D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Breaking Into Your Best Friend’s House


Chapter 14: Breaking Into Your Best Friend’s House

This peaceful silence was, of course, the perfect time for Kat's phone to ring. Checking the number Kat saw that it was Lily's and picked it up."Hey Lily what's wrong?" asked Kat.

"Ok, so my parents just left to go shopping but I was given strict orders not to leave the house. Something about wasting my time with you instead of studying and that it was having a bad effect on my grades. Well, I told them that I had been studying with you and in fact you had better grades than me in a few subjects. They-they didn't take it that well, so I was wondering if you could come around instead. That way even if they come back I can say I followed what they said and stayed home," said Lily.

"Look Lily, I'm perfectly happy to come over but are you sure that's ok? I don't want to cause more trouble between you and your parents," said Kat.

"No, no… Um, no, it's fine. I mean, never mind. I'd like you to come though if that's ok and I'm sure Sylvie will complain unless you bring her so feel free to let her tag along as well," said Lily.

"Ok I'm on my way," said Kat before hanging up. Looking down at the girl on her lap Kat said, "Looks like we are heading to Lily's do you want to come?" Sylvie responded with bright eyes and a smile before waiting for Kat to let her go.

"Wait you need to shower first missy," said Kat.

"Most of the others don't shower in the morning, do I have to?" replied Sylvie.

"I shower every morning and you're a growing girl, so you need to take care of yourself," said Kat. That seemed to placate Sylvie but she said, "Promise you won't leave without me?" Kat nodded and released Sylvie who bolted out of the room. Kat sat there waiting for a moment considering her options before deciding to wait on the chair in the entrance hall. Sylvie would probably spot her.

Sylvie didn't take that long to shower and quickly ran up to Kat in a light blue dress with a large yellow sunhat on.

"You look very cute in that Sylvie lets go," said Kat grabbing the little girls hand.

Just as the two stepped through the door, a voice rang out from behind Kat. "Kat, not right now, but later, perhaps tomorrow even, I'd like to have a chat with you if that's alright?" said Gramps.

Kat glanced over the shoulder and saw the same gruff old man as usual and smiled, "anytime you want Gramps, I'm heading off to Lily's for a bit but I'll make time to see you. Maybe if you didn't run off to hide after you cooked breakfast every morning, I'd talk to you more." The old man just chuckled and headed towards his office. * Well that was a bit weird. Trying to talk to me twice in one month what's gotten into you old man?* Dismissing her concerns Kat started walking towards Lily's.

It was a slow walk for the most part, but Kat didn't mind and was happy to keep pace with Sylvie, that is until she got another call from Lily.

"What's up Lily?" said Kat.

"My parents have got home early, I still want you to come over just, I dunno sneak in maybe," whispered Lily.

"Are you sure we want to do this?" asked Kat.

"Y-yes" said Lily.

Kat was most of the way to Lily's as well and when they arrived at her street, she stopped. * Maybe I should sneak in from the back. * Heading to the street over from Lily's, Kat walked down until she found the house that bordered Lily's own. So do I just sneak around back? Or do I ask permission? Glancing at Sylvie Kat shrugged and headed to the house and knocked on the door.

A young woman in her twenties opened the door and tilted her head as she looked at the pair. She had short cut golden blonde hair that fell just past her ears and a set of black pants and a white shirt. She had a smile that nearly blinded the two girls as she spoke.

"How might I help you girls?"

"Would you like the truth or something more believable?" said Kat.

"Hmm, truth I guess? Now I'm kind of curious," said the woman.

"I want to sneak into my friend's house through your backyard because despite studying with my friend for an entire week at school finishing all out assessments a week before that her parents insist I'm a bad influence on their daughter and told her not to visit me so we decided I'd visit her instead," said Kat. The women shrugged.

"Seems reasonable to me. I'm Vivian by the way, feel free to use my backyard whenever," with this announcement, she walked back inside. Kat and Sylvie shared a glance as they walked around the side of Vivian's house. They were just about to start figuring out how to tackle the fence when the back door opened and Vivian walked out carrying a ladder."Thought this might help you girls. I'll put it away after you climb over so you will need to find some other way out but this should make it easier," said Vivian. Ok I know this is really helpful and all but why are you just going along with this?

"Um, not to be rude or anything but why are you helping us so much Vivian? Aren't we kind of suspicious?" asked Kat. Vivian smiled and seemed to think for a moment about answering Kat but then Sylvie started looking up at her with big eyes begging for the story to be told. * Yes Sylvie use your mystic Succubus powers to charm this girl into giving up her secrets. * Wait…

"Well, I'm not one to dwell on the past so much but if it's a request from you girls how can I say no?" said Vivian "You see, back when I was your age…" she looked at Sylvie for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"When I was your age," Vivian continued, this time looking at Kat, "I had a friend with strict parents like that and her parents always hated me, said I was corrupting their poor innocent daughter. Didn't matter I was top of my class, and it certainly didn't matter that my best friend had a fiery temper and got into more fights than I can shake a stick at; they always thought I was the bad guy. Anyway, to make a really long story short, her parents kept pressing and pressing for us to not speak to each other and we drifted for a while." A wistful look came over Vivian, and her ever present smile faded for just a moment,

"But it's fine now really it is. My friend and I got together again once we hit uni. We were so much happier for it. In fact, we live together sharing this house. Well I say sharing, I pay for it mostly because I'm the best architect and designer in town," finished Vivian puffing out her chest proudly and beaming at the two like a kid who finished first in a running race.

Sylvie walked over to Vivian and patted her knee indicating for her to bend down and when she did Sylvie patted her on the head. The smile that split Vivian's face was so radiant that Kat was surprised she didn't go blind. Scooping up Sylvie in a hug like she was holding a stuffed bear, Vivian continued to beam. * Who is the child here Sylvie or Vivian? I feel like I'm going blind looking at this woman. But she's actually pretty cool. *"Hey do you think I could get your phone number? I'm maybe looking at moving soon and maybe you could…" said Kat, finding it hard to continue as she watched Vivian nodding her head energetically. Exchanging contacts, Sylvie and Kat finally prepared the ladder to scale over to Lily's house before Vivian interrupted.

"Hey, are you girls sisters? I'm just curious," asked Vivian.

"No." "Yes," responded Kat and Sylvie at the same time.

The pair instantly locked eyes and Kat felt overwhelmed with guilt. * Damn. She's as much a sister to me as anyone. I shouldn't have said that. *

"Yes. Yes we are," said Kat, but it didn't seem to help. Reaching down, Kat went to wrap her tail around Sylvie. It had become a habit at this point and seemed the best way to comfort Sylvie but as Kat reached out she paled even further than her morning transformation. Her head creaked towards Vivian whose eyes had gone wide and mouth formed a perfect 0. Sylvie stared at Kat wide eyed, worried about the mistake she had caused glancing nervously towards Kat. Kat gave a light smile in return before Vivian asked, "What was that?"

Kat coughed, hands rising to her neck as she failed to give rise to the word she wanted so desperately to say: 'nothing'. Kat thought fast and instead went for, "Nothing to be worried about?"

Vivian pouted, somehow managing to look adorable despite her age, "Come on, can't you tell me? That seems so interesting. I've never seen anything like it please Kat."

Kat felt her will crumbling underneath Vivian's gaze. Why does it seem like everyone else has better compulsion powers than me? I thought Lily said I should get a charm, or something so why do these girls have it? Kat sighed and looked Vivian dead in the eyes,

"Do you want to break into my best friends' room with me?" asked Kat. Before she finished, Vivian had already climbed halfway up the ladder with her large grin back on her face.

"Well what are you to waiting for? Oh, this is so exciting," said Vivian as she climbed into Lily's back yard.

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