D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Beyond the Mist

Chapter 141: Beyond the Mist

While the tense conversation was wrapping up, the sand skipper was rapidly approaching the mist wall. Practically nothing else could be seen. It took up so much of their vision that there really was nothing else to see.

The worm was still far behind and the Barbarashi was nowhere to be seen. Even still Skye and Grace braced themselves against the side of the sand skipper. Skye even taking a seat instead of her usual standing position just in case.

Kat… was still collapsed on the floor, but Skye was uninterested in helping and Grace was unsure if Kat's tail would try to stop her should she try to help. Accepting that Kat would be fine, or at least her regeneration would deal with any issues that arose held on tight to the back of the skipper.

Kat for her part couldn't actually see what was going on, but she hadn't just forgotten how close the mist wall was, and could figure it out with the few context clues she had access to that they were preparing to hit the wall.

The sand skipper shot forward into the fog. Their was a moment where the skipper hung suspended in the air as they sailed through the thick fog. An instant later though Grace and Skye had their vision clear just as the skipper crashed into the ground.

Digging into the dirt, and throwing grass and debris everywhere, the skippers slight angle threatened to flip the whole thing over. Tumbling around just as the skipper reached an almost ninety-degree angle, the edges of the mast dug into the ground preventing it from tipping over further.

And the mast was made of sturdy stuff, so instead of threatening to break it dug into the dirt hard. This in turn meant that instead of the skipper continuing forward it attempted to launch its passengers.

The Timmy's were sent flying. All three of them arcing through the air, arm in arm… somehow staying together despite the forces at play shooting of into the distance. Skye held on tight to the side and the mast. Straining her arms she managed to stay in place, with only minor muscle bruising.

Grace took a different route. She let herself fly out of the skipper. Because of her… increased height in comparison to the Timmy's she didn't fly as far, or as fast. Quickly dropping into a roll Grace dispersed her kinetic energy and managed to escape unharmed.

Kat for her part went flying wildly out of the sand skipper. She tried to move a little to correct her fall but felt her body failing to respond. She did sense that if she pushed she could get her tail to help, but the fact it didn't immediately act implied the fall wasn't going to be so bad.

Just as Kat thought that though, the top of her horns caught on the edge of the mast as she flew. Sending Kat into a spin, she continued to whirl around and landing hard on the ground and rolling a few more times. Her wings really slowly any momentum she might have had.

Now Kat lay face down in the ground. Covered in dirt, grass and whatever else might have been around. Her desire to get up or move was strong, but she held down the desire recognising she needed a bit more rest first.

Skye examined the downed people, paying particular attention to Kat. Despite what Grace had claimed Kat's tail made no effort to save her from that fall. Her eyes flicked towards the elf but seeing that she was already getting up and looking around refrained from doing anything extreme.

Lighting up two sigils on her robes, Grace started to glow a faint white light as her energy was injuries were healed. Grace was busy dusting herself off and trying to get the grass out of her har. The Timmy's were nowhere to be seen, but nobody was too worried. They'd pop up when they felt like it.

*Well, this is a really nice view* Thought Kat eyes closed face buried in the dirt. *Can't wait to figure out what sort of horrible landscape we've been brough to this time.* As Kat was admiring the darkness, Grace was dusting herself off and walking over to Kat.

She wasn't certain that she'd be able to, but she felt determined to try. Reaching down towards Kat, she watched Kat's tail twitch towards her before settling down. Grace gulped but kept going and managed to get her arm under Kat.

Grace was surprised at Kat's weight. It was either much lighter or much heavier than she'd thought. In fact, it was actually pretty normal, which was strange considering Kat's strength and stranger considering she could fly.

Not minding it though Grace hefted Kat onto her shoulder and cast a glance at Skye, who just gave a shrug. Kat let her eyes open, trying to take in the situation. She immediately noticed Grace's help and tried to thank her but found her mouth still unresponsive. Instead taking a look around Kat saw a short run of grass before another giant wall.

This one however wasn't made of fog. It looked to be solid steel. Of course knowing time it was made out of wood, but that couldn't dampen the sheer presence the structure had. As high and as long as Kat could see it stretched seemingly endlessly in either direction.

*Where the heck do we go then?* Thought Kat till she noticed the bare edge of something on the right. She couldn't make it out properly and with no energy to enhance her sight it seemed it would remain a question.

As Kat struggled to look around, the three Timmy's popped out of the ground next to Grace. Shaking of the dust and grass attached to them they looked up and waved at Kat. In response Kat managed to do figure eights with her eyes, and the Timmy's quickly realised she couldn't move yet and nodded, before heading off to do… whatever it was they do.

Skye for her part was watching this whole thing closely, and certainly noticed that slight twitch of Kat's tail as Grace went to pick her up.

"Well, what's the plan" asked Grace shifting Kat to a slightly more comfortable position with her arm around Grace's neck and Kat's head resting against her own arm to try and keep Kat's horns from stabbing Grace in the face.

"I'm not sure" intoned Skye "I can't see any obvious way to progress past this wall. But based on the sand skippers, there must be something we are missing"

Grace nodded "Yeah that makes sense, should we just take off in a direction then? Or would it be worth getting closer to examine the wall?"

*Guys, There's a thing over on the left.* Kat tried to lift her hand and point to the left but found her arm unresponsive. Checking her internal reserves she could see her energy was rapidly replenishing. *Guess I'm in like, super charge mode. Everything is shut down, but I get a bunch of energy. Should only take a few more minutes for me to walk then.*

"I mean, we could always do a?bit of both" said Skye "Head diagonally right, making our way along and towards the wall to hedge our bets I suppose"

*No, no go left. Whatever we need to find is on the left.* Kat's thoughts went unheard though "I guess that makes as much sense as any other plan" said Grace

Skye nodded and started jogging and leading the way. Glancing back though she saw Grace with an exasperated expression "What?" asked Skye

"I can't keep up with you like that while carrying Kat. Perhaps helping me?" asked Grace

"She can fly, surely she can't be that heavy" said Skye

"She weighs about the same as I do. I don't understand it either" said Grace.

*Gah. You guys are about to go the wrong way.* Skye looked a little torn before walking over to Grace and picking up Kat's other side. "I guess we're in this together"

And so, with Kat slung over their shoulders Grace and Skye were able to set off. The main issue Grace was having with Kat was her awkward weight distribution, with her two large wings. With Skye taking the other side though, they were actually able to get a decent speed going. josei

As they jogged the Timmy's would appear every now and then, in front of the three to make funny faces. Grace and Skye chose to ignore them, but Kat was berating them internally. *They are doing this because YOU ARE GOING THE WRON WAY!*

But Kat was doomed to silence. At least for a little while longer, as the group marched forward with surprising efficiency. It was only once they'd been moving for around ten minutes that Kat could start to move.

"The wrong way" said Kat "We're going the wrong way"

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