D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Stomping Around

Chapter 138: Stomping Around

Kat was able to rapidly catch up to the skipper once she started flying properly. It didn't take long, and it was quite clear that she could outpace it should she desire. Though Kat still carefully scanned the skies for the Barbarashi as she flew next to the skipper not even a spec of it could be seen on the horizon.

"Ok, so I can certainly outpace the skipper if I'm flying. What's the plan now" asked Kat

"If you don't mind, I'd say you should grab the worm's attention, lead it away for a while then catch back up" said Skye

Grace looked like she wanted to argue but it seemed like a sound plan. Kat was indeed able to fly faster than the sand skipper could sail, and they didn't have a lot of other options. Skye was just a healer, Grace's arrows couldn't injury it properly and Kat said she didn't have the energy to fight it.

"Kat do you have enough energy to run the worm around in circles for a while AND catch up to us? Didn't you say you were low?" asked Grace

Kat tried to measure the how much demonic energy it took to fly. It was somewhat hard to tell, but it seemed that flying on pace with the sand skipper didn't cost her anything at all. "One moment" said Kat

Boosting her speed to the limit Kat shot of in front of the skipper nearly doubling her speed. Checking her energy reserves she saw that it was dropping now. Slowly, indeed, but dropping nonetheless.

Kat thought for a moment and tried to do some calculations but quickly gave up. She couldn't get a detailed enough sense of how much she was actually using up. It was like asking to someone to tell you how much water a bucket was leaking when you'd never seen it before and the whole was miniscule.

Kat sighed and slowed back down "I think it should be fine. I can double my speed for minimal cost"

Grace took a quick glance at Skye but quickly returned her focus to Kat so as not to get caught "Well, how will you be able to find us again? The sand skipper leaves a bit of a trail, but that could be hard or impossible to find considering that it isn't very distinct"

Kat tapped the side of her face next to her eyes "I can see the edge of the desert. Shouldn't be too hard to spot you guys. And worst comes to worst I can meet you at the fog wall as long as you wait a bit"

Grace once again took another furtive glance towards Skye. She wasn't confident she could fight the healer and win. She doubted Skye was completely unarmed and the fact she could heal any minor injuries meant Grace would have to take her out in one or two well placed strikes had her concerned.

Of course, Grace didn't get long to worry about this because Skye shouted "I can see it now"

Kat and Grace instantly locked their eyes on the sand trail left by the worm. It was fast approaching and would be here any second. Kat took of flying in the worm's immediate direction using as much energy as she could push into her wings.

Right as she was about to reach the front of the thing Kat slammed her feet into the ground empowering them once again with demonic energy but making sure no flames escaped. Kat shot up further into the air and the worm stalled, before jumping up after her.

It wasn't even close, Kat soared to nearly double its height even as it stretched its body out mouthing wide and gaping. What surprised Kat is that it had no teeth. The open mouth just had thick callouses that looked almost like red stone lining the mouth. As Kat stared down into the maw, she could also see a faint glow at the back.

After failing to catch Kat the worm fell, slamming itself onto the sand and throwing it in all directions. Because Kat's meeting with the worm was somewhat delayed by testing Grace and Skye were well within the blast zone.

Grace fed mana into her tunic's wind shield. Leaving the till for just a moment, she jumped to the top middle of the mast and hung there. The sigil engraved into her chest piece glowed a bright light and Skye could here the whipping of wind.

As the wave of sand came to slam into their skipper Grace's wind shield buffeted it away. The grains rolled of revealing the enlarged wind bubble she had created by overcharging the rune. Skye tried not to look as the sand cascading down around her. It's dusty red glow a difficult reminder that should too much of it all they'd be cooked alive as the enchantments on the boat failed to suck the heat out

Luckily for them though Grace's shield held long enough for the wave to pass and she slid down the mast and collapsed onto her seat. Grace took heavy breathes as she tried to regain her wits and a bit of mana.

Skye through a quick sigil up and sent it towards Grace, checking to see if she'd done any major damage to herself, but finding none continued to wrestle with the sail. A much more difficult task because Grace was unable to operate the till.

Additionally, the sand around them had all been displaced, with the skipper moving off centre. Skye could only tell by looking at their trail and how much they'd strayed without Kat's assistance, but even that too was obscured by the rolling waves of sand from the monster. Skye took a deep breath to calm her mind and faced forward, hoping that she was going the right way.

Back with Kat the worm was wriggling its way back under the sand. Kat let herself fall nearby and take of running away from the skipper though still towards the mist wall. Looking back over her shoulder to confirm that the worm had in fact decided to follow her.

Kat was of course quite annoyed to find that despite her running the worm had turned to face the skipper again. Though a tad behind after recovering from its jump. *Ok think fast. It must be going after the skipper because…* josei

Actually why? Kat slammed the sand next to where the assumed the worms head would be, light though this time, and saw it instantly pivot back to her direction. Kat ran swiftly away form that position, but once again was annoyed to see that after only a few seconds of running the worm had corrected itself to go after the sand skipper once again.

*Is it the weight? I can't be too light, because the Grace said the worm would go after anything larger then a few centimetres and I'm pretty sure I should count.* Frowning Kat once again slammed her feet into the sand, this time near the tail of the beast.

The tail end flicked up throwing a wall of sand over Kat. She instinctively raised her hand to block and her wings followed along with it providing a wall between her face and the sand. Realising her wing now stood in the sands path Kat poured some energy into just in case it was to sustain any damage.

Kat felt the sand bounce harmlessly of her wings. Once stopping she quickly pulled them out of the way to see that the worm had once again turned back to the skipper. What is its problem? Kat stomped in frustration, and once again, as if on queue the worm turned around. It headed towards Kat for a little bit before stopping, and changing directions

At first Kat was amazed at how nimble the thing was, able to turn on a dime despite its size. Then Kat realised she really should be thinking of what its issue was. *Ok, so it reacts to me my impacts, but just running isn't enough for it… wait are my wings making my footfalls lighter than normal? Wait no, even if that isn't the case there is an easy solution.*

Kat stomped to get the worms attention, putting her all into the strike. Sand flew up around her as she made a large dent on the smooth layer of sand. As soon as she saw the worm turn its head in her direction she took of running, though this time was a little different

Every third step Kat made sure to slam her foot into the ground. Throwing up dust and sand into the sky. Every step she took looked like a small explosion as sand fell freely around the sprinting demon… and hopefully Kat was dragging the worm along with her. Kat couldn't actually see the worm following her on account of all the sand… but she could hear it, and it sounded like it was getting closer.

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