D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1330 1330 Cannon Picks

Chapter 1330 1330 Cannon Picks

Chapter 1330 1330 Cannon Picks

--- Kat ---

With no further questions the teams huddled together to decide who was participating in the round. Green lead off with, "Ok, unless the argument you two are having changes things, I'm nominating myself for this round," 

"Nope, that's good with me," said Lily as soon as Green had finished speaking. Kat gave her girlfriend a sideways look, quite aware that Lily had waited for the moment Green had finished speaking to ensure she got the next word in. Was that really necessary?

[Yes. I'm sure that Green will do a much better job then me.]

*Perhaps, but Green could have participated in the next round or the last one. She didn't need to participate in this one, but if you want to, it seems like this is the only round for you.*

[It might be, but I've decided it's fine if I don't participate. I was just feeling a little useless, no reason to make a fool of myself.]

Kat let out a long sigh as she pinched her nose in exasperation. Lily had clearly made up her mind and that was that. Kress, taking some pity on the pair asked, "What makes you the most qualified for this? I'm pretty sure I could do well enough in this round as well," 

"Firstly, this seems like the easiest way to get a win under my belt without putting in much physical effort. Secondly, my wind magic will let me do a lot more flips and twirls then anyone bar perhaps Kat with her wings, which I noticed weren't banned in this challenge. Thirdly, I trust my flexibility over yours, and Nixilei is still wiped out," answered Green. 

"I'm cool with this. Can I bow out of the conversation to go back to sleep?" asked Nixilei. 

Green took a quick glance around and saw that Asteodia wasn't present either and replied, "As long as you promise not to meet up with Asteodia until after the next challenge I'll allow it," 

Nixilei got up while rolling her eyes, "I'd give you some smarmy quip but I'm too tired. Let's hope that will offset the massive jug of coffee I've drunk," 

While Nixilei was walking away Kress asked, "Not that you didn't bring up some good points before… but are you confident enough in your magic for that?" 

"Nah, but I've got gloves and boots to ensure that I don't need to worry about it. Thyme recommended the swimsuits, and I'll wear them… I'll just be wearing some other things as well. If they seem to be costing my points I'll figure something out," said Green. 

Kress shrugged at that, accepting Green's reasoning and leaning back into his chair. When he did this Green turned to Kat, "Unless you think that for some reason you'd do particularly well here? I'm just assuming that there will be a swimming challenge and you're strength will really help there," 

Kat shrugged and said, "While I agree that my strength might be useful, the fact I can hold my breath for a lot longer then everyone else will probably help more," 

Green nodded, "Yeah that does sound useful. I don't actually have an item to help with that on me right now… so that sounds good," 

--- Marigold's Team ---

"This is my event," said Marigold while puffing out her chest. 

Mauve and Burnice rolled their eyes together as they listened to Marigold's proclamation. Vanya on the other hand reacted with anger. "Absolutely not! Marigold, you are somehow the worst diver I've ever seen. You're idea of 'diving' is belly flopping into the water and trying to make the loudest noise in the process. You are NOT a suitable candidate for this challenge," 

"But I get to wear a cute swimsuit," countered Marigold. "It would be a shame not to show off the goods," Marigold hefted her sizeable assets in an attempt to distract Vanya for the truth of the matter. josei

Alas, Vanya had spent enough time around Marigold that something as simple as this wouldn't distract her. Of course, you did have to ignore the fact that it was distracting Midnight quite well, and getting Burnice and Mauve to check out of the conversation for the most part. So it was working plenty well, just not on Vanya. 

"No means no Marigold you menace," said Vanya firmly. "You can participate in whatever Thyme gets us to do next,"

"Only if you take my place this round then," said Marigold. 

Vanya just raised an eyebrow, "That is such a weak taunt Marigold. Really?" 

"Is it working?" asked Marigold. 

Vanya glared back at the princess for a few seconds before sighing. "Yes. Yes it is…" 

--- Nell's Team --- 

"I do believe it is your time to shine sister," said Nabras. 

"I do believe you are right for once brother," agreed Bonas. 

"Shouldn't we talk about this a bit more?" asked Blue uncertain. "My water magic could be fairly useful for this event, and remember it's important that Kat's team doesn't win this round," 

Nell shrugged and said, "It's important her team doesn't win ANY round, so this isn't any more or less important then the others. If anything, I suspect that this event is one where your magic will do the least, so I'm going to agree with the twins on this one. Plus, Nabras did take that summer course on diving," 

"Wait you did a summer course on diving?" asked Blue. 

Bonas nodded and explained, "Yeah! One of my aunts was running it. I took it a lot more seriously then the rest of the group… which still wasn't all that seriously but that's a lot more experience then everyone else I suspect," 

Ellenell just shrugged, "It's not something I've looked into," 

"Sorry," said Blue. "I didn't want to make it seem like I was doubting you, I just didn't expect you to have spent any time diving. I mean… I didn't even know it was like… a thing you could do," 

"Obviously it is," said Bonas. 

Blue shook her head and explained, "No that's not what I mean. I didn't realise there was like… classing or whatever for it. I didn't think it was popular enough for that," 

Bonas gave a slight nod and explained, "Yeah it's not. My aunt only runs the course very occasionally. Normally she's making sure all the younger ones can swim, and reminding a few of the older ones how if they've forgotten," 

"Well, good luck Bonas," said Nell with a slap to the wolfgirl's back. 

--- March's Team --- 

"I'm open to suggestions here," said Chartreuse. "I'm really not sure who would be best for this event," 

"This is not the event for me," said March in a matter of fact tone of voice. "I lack the flexibility needed to pull of a number of fancy moves that may be required. Touching my toes is probably beyond me," 

"Hey, I know you keep up with your stretches, you can reach your toes," countered Willow. 

"Yes, but only just and it takes me time. I have to slowly pull myself down to that point compressing my muscles as I go. It is not something I can do quickly and while falling from the sky," explained March. 

"Ah… right…" Willow let out a wince as the words fell from her mouth. She really hadn't been thinking that one through. 

Burgandy threw in her own idea. "In that case, I nominate Willow, she's more flexible then I am," 

"Ah… I mean… I don't know that I'd be the best for this though…" mumbled Willow. "What about Stan?" 

"He'd totally throw us under the bus for Kress," said Burgandy with a slight grumble. 

"Eh, technically I couldn't. Or… I might be able to? Because if Kress' team wins this challenge they'd win the whole thing I might actually be stopped… but perhaps not. I'd totally try though," 

"So clearly we can't trust him with this," sighed Burgandy. 

"Er…" Willow looked over at Chartreuse for help but found Chartreuse nodding along with Burgandy. "Wait but I've never gone diving before! I mean, sure I can swim, my parents wouldn't let me leave for adventures without making sure of that… but just swimming! How am I supposed to secure the win if I don't know how to dive!"

"Sounds like a you problem," chucked Stan. Willow glared at the demon, who was entirely calm under her gaze.

--- Romilda's Team ---

There was hardly a moment of silence after the team huddled up before Borgick took the chance to speak "I'm doing it," His tone brooked no argument.

"Borgick-" Romlda started to speak but was firmly cut off. 

"No," said Borgick. "I would sell my left testicle for a closer look at that thing. I'm getting in the cannon," He seemed rather proud of this fact.

"It's not going anywhere!" retorted Romilda, annoyance plain on her face. In her mind Borgick was being ridiculous. Thyme wasn't going to just destroy the cannon at the end of the challenge. It was probably going to become a fixture of the resort.

Borgick was firm though, "I. AM. GETTING. IN. THE. CANNON" The other three just tried to blend into the background, wanting nothing to do with this argument. 

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