D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1299 1299 The Connection and its Details

Chapter 1299 1299 The Connection and its Details

Chapter 1299 1299 The Connection and its Details

--- Kat ---

"So… my girlfriend won't let me do anything as dangerous as Marigold's crazy training," Lily poked out her tongue as Kat spoke but didn't interrupt. "So I was wondering if there was anything less crazy I could attempt?" 

"I guess if Kat's asking I'll chip in as well," said Lily. "Is there anything you guys know that's appropriate for Shadow or Paper magic?" 

Marigold shrugged and said, "Not really. I mean, I get that Kat can regenerate and from what I can guess it's a lot faster and might just be better all around… but it just ISN'T regeneration affinity. Heck, Kat doesn't even have mana. So… I can't say how that would affect things. A lot of training that I do is built on the knowledge of what regeneration mana can do, and what it likes to do. 

"We know what it does in monsters, in people, and in enchantments we can occasionally squeeze it into. Sure we don't know everything, but we know enough to make more than a few guesses and then come up with the… crazier techniques. In Kat's case… she's basically the same as a monster. She does… does things somehow. If there is an explanation it's not one we can figure out. 

"As for paper and shadow magic… I don't really know? I imagine finding a good dark cave would help with shadow magic… maybe. As for paper magic? I'm really not sure. Perhaps pretending to be a book? Either be trapping yourself in an illusion or making a giant book and using it as a bed or something. Sorry, I don't really know," 

"At least you didn't have any good ideas for Kat," said Lily with a grin. "I'm sure she'd have tested them… and I'd rather she didn't get hurt so often. Sure it's not permanent damage, but I still don't like seeing her hurt." 

"What's it like?" asked Burnice. "I mean, being connected like that. I can barely imagine it,"

Lily and Kat shared a look and decided Kat would go first. "For me it's… it's hard to describe. I'm sure it will be hard to describe for Lily as well. I'm not sure there are words to properly describe our connection. We know just about everything that the other is thinking… but not everything. 

"We can have private thoughts, and emotions but that takes at least some effort. Lily… well I'm not sure if she still can't close the connection but originally she couldn't manipulate it at all. I could close of my thoughts, close myself of from her thoughts, or both. They are all options. 

"Practically? I'm not sure it's changed all that much. We're able to have private conversations without bothering people… but it's never been a secret. From what we've been told, we both get a very particular look when we're thinking at each other. It's probably a goofy smile of some kind, but from what we've been told it's quite noticeable. 

"In the end… it sort of means that not much has changed. Lily and I were very close before this and we could talk to each other with just a look before. Nothing even close to this extent, but silent communication was already possible. This is just… a bit more. Perhaps it would be overwhelming for some but it's never really bothered me. I also don't mind just… having the connection open. 

"Growing up I didn't exactly get a lot of privacy. Not that I couldn't get any… but when I was really young I needed to be watched, as all children need be… then I was rooming with other children my age, so still no privacy… then finally I was the one watching the children, and I was sort of expected to just be… available whenever they needed me. 

"It's not something I resent, but it does meant that the idea of having someone know my every thought isn't an inherently off-putting one, and with that person being Lily it doesn't bother me at all. It's nice to be closer… I guess, but it doesn't matter all that much to me in the end. It's probably made our relationship a lot stronger. Being able to just… show her what I'm feeling has been really convenient, but as nice as it is, I could live without it if I had to," 

Lily pouted rather cutely at Kat's statement, even if she knew it was true. The connection was very nice for Kat, but not essential. Even if Lily could feel it was no less precious to Kat then it was her, the difference in perspective mattered here. 

Lily glanced around and could tell that some of the others had questions, but were holding off for her own explanation. "For me it's almost entirely different. I adore my connection to Kat. I'm a somewhat private person and I've been hurt by people before… and our connection reassures me massively, especially in my lowest moments. Unlike Kat, I'm not sure I could recover if it was broken. josei

"Though from what I know, that might be a physical truth as well as a mental one. It is meant to be permanent after all, and I dearly hope it will be. As for the lack of privacy? For me it matters that it's Kat. I want Kat to know these things. I want Kat to know me more than she already does, which is a great deal. 

"It saves me so much trouble having to SAY things to her. She just knows. Not always perhaps, but often and I treasure that. I will admit to being a bit… put out when Kat was more inclined to open and close the connection as needed. Sure I still enjoyed having it around back then, but it was much less intimate. It's quite a lot better now. 

"As for how it feels… hmm… it's hard to say. Kat's thoughts and feelings are clearly her own, even as I hear and feel them. It's… her thoughts are always in HER voice. Even if she's imitating someone else mentally it still sounds like Kat, or like Kat doing a bad impression. I'm not sure if that's actually the case in her own head, but for me that's what it sounds like. 

"When it comes to the emotional component… they all have their unique… flavours I guess? I don't just have a… hmm… you might not get that reference. Ok, so it's not at all like having a letter delivered that says 'Kat was happy today' it's an… well obviously it's not a 'full-body' experience but it's more than just… an echo of the emotion. Kat's happiness and protectiveness and other such things almost rap around me. Her anger seems to cut… but even things like that I still… I suppose I still enjoy the feeling. Even the bad ones don't actually hurt me, but it's just… different I suppose," 

"So you would recommend it?" asked Marigold. 

"Of definitely," said Kat and Lily together. 

Lily then continued, "I mean, don't pick someone you aren't one hundred percent sure you're spending the rest of your life with. I probably rushed things a bit, even though I've know Kat for years now… it was probably still on the faster side… but I just couldn't not do it you know? I had the chance, and I decided I'd take it while I could, and damn the consequences… but those consequences might be everything up to and including death if either of us actually changed our minds," 

Marigold shrugged, "I doubt I'll actually get the chance… but it might be something to look into. I mean, Dad's cool and all but I doubt I could ever love that many people. It'd just take up too much time. My heart's not big enough," 

Vanya pulled Marigold into a proper kiss… so everyone just waited awkwardly for a few seconds while that happened. When she was free to move again, Marigold gave Vanya a quick peck on the cheek before the other elf could say anything. 

When Vanya did turn back to the crowd, she was blushing as she said, "Look, that was a very sweet sentiment. I mean… I'm not willing to commit to something like that as readily as you to seem to be… but I do find the idea quite romantic," 

"Romantic it may be but I think it'd drive me up the wall," said Burgandy, who paused for a few moments to take in a breath. "Let me be clear, I do agree it's romantic, not knocking anyone who'd be down for something like that… but the idea of sharing what's in my head with anyone isn't something I find appealing at all. Even if I loved them with all of my heart… I just don't want that," 

"No I agree," said March. "I think it would be distracting. Perhaps when I am older and more willing to settle down, having either reached the peak of strength or accepted the strength I have… it might appeal to me more then. As it stands though… I feel like my partner would need to be just as obsessed with training as I am lest it grew insufferable," 

Everyone turned to Burnice after that who just shrugged. "I mean… it sounds nice in theory, and perhaps I'd enjoy it… but I just don't really know. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I'd probably want to try just having a normal girlfriend first," 

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