D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1139 1139 Pick Your Poison. Again. Probably.

Chapter 1139 1139 Pick Your Poison. Again. Probably.

Thyme showed everyone the hidden door under the stairs, and announced "You have an hour to make your plans. Anyone not downstairs when that timer," Thyme pointed to a massive sand hourglass that Mint picked up from under the desk and put on the floor, "finishes, will be eliminated from this round and get zero points for all three events. Don't be late!" 

*How did Mint do that?* Kat looked between Mint, the desk, and the hourglass as everyone else started to disperse. Thyme hadn't yet named the teams for everyone, but Blue's team was going upstairs to their rooms, with the dwarven lead team following them, Romilda, whose name Kat still didn't know, floating up the staircase. Stan's team was heading back outside, and the last team, the one with the elven princess on it, headed back to the cafeteria. 

Kat's team was heading upstairs as well, but Kat kept looking at the hourglass. It was nearly twice the height of the desk, and just as wide. There was no way it could fit underneath the desk without shenanigans of some kind. Probably Thyme's spatial magic. Lily nipped at Kat's hand then turned her head to the rest of the team who were already quite a ways up the stairs. 

Kat sighed, letting the mystery of the hourglass flow out of her mind. Kat gave a bit of a wave to Mint, who smiled back, before she climbed the stairs, quickly catching up to her team. They headed up to their shared floor and piled into the room that technically belonged to Gareth. Based on the lack of use the room had seen before they entered, Gareth and Green had probably claimed Green's as their shared room. 

Green flopped down onto the bed anyway, until Nixilei walked over and thwacked Green on the back of the head, "Focus now Green," said Nixilei.

"Meh… you guys can work it out right?" returned Green. 

"Look, I know you've just had lunch, but this is important Green," said Gareth, knowing Green would be more likely to listen to him. 

"Fiiine," whined Green as she got up. Gareth sat down next to the fae and gave her a few pats on the head. Green leaned onto his shoulder, but Gareth flicked her on the forehead. 

"No sleeping just yet," said Gareth. 

Green pouted but didn't say anything else. Kress grabbed a chair and flipped it around so they he could rest his head on the backrest while looking at everyone over the top, Nixilei stood of the side, and Kat slid onto the counter. "So, how are we starting?" asked Kress. 

Lily transformed on Kat's lap and said, "I think we should decide who is participating in what matches. The most you can do is three total, and perhaps the last event. That one might have different rules though, so we can't plan around it too much just yet. My point, is that if say… we want Kat to participate in as many events as possible, 

"Then she needs to participate in one, and two, then skip three, to participate in four, and possibly five. So I'd say we work out who, if any, should try to line things up that way. Then, we should decide who is the best at each event in question," 

Nixilei tapped her chin a few times but nodded. Green nodded as well thinking things sounded good enough, while Kress and Gareth shared a shrug. So Kress said, "I'm not saying that's a bad idea but it would give Kat a bunch of extra work, and while she may be the best option, I'm not sure I want to rely on that strength to carry us. 

"There is also the event Kat will be barred from. We don't know when that event actually IS, and because it's a wings issue you'll be banned as well Lily. Which is another thing to consider, is there anything here you're particularly good at? Should we alternate tasks between you and Kat so someone extra can rest?" 

"We can worry about the arial events when they show up, as for switching me and Lily out… I don't know if it matters? These events all seem pretty low key, so I think I could do every single event without rest and still have no problems. Lily not so much… but none of them are particularly intense so far. It just doesn't seem worth worrying about," explained Kat. 

"That's fair… so does anyone have an event they want to try?" asked Gareth. 

Kat spoke up again, "Actually, I'd like to point out that I really shouldn't enter the table tennis match. I can't scale my strength all that well, and I certainly don't have practice volleying a ball back and forth while relaxing my grip enough to keep the paddle intact. I wouldn't be surprised if I kept my arm strong, and then had the paddle break in half as the ball made contact," 

"Really?" said Green in surprise. "You always seem to be rather in control of your strength…" 

Kat shrugged, "I can sort of flick it to 'settings'? I guess? I also instinctively seem to know how much strength is potentially lethal… but for inanimate objects? I've only really handled things at 'base' strength, I have no idea what the appropriate level for this sort of thing is. Things are… flimsy now that I'm rank three. I don't know how much Thyme will reinforce the paddles… but I'm just a bit worried ok?" 

*Plus, I doubt Thyme will be using a plastic ball that's nearly impossible to break. Dent? Maybe? But break? Those ping pong balls are ridiculously durable. Thyme's might not be quite the same.*

"Huh… well, if it's control we need, then either me or Nixilei are the best bets… but perhaps Green could use her archery experience to aim the ball well?" offered Kress. 

Green shook her head, "I've got no idea how the ball will react. I've never heard of this game before so I doubt archery is a particularly transferable skill. I'd… rather not," said Green. 


Nixilei and Kress shared a look. Kress just shrugged. Nixilei shrugged back. Kress raised an eyebrow. Nixilei quirked a lip. Kress rolled his eyes while raising a finger ever so slightly. Nixilei glared back and puffed out her chest. Kress did a wave motion with his hand. Nixilei raised one eyebrow, and her pinkie finger of her left hand. 

Kat and Lily shared a look. Green and Gareth shared a similar one. Gareth broke first. "Ok what does any of that even mean," 

Kress shrugged and answered. "I have no idea," 

"Yes, it was a strange contest because we kept trying to throw the job to each other… but honestly I'm not sure who won that one," agreed Nixilei. 

Gareth huffed, "Right, in that case, you both and Kat can participate in the first round. Pick and event. Green and I will participate in the next round. Problem solved," 

Nixilei and Kress both glared at Gareth but they didn't argue any further. It was as good a way as any to pick who should participate or not, they just didn't know what in the future they needed to plan for, so it made things hard.

"I'll take the table tennis then," said Kress. "I'm confidant in regulating my strength, my reaction time is quite good, and honestly? I'm not sure I can beat Nixilei when it comes to situation awareness that I'd need for twister or dodgeball. Give me a one, on one any day," 

Kat turned to Nixilei and said, "Well, in that case, do you want to play twister, or dodgeball?" 

Nixilei pursed her lips. "I feel as if I'm the sub-optimal choice for both games when compared to yourself Kat. My flexibility is top class, but not supernaturally so. My situation awareness is excellent but your mind runs faster. I can aim a throw ball well, but you can out strength me massively…"

Kat glared at Nixilei, "You're really putting yourself down here," 

Nixilei just shrugged, "It's the way of things. As a Rank 3 demon all of your skills are a level above mind, and even if Thyme does restrict you somewhat, your mind is still free," 

"Should I play twister then? I doubt Thyme will need to restrict me at all there," said Kat. 

Nixilei chewed on her lip for a few moments as she considered the offer. "No, I think I'll take twister. I have a feeling that you COULD win on your own, but I'll make use of… alternative methods of ensuring my win if I'm playing twister," 

Kat blushed hotly, realising a bit of what Nixilei was suggesting, even if she didn't know the specifics. "Um… yeah… I… I wouldn't be willing to do that sort of thing. Do… do you think Thyme will allow it?" said Kat awkwardly. 

"As long as he doesn't consider it a mental attack? Yes, yes I do," said Nixilei with a grin. 

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