D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1332 1332 Borgick Meets His Love

Chapter 1332 1332 Borgick Meets His Love

Chapter 1332 1332 Borgick Meets His Love

--- Green --- 

Green stepped out of the changing room wearing a fully body wetsuit that matched her hair. She'd considered the other options, even some of the racier ones that were mostly just string. Green had dismissed them all. It would simply be too distracting for her. She wasn't the most outgoing of people and purposely showing off like that would probably come back to bite her in the ass.

Plus, who was she really going to distract? The only clear lesbian competing was Vanya and nothing Green did would compare to Marigold on the average Tuesday so it wouldn't even matter. Perhaps it might distract Borgick… but that wasn't a given either. Especially after seeing some of the looks he was giving that cannon. 

No the distraction play was doomed to failure so Green had gone with the practical option. A complete body wetsuit. She hadn't seen anything like it before, but it covered everything and didn't look too sexual in the provided mirror once she'd tried it on. The material was surprisingly thick and hid a lot of the details that could've shown if the suit was thinner or tighter. Though it was already plenty tight. 

When she made it outside, Green could see that only Borgick was here before her. He had on a pair of red board shorts and nothing else. He was well built, especially in the arms, but that was no surprise considering the crazy guy carried around a damn cannon. He wasn't bothering to observe the competition his eyes were fixed on the giant cannon. Even when Bonas walked out, his eyes didn't so much as blink. Little weird if Green was being honest. 

Bonas had picked out a blue two-piece swimsuit that covered her decently well. Green wondered why she'd picked that for about half a second then realised it was the tail. *Probably confirmation about what Thyme meant when they said some styles would be painful for people to wear. I can't see Bonas squeezing that tail into a wetsuit like me, or even a one piece if there's nowhere for the tail to go.*

Next up was Willow and Vanya. They both came up around the same time with Vanya being slightly ahead. She was wearing a green one-piece swimsuit that showed off everything. Green looked over to see Marigold pretending she wasn't interested in Vanya's outfit, and failing. *Why? I assumed Vanya would have picked something more conservative to try and annoy Marigold. Unless she thinks this IS conservative for some reason?*

Green shrugged the thought off and looked at Willow who had chosen a wetsuit just like Green had, though this one was a burnt orange colour. Green nodded at the practicality even as she wanted to grimace internally. Willow and Vanya stood off to the side of the group clearly working together. 

*Wish I had one of my listening artifacts on me. I don't have good enough control over the wind to carry their voices over, nor are my ears good enough to hear what they're talking about. A touch annoying but I suppose I'll just have to deal with whatever comes of that. I'm glad that Bonas doesn't seem to be involved at the very least… though I'm not sure how much it matters for this challenge.*

Thyme coughed into the mic, his voice booming out over the area. "The round is about to start. While the contestants were changing the order was decided by random draw. Your teammates saw me spin the wheel, but just to give you all an idea… we have Borgick up first-

"As it should be," cut in Borgick. 

"Perhaps his love of cannons had some effect on the luck of the universe. Next up we have Bonas," Thyme waited a moment to see if she'd comment. When the wolfgirl didn't Thyme continued, "then in third we have Willow, followed by Green and finally Vanya. Remember, there are four rounds and the order will swap back and forth each round. Borgick, when you're ready," 

"I was born ready," said Borgick as he strode forward. The bottom of the cannon swung open and a little ladder came out. Borgick ignored it entirely and jumped in. The door swung shut and Green waited. She wasn't sure how long it was going to take Borgick to launch himself from the cannon… but she suspected it was going to be on the upper end of things. 

Green watched as the cannon moved. First all the way left, then all the way right. Up, down, up and to the left. Borgick was really putting this thing through its paces. Eventually Green just sort of tuned it out. There wasn't much to learn from this. The judging very specifically started as soon as you left the cannon, so all of this was just for Borgick's entertainment. 

Eventually, Borgick did hit the firing button, he went flying from the cannon, spinning multiple times in the air, Green counted five flips as his arms flailed about, yelling all the while. To Green, it was clear that Borgick had been too interested in the cannon itself to plan out how his jump was going to go. 

So that was it. Five flips, a lot of screaming and an awkward landing face first into the water. He did have a rather large splash though, so perhaps that would save him. Green still had to supress a wince at that landing though. Sure the swimwear was meant to help with that… but how much, she wasn't sure. Borgick eventually made it back to shore, panting slightly as the judges held up their votes. 

Judge One held up a 5. Judge Two held up an 8. Judge 3 held up a perfect 10. Green's eyes nearly popped out of her head. *TEN! A PERFECT TEN!? What the heck did he do for that? Was it all the front flips? That's got top be it… then why did he get an eight for the second judge? Or the five on the first? Damn not enough data. Is the eight just from the size of the splash?*

Bonas went next, taking only a few moments to move the cannon to be pointed further upward and then launching. She flipped forward in the air, her knees tucked in tight to her body held there by her hands, gaining momentum as she spun. Green lost count at eight spins but it was certainly more, it was just a bit hard to keep track as the speed increased and Bonas crashed into the water. 

Judge One held up a 5 again. *Clearly the number of forward flips isn't doing anything.* Judge Two held up a 5. *What? She got less then Borgick?* While Judge Three held up another 10. 

*Ok, if anything this is less clear to me. I'm pretty sure Bonas made a larger splash then Borgick so why did she get less points? I mean, it wasn't by much. Is it because she's not a dwarf? Is Two comparing it to the height of the competitor? Or perhaps the height they leave the cannon at? Hmm…*

"Willow," said Thyme. Willow walked into the cannon without complaint as Green tried to figure out what was going on. This time, the cannon wasn't adjusted in the slightest. Willow launched herself from it as soon as she was ready and took off with the same start. She started with a flip like everyone else so far, though she only did two before she stopped, stretching out into a five pointed start pose, then managing a spin horizontally before she hit the water. Her splash was alright. 

Judge One held up a 6 this time. Judge Two held up 3. Judge Three held up a 6. It was the worst score so far. *Ok. So she got an extra point from Judge one. And that's certainly from the horizontal spin right… or was it the star pose? Hmm… needs testing. Wait, why has everyone else gotten the five points though? I feel like it can't be the forward flips… and it's not the cannon orientation? Am I even right thinking of the five points as a single unit? Shit.josei

Well… when it comes to Judge Two it's a bit easier. Willow's splash was weak, so she only got three points there… still not sure why Borgick got eight points though, not when his splash was smaller then Borgick's… 

As for Judge 3? I'm a bit confused. Clearly the forward flips have something to do with that score… but she only did two. Is each flip worth three points? It's hard to tell because the other two maxed out the point total at ten, so I can't say how many are necessary for full marks. That's… annoying.

Especially because I'm up next! I don't know what the heck I'm going to do. I need to find out how to get more points… as well as get those points. Do I just copy what Bonas did? I can easily emulate that… but Borgick got more points! But I don't know why! It just looked like a worse version of Bonas' try! So clearly they can't just be judging on looks, or… hmm… could they be judging on anti-looks? Or like… incompetence or something? Hard to say…*

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