D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1305 1305 A WayBackstory

Chapter 1305 1305 A WayBackstory

Chapter 1305 Chapter 1305 A WayBackstory

--- Kat --- josei

"What about you Kat? Any interesting stories for the rest of us?" asked Marigold.

*Hmm. I'm not sure which ones would be the most interesting to tell for our audience.*

[Why not go with your very first mission? Perhaps leave out some parts, like suggesting your wings came in around this time, which is true, and that your tail was hidden.]

*My tail wasn't hidden though, it wasn't there at all. Sure my wings did come in around then, but I being forced to speak the truth limits me there.*

[Are you sure about that? Technically you've always been a Succubus. It's not like you were human before, it just seemed like you were. So your tail was hidden from everyone including you. Think of it like fae wings!]

*I get what you're saying but I'm not sure I could get away with it. Especially when my tail came in first. Though… was that before or after my first summoning? After, yeah I'm pretty sure it was after. I suppose I'll try my best to tell the story. If things get shaky you'll have to coach me.* "I suppose so. If we're focusing on sillier stories I think my very first Contract would be the best bet!" said Kat.

"So, I'm not sure how it normally goes for a first Contract. I know another demon who had a rather standard first Contract, barely any different from the rest… and another who… well let's just say she's a Succubus and unlike me she embodies the label. For myself though, I was summoned by an apprentice while his master watched over.

"It was just a test for the apprentice, summon a weak demon and then dismiss them. I was pretty week when I first came into my power… but I didn't have my wings yet and my other features were pretty well hidden… oh and I was asleep at the time. So I wake up, asleep and half dazed out of my mind… and the two panic massively.

"Apparently when I'm half asleep I have a good resting bitch face or something? That seemed to think I was bored, apathetic, and ready to mess with them. My lacking demonic features made them think they'd accidentally bothered someone super high Rank, and so they quickly scrambled to banish me back home.

"It worked… but I was still tired, so instead of you know, talking to someone about it but nope, still thought it was a dream so I just went back to sleep as if that was all totally normal. Didn't start freaking out about it until the next morning, or, perhaps later that morning? I'm not sure the exact time I was summoned,"

"How long were you summoned for?" asked Burnice.

"Um… not sure. My memory is quite good but I was tired and not really paying attention at the time. Certainly no more than five minutes and most of that was spent travelling between realms," said Kat.

"Wait so teleportation between realms isn't instant?" asked Burgandy.

Kat shrugged and said, "I'm not sure if it can be made instant or not, but when I'm summoned it takes a while. Not a long while mind you, but you have plenty of time to enjoy the process,"

"Oh, enjoyable is it?" said Marigold with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"It's quite beautiful," says Kat. Her experience with Sue more than enough to ignore such light teasing. "It's a mixture of colourful fire that covers all the colours, and perhaps a few more after that. It's a fantastical experience that never truly loses its wonder. Sure it's not as breathtaking after the first time through but it still brings a smile to my face,"

"Better then teleporting with Thyme then?" asked March.

"Oh yes indeed," said Kat. "I actually called Thyme out on their poor teleportation technique. They didn't notice anything wrong with it… but perhaps because I'm a demon it just felt… wrong. I was a bit nauseas but it was more than that… I could just sort of tell that compared to how we travel realms it was severely lacking. Thyme has improved much since then,"

"Really? I haven't noticed a difference," said Marigold. A few others voiced similar opinions.

"It certainly feels quite different now compared to Kat's memories," said Lily. "It's hard to compare them honestly. It's a completely different experience now. It's… smooth I suppose. I can't say that I know anything about space in truth… but if I were to try to explain it… it's like…

"It's the difference between walking along a nicely made road and wandering through the woods. Even if there is somewhat of a path or you know where you are going, it is fundamentally wrong to travel long distances with it. A road is just… convenient in ways a hunters trail is not. Hmm… perhaps it's a bad analogy but it's the best one I can think of for people who can't really feel the difference,"

Nobody else seemed to know what to make of that, and Lily could see some unhappy faces, so she was glad when Marigold stepped in and asked, "So what else fun have you managed to get up to? That story was short and punchy but it wasn't a real adventure,"

"Unlike your own tale and March's?" asked Kat wryly.

"Hey, we got to go on a nice side discussion about ass and even revisit my past a whole bunch. You told a story of five minutes," said Marigold.

Katt shrugged, accepting the criticism that wasn't much of one in truth. "Hmmmm… most of them are interesting to think about, even not all that interesting to retell. Would you like to hear about the time I saved a princess, the time I helped a lord find love, or the time I had to deal with an annoying person, twice,"

"Oh, I gotta hear about this annoying person," said Marigold. "Anyone who can actually annoy you is worth hearing about! The love one is kinda interesting, but I feel like I'm being baited with it, so tell me about the annoying guy."

Kat groaned. "Urgh, fine. His name is Xiang and he is a cultivator… which probably doesn't mean anything to you guys huh?" Kat got a set of matching 'nos' in response. "Right well… urgh I don't want to get too into the specifics but it's another kind of higher energy. It's not mana, not demonic energy, something else.

"Honestly I don't know much about the specifics that makes things different, but they are much more martially inclined. They have a lot of odd ideas about 'honour' and 'face' but I don't really get it. I'm not sure if it's specific to qi… but the other realm with qi in it had the same sort of people so I have to assume it's at least somewhat related.

"Anyway… I had to do a certain amount of missions as my introduction to demon society," *Yes, that's a nice way of phrasing it.* "This was my last one, well the first time at least. I didn't really want to involve myself… but the desire to just get it over with was strong, so despite the fact that he wanted to go get revenge on this sect, I'll explain those in a bit, um… yeah he wanted revenge and I didn't really want to help but I decided it was worth it.

"I massively twisted what he was asking for, and it turned out the best… but the annoying part was that he didn't mean to summon me. So I spent days travelling and listening to him insult me, only to then have to help him kill people… which, they wanted death over dishonour, for some reason. So I had a bit of a crisis about that.

"Anyway, we get to the sect and despite telling him he's not strong enough to fight the stronger people around… he went and fought the stronger people around, nearly dying in the process… and then somehow pulling out a major powerup out of his ass and destroying the guy he was fighting then moving off to go kill some babies. So I had to stop him. Obviously.

"It was the closest I have ever been to death. Before or after. I had my heart ripped out, twice, and I managed to survive that, stick around save the day and get him thrown away a massive distance by the head cultivator there… so we didn't exactly leave each other on the best of terms. He didn't think I did my job, and I didn't like having my heart ripped out of my chest. Really just a bad job all around.

"So of course, when he summoned me A SECCOND TIME. Still on accident by the way, and I was just about ready to tell him to fuck off… when he mentioned that he wanted to save someone who was kidnapped this time, and well… I'm a bit of a sucker for things like that it seems. So I stuck around… and got insulted a bunch by his new companion. Great fun.

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