D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Freaking out Just a Little

Chapter 121: Freaking out Just a Little

As Kat watched the dagger's trembling stop, the vines on it started to unwind. Once they had uncoiled from the dagger, they launched themselves into the ground effortlessly cracking the ice. A moment later vines surged up from the ground forming a compact dome around where the dagger had just been

"You could have warned me" said Grace

"Well, I didn't exactly know what it would do. But hey look we have shelter now" said Kat leading the grumbling elf to the opening in the front.

Inside, it was even more apparent the dome was made of vines. The dagger sat in the centre, surrounded by the thickest of the lot that arched up and served as a central pole for the dome to sit on. The walls were made of triple layered vines to protect from the elements somewhat but the clear lack of a door allowed the cold to drift in.

"So" said Kat taking the left side of the tent for herself. It would be a little cramped with two but not overly so. "Care to explain why your freaking out so much"

Grace quickly locked her eyes on Kat "What do you mean? I'm fine"

Kat let out a long breath "Grace, I'm using my aura to try and calm you down, but you still seem to be freaking out. Something is very wrong"

"Can we… can we not talk about it" asked Grace hesitantly

"Look Grace, I'm not going to force you to do anything, but now that we've made the contract, we are somewhat stuck together because we can't assist each other if we get separated" said Kat

"Ha the damned contract" said Grace with heavy eyes "If I'm honest, I was just doing that to get your tail off of me. I didn't think… ha, I guess that's right I didn't think"

Kat motioned for Grace to continue and she did after a few seconds to gather herself "For some reason I had it in my head that you had to summon a demon to make a contract with them. I know you guys can't lie, so I'd thought just getting you to accept would protect me for a bit because you couldn't lie about attacking me

"Clearly I was wrong… instead now I'm bound to some crazy demon and we have to win together or else… what? My soul burns forever in hell or something?"

"Well Grace" said Kat as gently as possible "I'm pretty sure you aren't doomed to hell, but in regards to the contract, yes, it is fairly binding. But you were careful with the wording though, we just have to help each other. Surely it isn't so bad"

"I just… the chains Kat… I can still feel them. Binding me, constricting me" said Grace hugging herself.

"Um, I think that's a you problem" said Kat confused

Grace looked up at Kat and tilted her head in similar confusion "What do you mean? Aren't I bound by them"

"Well, I mean, yeah they enforce the contract, but they aren't physically there. You shouldn't be able to feel them at all Grace. You didn't see but the chains affect me as well. I'm just as bound by this as you are" said Kat

Grace looked at Kat with wide eyes. "You mean… that's normal? You have to see that every time you make a contract?"

Kat just stared at Grace "Yes. Yes I do Grace… I'm not sure why your surprised. Besides, they aren't so bad, just um calm down a bit?"

Grace bit her lip and kept her eyes on Kat "I'm pretty sure the only thing preventing me from screaming is that aura of yours. I'm freaking out here"

"You know, I always thought you were the calm collected on of your lot" said Kat

"Well… I mean maybe I am but I feel like things have really escalated compared to the normal stakes. Sure, life and death situations come up often, but why wouldn't I be scared that I just accidentally sold my soul to a demon" said Grace

*System I don't steal people souls, right?*

Kat waited for system confirmation but saw nothing.

*Hey System? No soul stealing right?*


User Kat is correct. Technically speaking taking what is offered isn't theft.

*System… are you telling me I really own her soul now?*

Of course not. User Kat is incapable of making a bargain for a soul.

*Then why are you being so weird about this?*

Once again Kat received no response.

*Ok system. Let me be quite clear. Does Grace still fully own her soul?*

No. Entity Grace's soul belongs to another entity.

*Oh for crying out loud.* Though Kat well aware she was speaking in her thoughts. *Am I responsible for that?*

User Kat is not. Entity Grace's soul was owned before you came into contact with Entity Grace.

*Great. Thank you. Was that so hard?*


"Grace, you don't have to worry about me stealing your soul. Not only do I have no idea what I'd do with an extra soul, I'm not sure I could take it even if I wanted" said Kat.

That seemed to calm Grace down a bit "Ooh? So I still own my soul then?"

*Shit… What the hell do I say to that?*

"Um, the ownership of your soul hasn't been effected by your meeting with me" said Kat

"Why did you say that so weirdly" said Grace

"Well… I mean, I may or may not have it on good authority, that you likely don't own your soul something else, does but I mean, what's the worry right" said Kat

"Your messing with me right?" asked Grace trying to keep the worry out of her voice.

"Quick Timmy" said Kat from the corner of her mouth behind her hand "Tell her that she owns her soul"

Timmy just gave Kat an exasperated look and gesture to its mouth.

"Well I can't tell her, can I?" whispered Kat

"I can hear you" said Grace furrowing her brows. josei

"Look, Grace" said Kat "I have no idea why, but apparently something does in fact own your soul. It isn't me, but it is a thing"

"Huh" said Grace as she let herself fall flat against the side of the tent. "So… is that like normal?"

Kat shook her head "I have no idea Grace. Not a clue"

And with that the conversation died. Kat wasn't sure how she'd gone from trying to convince Grace that everything was fine and not to be scared, to telling her that some unknown entity owned her soul.

*Well, on the bright side she's not shaking anymore. And I mean, she looks good for someone who doesn't own their own soul… right? I mean, perhaps looking identical to four other people isn't the best… and being stuck in a tent while it's hailing outside with a demon you seem terrified of is still an issue… but it's fine right?*

"So um, Grace" said Kat "You want to talk about the plan for tomorrow?"

"Not really" mumbled Grace

"Um how about we talk about how you found me then?" asked Kat

Grace just gave Kat a look that seemed to ask if she was serious with that question. "What? Why are you looking at me like I'm a fool?"

"So… you aren't aware of how eye-catching the exploding purple fire… or the giant gout of purple fire… or the massive forest covered in purple fire might be to an outside observer in the middle of the night where it's pitch black" said Grace.

"Ah, I have night vision, so I don't really notice" said Kat

Grace groaned upon hearing that "Lynn is right your powers are dumb"

"Look, yeah, that's fair" said Kat "How are you managing to see then?"

"Well, I was exaggerating when I said it was pitch black. A little bit of mana and the light of the moon and it's more than enough to get by" said Grace.

"Huh… well um, what about the forest? How did you manage not to get lost with the enchantment on it" said Kat

Grace burst into laughing. A deep full laugh as she struggled to regain control of her body. After finally calming down the deep shake that wracked her frame Grace looked back up at Kat and lost it once again. Slapping the ground and laughing away Grace had tears in her eyes as she struggled to breath.

"Ooh" said Grace "Ooh I needed that. Thanks"

Grace looked at Kat through tear filled eyes and saw only confusion. "Ah… wait you were serious?"

Kat nodded and Grace continued "We Elves have an innate ability called the Forests Path. Makes it basically impossible to get lost if there are living trees nearby. So, while I did notice the enchantment it was very easy to ignore it and just trust my less useful sense"

"Huh, that's pretty cool. And I'm glad you calmed down. Perhaps you should get some rest. We both need it for now" said Kat

"Yeah… I guess your right" said Grace pulling her cloak tight around her frame as she placed her head in her arms.

Seeing Grace so easily accept the need for sleep Kat decided to follow suite. Leaning back against the dome wall Kat let her wings stretch out a little more, careful not to touch Grace and let herself drift off to sleep.

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