D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1114 1114 Lily And Evaline’s Outdoor Adventure Part 2

Chapter 1114 1114 Lily And Evaline’s Outdoor Adventure Part 2

Chapter talks a lot about lewd things. You have been warned. I suppose it this chapter can be skipped if you want.


Evaline sat down on the large rock overlooking the forest. It was a nice clearing on the edge of the cliff-face. They were nearly at the top… but Evaline thought it was best that they were sitting down for this part of the conversation. Obviously Lily wasn't going to bring it up herself, so it was now Evaline's job to do it for her. "So how is your relationship with Kat going?" 

"Good?" asked Lily confused, "I don't understand the question, I love her, she's made it clear she loves me. I'm quite happy with everything, and I've been quite happy to give the same answer whenever you ask that question. It's starting to get a bit weird," 

"I was trying to politely ease you into confessing about your sex life Lily. I already know that you sleep with Kat regularly, but because I know she's asexual and I know you're terribly shy, I doubt there was any actual sex involved," Lily's blush was already nuclear but Evaline wasn't done speaking yet, "I was trying to be polite about this, as I said, but I've given up hope of getting you to speak about it even with prompting. So I have to ask. Are you sexually frustrated?" 

"MUM!" shouted Lily. 

"DAUGHTER" shouted Evaline back with a lot less heat and a smirk on her face. 

*What the fuck Mum! How can you just ask something like that. Why would you ask something like that?* "Because it needed to be asked," answered Evaline. 

"Wait… did I say that out loud?" asked Lily. 

"No, but it's not hard to guess what you're thinking Lily. Gods, it's almost like your my daughter and I've known you since you were in my womb. Odd that. I wonder when that happened?" asked Evaline. 

"Oh, ha, ha, really funny Mum," said Lily. 

"Well it must be fucking hilarious because otherwise you wouldn't be laughing, you'd be answering the question," said Evaline. 

"I don't want to talk to my mother about my sex life!" hissed Lily. 

"Well you need to talk to someone about it, and considering that all of your friends are also Kat's friends I doubt you'd actually be willing or able to confide in them about it. So now, I'm the one that's asking. Besides, I'm your mother. Do you think I've never had sex or something? Because if so Lily, I've got some bad news to share about me and your father, I hope it's not too much of a shock," said Evaline. 

"Can… can you like not Mum?" asked Lily still bright red. 

"No, Lily, this is important, but I also need you to not freak out completely and shut down so a mix of humour and mortification is pretty much exactly what you need right now. Though, I don't want you to think I missed what you said earlier. 'Don't want to talk to my mother about my sex life'. I'm quite surprised you have one, now please share," said Evaline. 

"I don't have a sex life!" yelled Lily. 

"That feels like a problem," said Evaline with a smirk. 

Lily growled, pulling on her powers to summon up claws and slashed through a nearby bush, cutting the leaves to ribbons. "This isn't a joke Mum. It's super embarrassing and I don't want to talk about it," said Lily firmly. 

"Well you're not getting out of it just because it's 'super embarrassing' as you put it. This conversation needs to happen," said Evaline. 

Lily sucked in a painful breath. "Well… what about you and Dad? When was the first time you both had sex?" 

"Together? Or like, at all?" asked Evaline, intentionally stirring the pot. 

"MUM!" hissed Lily. Again. Evaline felt the responses her daughter was giving out were getting a bit repetitive. 

"Well I'm sorry. I didn't find the perfect love of my life before my twentieth birthday and then bind our minds together so he could never get away. Forgive me if it took a bit of exploration on my part," huffed Evaline. 

Lily slowly breathed in, then breathed out, still red but significantly calmer. "Right, um… ok when was the first time… you well… with Dad?" 

"Hmm… well I can't be certain it was the first time, but my first memory of meeting your father was waking up with a blinding headache in bed with him at a college party," said Evaline, trying to sound wistful. 

"What! Wait but you didn't go to college? Right?" asked Lily confused. 

"No, I didn't, at least, not to learn anything, but college parties were the best!" said Evaline with a smile. 

"You know what? I suddenly feel like I really don't want to know," said Lily. 

"Does that mean you're willing to talk about your own sex life now?" asked Evaline. 

"It isn't a sex life!" insisted Lily. Evaline just raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Look… it's not important… and I mean… I'm not ready for that sort of thing… probably…" 

Evaline rolled her eyes, "Lily, you're barely home, you spend all your time with Kat, and your not having sex with her. One day, you're going to be pent up, horny, and you're going to jump Kat, who is just going to let you because she doesn't see any reason not to, and then you're going to be the one dealing with the emotional consequences afterwards," 

"Why do you put it like that?" asked Lily suspiciously. 

"Because Kat emotionally secure. At least, when it comes to your relationship. For her, sex isn't something to look forward to, it's an inevitability. When you both go all the way, Kat will smile, and be happy just that you were happy, and your emotions will be completely fucked up," said Evaline clearly. 

"Why?" asked Lily softly. 

Evaline sighed. "I'll admit this is just a guess, but normally, when you come down off the high of sex, you have a sort of epiphany. What that is going to be for you, I don't know. I skipped that part a lot at the beginning by drinking too much and passing out afterwards, then having a headache to deal with in the morning. I doubt you'll get that luxury. 

"Kat however, won't have that issue. I doubt she'll get all that worked up. She'll play you like a fiddle till you pass out from the pleasure, then be satisfied with a job well done and just go to sleep. When you wake up, if you weren't ready for that, it's going to suck for everyone involved. 

"So I'm trying to make sure that you know when you're ready. It might be right now, it might be a year from now. What I really think, is that you need to encourage Kat to… explore a bit with you. Not full sex, but probably heaving petting until orgasm sometime soon otherwise you're going to try and dash through to the end straight away. Though… hmm… I suppose considering you're a lesbian maybe heavy petting is technically the end game? Food for thought," 

Lily groaned, "Look… Mum… I don't really know what to say?" 

"Say you don't understand and ask questions obviously," said Evaline in response. 

"Look… I haven't had any issues with… those sort of urges… I mean… not really…" Lily's mind flashed back to one particular dream during the recent Contract. 


"I sense a story," said Evaline. 

"Yous sense nothing!" hissed Lily. 

"Come on…" said Evaline teasingly. 

"Ok fine… look… I was maybe sort of having an erotic dream," Evaline nodded as Lily spoke, "And you also know that Kat's a demon right," Evaline nodded, that was obvious. "And you know how Kat can enter dreams?" Evaline hadn't really remembered that, but she could see where this was going, and it was BRILLIANT. "Right so… Kat sort of… walked in on me having dream sex with her… it was… um… something. Also not exactly… vanilla…" 

Evaline burst out laughing. "Oh dear daughter. If that's not a sign you need to get laid I don't know what is," 

"Look… it was super awkward for me," said Lily. 

Evaline managed to say "I'm sure it was Lily," between laughs. 

"Yeah but it didn't go anywhere! I didn't make it weird, and I haven't felt… the need for that sort of thing since then," said Lily. 

"Yes but I doubt that was much more than a stopgap measure. I really do think we need to talk about this Lily. I don't want you to rush into things and have you regret the outcome. Especially not when you're stuck with Kat. You can't just ghost her and avoid making contact ever again," said Evaline. 

"Why do I feel like you're speaking from experience," asked Lily, not really wanting to know the answer but unable to stop herself. 

Evaline grinned like the shark that caught the tuna, "You see Lily, after I had a horrible experience sleeping with my third boyfriend, I lost all interest in him. No, it wasn't rape or anything that bad, but he was just so… sooo… bad in bed. It killed my interest in him. So instead of that awkward conversation, I just stopped talking to him," 

"I didn't want to know," answered Lily. 

"Too bad," said Evaline. "Let me tell you about my first boyfriend. There at least, we were both awkward. See, we met…" 

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