D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Information on the Fool

Chapter 203: Information on the Fool

"So, what can you tell me Minor, considering you actually remember this one" asked Kat

"Well…" said Minor as the blond fool kept walking towards Shizuka with not a care in the world. "He's about to test the first in a long line of challenges for Shizuka's hand in marriage"

"Wait what?" asked Kat "Is that even a thing?"

Minor cringed "No… we moved past the idea quite a long time ago. Now it's mostly about bribery and blackmail, but Shizuka decided to bring it back into fashion" said Minor wearily

"Why would she do that?" asked Kat

"Well… this particular sleezeball, he's called Reverendi by the way, happens to have some particularly powerful legacy runes that his family keeps under lock and key" said Minor

"Can't you just… watch them use the runes?" asked Kat

Minor nodded "Yes, if they ever actually used the things. See his family, the Merintorps, have lost almost all of their magical abilities because they are lazy pieces of shit"

"Woah" said Kat "I'm sensing a bit of anger there"

Minor nodded "Yes, they are useless fops, but mum can't get rid of them because there is another family, the Mederin's, that are the estate managers of the Merintorps. They do all the actual work, and because of their efforts the Merintorp domain is one of the most financially powerful in the kingdom… though their military has suffered"

"Why not just put the Mederin's in charge then?" asked Kat "Seems like they are doing all the work anyway."

Minor sighed "Mother has offered many many times actually, but the Mederin family just keeps saying that they faithfully serve the Merintorps and cannot hope to ever replace them. Politely ignore the fact that they replaced them three generations ago.

"Which I suppose isn't actually that long. Because the Merintorps are useless they have a rather average lifespan compared to mages like myself and the Mederin's. So, really, it's more like the two Mederin's and the like… five Merintorps I think. Anyway,

"Because they are so well off, they haven't needed to sell anything of worth from the houses glory days and Shizuka would really like some of their runes and well… just watch" said Minor

"Lady Shizuka, I am here for your hand in marriage" said Reverendi

Kat's mouth fell open. "He didn't just do that"

Minor nodded sadly "He did"

Shizuka opened a single eye but continued the rotation of her ice cubes. "On whose authority do you seek my hand"

*What sort of an answer is that for a ten-year-old?* "I am here under the authority of my house" said Reverendi looking smug.

Shizuka's icey body completed shifted at this. The ice stopped mid-air, Shizuka's position went from relaxed to intrigued and she started glaring down at Reverendi. "I see, in that case what is it you have to offer me"

Reverendi frowned "Is not my illustrious personage enough to sway your mind. I am the eldest and most proficient of my siblings, from the most powerful house in the empire other than your own"

"Is that true" whispered Kat

"Not really" said Minor "They just have the most money, but a lot of that is from owning businesses and leveraging connections"

"I see, well, if you are proficient in the combat arts are you requesting a duel for my hand" said Shizuka with a grin on her face.

Reverendi seemed to bloom upon hearing this idea "Yes, I challenge you to single combat for your hand in marriage" said Reverendi with a confidence only fools have.

Shizuka's grin morphed into a wicked smile, like the cat who'd caught the canary. "Excellent, in that case, what do you offer as collateral. Mine is obviously my hand in marriage and only something suitably valuable can be proffered on your end of course"

*Oh… ten-year-old Shizuka is already terrifying* "He's already been trapped hasn't he?? whispered Kat

"Yes. The only thing he can offer is his family's scrolls more or less. Anything else would be crippling to the family or insulting. Sadly he isn't quite so intelligent" said Minor

"I know not, what my family could offer to compensate for such an illustrious opportunity" said Reverendi

Shizuka's eye twitched slightly but her grin didn't fade "Perhaps your ancient family's magic?" josei

Reverendi laughed "Those old things? They are practically useless. I know not why father keeps them around. Still, if you are willing to give such generous terms, I can do naught but accept"

Shizuka's eye twitched violently at that but she nodded with false calm. "We shall meet in the training arena in one hour. I will provide the contracts"

Reverendi paled a bit hearing those last words but nodded "O-of course lady Shizuka"

Before he promptly exited the scene. "Why does Major look so angry at the moment?" asked Kat

"Well… she just realised she probably overpaid for those scrolls. Oh don't get me wrong, they truly are the most valuable thing he owns, and he is being gouged horribly in a duel he could never hope to win… but if she could have asked for more she would have" said Minor

"Huh… Major is more cunning then I thought" said Kat

Minor shrugged as the scene started to twist "We are kitsune after all, we picked up at least some of that heritage. This is just Major's way of expressing it"

When the scene returned, Shizuka was in a dressing room, with Chiharu. "What in the name of the great fox were you thinking" said Chiharu.

"I mean, of all the things, why would you bet your hand in marriage. Why is my twelve-year-old daughter betting her life on something so stupid" said Chiharu

*She's twelve!* "Mother, it is perhaps the easiest gamble. Either I win and get the scrolls, or I lose, marry into the family, and then get the scrolls" said Shizuka

Chiharu frowned "Why did it have to be them of all people. And you can't simply be ok with losing something so precious like your hand in marriage" said Chiharu

Shizuka shrugged "His territory can be much better managed without his family leaching off of it. Alternatively, assassination is an option before the wedding, and after. That isn't even taking into account I am without a doubt the greater fighter. I only believe I will lose if they cheat unreasonably"

Chiharu sighed "You shouldn't talk about assassinating your husband to avoid marrying him. Just don't accept the duel in the first place dear"

Shizuka shrugged "It was my idea. Why wouldn't I want it"

Chiharu groaned "Where did I go wrong? Was it letting her learn magic so early? Was it that maths teacher that corrupted her? My own Mother? This does seem like something she'd do…" Chiharu mumbled under her breath.

Though clearly not quiet enough "I have been greatly inspired by grandmother, but most of it was a simple calculation. And besides, as horrible of a personality as he might have, at least he is somewhat good looking" said Shizuka

Chiharu blanched and looked at her daughter like she had suddenly grown two heads "You really think that thing, of all people is attractive?"

Shizuka tilted her head but nodded slowly

"Clearly I have failed more thoroughly than I imagined" said Chiharu with a sigh.

Shizuka shrugged as she put the last of her outfit on. It was a strange sight for Kat. As each piece was placed on Shizuka, it blended into the memory ice form she always was. She had a close-cut robe, with a leather plate on top covering her midsection. The sleeves were cut short above the elbows, and the robe flowed freely over her legs giving her plenty of are to move with.

"Look Mother, I'll be fine. I already have the magical contracts ready and on hand anyway" said Shizuka pulling a stack of papers from a drawer hidden in the wall of the room.

"Wait… those are real magical contracts!" said Chiharu with surprise "When in everfrost's name did you get those done"

Shizuka shrugged "I've been thinking something like this was going to happen sooner or later so I actually have a few made. I wrote them myself and had grandmother help me enchant them properly. This one is the one for ancient family artefact against hand in marriage

"I also have ones for, considerable sums of wealth, one for tracts of land, and one for rare goods, both of the singular items, and in bulk. I was thinking of a few more but enchanting this is apparently difficult and I didn't want too many to go unused" said Shizuka

Chiharu cursed internally at the confirmation that her mother had indeed been responsible for at least some of this madness. "Well dear, I suppose you had best go out and fight then. But so help me, if you lose I'll be sorely tempted to disown you"

Shizuka shrugged like she'd heard it all before "I'll be fine"

"Will she be fine" asked Kat

"Well…" said Minor "The issue is her opponent is now the Nightmare, and not the pompous ass he actually was."

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