," 

"Do you want an apology?" asked Sue with a slight wince on her face. 

Kamiko shook her head, "No, no it's fine. I mean, I'm not really mad about it, and I get why you'd want to know, but I am serious about not wanting to cause issues for my sister. Granted, it does mean they won't be attempting to sell my secrets to you because of this, but you can be a bit intense. Plus, if it was one of my straight sisters, your first question would be 'can I join in', and I'd really rather not think of you doing… that… with one of my sisters. Thank god your straight," said Kamiko. 

Sue grinned and said, "Hey, while I do respect that… I am totally into sex enough to sleep with your sisters just to cause you issues if I wanted to be petty. Sure I'd invite a few guys to join in as well, but that would probably just make it more embarrassing for you," 

"Could you… like… not do that?" said Kamiko. 

Sue nodded, "Yeah… it's not a particularly strong desire, I can easily ignore it. It's mostly just a good thing to SAY to mess with you. Actually going through with it feels like a really good way to damage our friendship. That and I feel like I'd be asked 'when is the wedding' by your mother every time I see her after that," 

Kamiko grinned back, "Oh yes, Mum would totally do that to mess with you, and she'd probably justify it with 'well you were having sex with my daughter so that basically makes you family' all the while my dad glares menacingly from the corner 'You deflowered one of my girls, you should get married or else'. I can picture it now," 

Sue shook her head trying to clear the mental image, "Yup, nope. I want nothing at all to do with that. My parents aren't much for embarrassment normally but they would totally get on board… and oh god if they got my grandparents into it? Both sets of conservative grandparents? That is my hell." 

"Does this mean you're going to try and embarrass me less?" asked Kamiko hopefully while trying to look as adorable as possible to increase the chances that it would work. Kamiko was going for big puppy eyes, slight touch of water around the edges, mostly from keeping her eyes open so wide, and the shiest smile she could manage.

Sue opened her mouth to immediately deny it but paused. "Ok… so… I want to say no… but I also am trying to get away from the sex stuff so maybe I should promise to go easier on you anyway and then actually try to uphold that promise just because I want to and not for fear of the consequences?" 

"If you're trying to have less to do with 'sex stuff' as you put it… I feel like you've failed," said Kamiko. 

"Probably, but I'm trying to branch out a bit, not go cold turkey. It's a work in progress. Plus, I told you about my goals while I was retelling my section of the story! Did you zone out or something?" asked Sue. 

"No… but I was thinking that you'd already given up considering all the embarrassment… and all the people you slept with while you were away, most notably all those servants," pointed out Kamiko. 

Sue waved dismissively, "I didn't even sleep with half of them… ok maybe just barely half, but I did manage to say 'not half' so does that mean it was true? Or am I just not certain… hmm… has anyone tested that?" 

"I'm not sure…" mumbled Kamiko, "I feel like it's got to have been covered in school, but I can't say I remember the answer if it was," 

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