D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Surrounded on All Sides

Chapter 152: Surrounded on All Sides

"Grace what's the plan" said Kat as she took a step back to avoid Eva's follow-up swing. Dodging left to keep herself between the swordsman and Grace.

Grace pinned herself against Kat's back and drew her bow, scanning the left side for any sign of the enemy's archer but finding none. "I'm not sure, can you fight them"

Kat had to stop herself ducking under another sword swing. Instead enhancing her strength and catching Eva's hands she threw the swordsman off balance and 'lightly' encouraged Grace to move forward, with her tail, so Kat could follow behind. "Not sure, at least, not while protecting you"

Grace wanted to retort at that, but it was clear which of them was reacting better to the situation. As Kat was keeping Eva at bay, Kutruph was moving up, closing in on the pair while the archer remained hidden.

Deciding now was the time to use up a bit of her reserves Kat set her hands-on fire, letting the purple flames build up to a formidable level. Eva took a defensive stance but looked ready to attack until Skye shouted "Don't touch those flames, they are beyond your level"

Eva nodded at this, as Kutruph closed in on Kat. "Well, I've bought us some time, but now what" said Kat

"Go on the offence, I'll protect myself" said Grace jumping away from Kat but keeping close to the wall, running further away from Skye and Kutruph.

**Welp, I guess it's as good a plan as any.* Kat stepped forward and swung her hands towards Eva who dodged with large movements, making sure to not allow Kat any chance to get her flames close.

Kat swung down with both hands, and the moment Eva backstepped, she brought her tail around, coated in flames. Eva blocked, bringing large sword into the path. Kat's tail collided with the metal and a ringing sound ensued. Kat's tail bounced back but it was enough to leave a good chunk of fire behind.

The greatsword glowed, as the purple fire spread slowly along its length leaving ice in its path. Eva eyed the fire warily but didn't let go of her sword. Kat was about ready herself for another strike when she caught something in the corner of her eye.

Looking left she found a wall of steel approaching her. Kat jumped to the sky letting her wings flare as Kutruph charged below her continuing into the wall but taking no real damage.

Kat was ready to take stock of the battlefield when she felt a sharp piercing sensation in her wing. Shuddering, Kat's rhythm broken she dropped back down out of the sky. Kat hit the ground hard and then leapt to the side to make distance from Kutruph and Eva.

Kat could feel the arrow imbedded in her wing, and it wasn't pleasant. Pushing some energy towards the wound she felt it try to close and fail. Pushing more energy, the arrow itself caught fire and froze, before shattering. After another moment there was nothing left of the damage Kat had sustained.

Kat let out a long breathe before glancing over at her opponents once again. *That one had been a bit worried. After what Nixilei said about that one guy who had an arrow stuck in his knee. Seems I don't quite operate on the same principle.*

Kat checked her energy reserves as Kutruph, and Eva got in position. Eva took her left and Kutruph her right, with Skye remaining far back behind them, but likely within healing distance. *Seems I'm doing alright.* Kat's minor stunt with the flames hadn't diminished her supply quite that much. It was a noticeable drop, but not a major one.

*Plenty of chances.* "How are things on your end Grace" Kat shouted keeping an eye on the two in front of her.

"Can't see the archer but I know where he is. I'd say it's probably Clive" said Grace.

Kat nodded. Hearing this conversation though, Eva moved up as Kutruph made to dash away, presumably to go after Grace. Kat lashed out with her tail stopping his escape, while pouring energy into her arm and blocking Eva's attack with it.

The greatsword cut deep into Kat's flesh but was instantly halted by the bone. Kat drew in a ragged breath, as it did so. *Perhaps this wasn't the best way to block a sword.* Eva ripped her sword out of Kat's arm and took a step back.

The deep wound healed over instantly, leaving nary a mark and only a phantom pain remained. Kat grit her teeth, *Really shouldn't be doing that. Effective perhaps, but painful.* Kat let her eyes follow the two in front of her. *I need to keep these two busy. I'm not sure what Grace is doing but it has to be more productive then getting stuck together.* josei

This was the moment though, that Eva and Kutruph activated a sigil, one on the draconian, shield and on Eva's sword. Eva made a slice at Kat but was very short, she didn't even need to dodge…

That was until Kat felt a massive cut tear through the front of her kimono. *Ah shit, wind blades.* As Kat was orientating herself though an ice spike shot out from Kutruph's shield and went straight for her head.

Kat hurled demonic energy toward her mind and time slowed. *Ok, shit. I'm off balance, in pain, and I can't dodge in time.* Kat could see just in the corner of her eye the icicle, mere millimetres from her head.

*Plan please plan…* Though the icicle kept approaching. Kat stopped her panicked thinking and entrusted herself to her instincts. These instincts of course told her to lean into the attack. Fighting the urge to do the opposite and leant forward.

The ice slammed into Kat's horns and shattered, without so much as a scratch. Kat empowered her legs and took a large step back breathing heavily. She let her front regenerate as she looked up at her three foes.

"Well, that is less then idea" said Skye "I'd hoped this would be easy"

"You know how it is, always harder for traitors" said Kat with a light tone.

Skye groaned "Know this Kat, I do this only because it is a contest. I see no other way to win without this fight and know it brings me no joy"

Kat was about to nod in understanding when she saw Eva take another slash at her. Not willing to make the same mistake twice Kat let her back fold over and leaned backwards allowing the slice to carry over her.

When she raised her head, she saw an icicle aiming straight between her eyes. This once again was easily solved but leaning forward further and catching it on her horns. *You know, I suppose its my turn to be a bit mean.*

"Know this gives me know joy Skye" shouted Kat as she pushed her hands in front of her. Torrents of purple fire spewed in the direction of the other two. Kutruph slammed his shield into the ground and his armour glowed.

A wall of ice rose up and caught Kat's flames stopping them in their path. Kat cut the energy as soon as she saw this and checked her reserves before wincing. *A quarter? I used up a quarter of my energy on that shit?*

Of course the attack wasn't exactly over. The ice was now blazing with Kat's flames, and the area around it was slowly being covered as well. The flames leached the heat from the air and continued to spread, slowly seeping away from the pillar.

Eva and Kutruph dashed around either side, with Skye following the defender. Eva and Kutruph both came charging in weapons raised. Just as Kutruph was about to bring down his shortsword though an arrow shot towards his exposed neck.

The defender reacted instinctively, raising his shield to block the arrow, but now leaving him open to Kat's attack. Kat hurled herself away from Eva and towards the draconian who was now realising his mistake.

He brought the shield back down and took the arrow with a grunt. Lodging in the side of his neck but not sinking very far. The shield however was in a much worse state. Taking the full brunt of Kat's attack on just the side.

The shield screeched in protest and buckled slightly as it caught fire. Kat wobbled and regained her balance as Kutruph stepped back and used his sword to cut his shield free. Leaving the still burning steel on the ground far away from his hands.

"A good one lass" said Kutruph "Let's see you do it again"

With a roar Kutruph charged at Kat. She was about to meet said charge when she remembered the other combatant behind her. Dodging away to the left Kat backed up against the ice wall that Kutruph had made letting herself be enveloped by the flames as she kept them both in sight.

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