D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Cue up the Pink Panther Theme

Chapter 291: Cue up the Pink Panther Theme

Kat and Xiang approached the edge of the barrier, Kat could see the greenhouses now and was tempted to make her way further across to the compound wall for cover instead… but they did seem to be sufficiently full providing enough cover (hopefully) by themselves. "Ready?" asked Kat

"For what?" asked Xiang

"What do you mean for what. We are in the last stretch. The compound is right there. We just need to run up to the side of the closest greenhouse. What's so confusing?" asked Kat

"Are you going crazy?" asked Xiang, as he tilted his head to the side "There isn't anything but forest?"

Kat looked over at what was clearly a greenhouse then back at Xiang. Then back to the greenhouse once more. "Nope. That's certainly a greenhouse."

"Well you must just be blind then!" hissed Xiang.

Kat sighed. *Dammit. I'm sure I'm not blind… but I guess Xiang might be? It could be that there is an illusion over it… but can't I normally tell? System what gives?*

The Illusion User Kat is 'viewing' is so weak that any Rank 2 demon could see through it. There simply isn't enough power in the array. User Kat's eyes completely obliterate any remnant of the illusion.

*Cool.* Kat went to speak to Xiang but then had a second thought. *Wait… does that mean I might cause problems to it though? Will it just shatter if I touch it?*

User Kat brings up an interesting hypothesis. D.E.M.O.N.S has no idea, without seeing the specifics of the array.

*Well shit.* "Xiang… there is an illusion over the base. It's pretty weak though" said Kat "I didn't even notice it"

"Huh" said Xiang. A second later his eyes started to glow with the faintest white light, before he nodded "Ah, I see. Silly of me to consider that actually"

*Who are you and what have you done with Xiang? Why are you suddenly owning up to your mistakes?* Kat gave Xiang a weird look but just nodded and slunk up towards the greenhouse. About three metres from the side of building Kat's hearing suddenly swapped. Now she could hear everything inside the bubble but nothing outside. Pausing and increasing her perception to quickly discern the location of anyone nearby. Kat wanted to frown when she heard someone working in the greenhouse up ahead. Most people were in their rooms, but there was one in this greenhouse, and one in the greenhouse on the far left. The person who had been hanging up clothes was now somewhere else.

*Hmm, can't recognise them by sound alone. Might be that one person at the mess hall, but I guess them being in one of the greenhouses is just as likely.* Kat glanced at the greenhouse, and did manage to spot the smallest hint of brown hair, but it was mostly obscured by the plants. *Good enough I suppose.*

Continuing to run, Kat made sure that when she reached the greenhouse, she was down low with her additional limbs tucked in closely. *It would really suck if a stray wing tip is what got us caught. I'd never live down the shame of getting us in trouble before Xiang does.* Kat's eyes turned back, and watched as Xiang darted after her, ending up right next to her. "What now? Take out the greenhouse and then ditch?" asked Kat without really hoping.

Xiang frowned at her "No. We have come here to get revenge. Why do I want pretty flowers?"

*But… didn't you say your village was robbed? Why can't we rob them back? Oh why do I even bother.* "Ok then what is the plan?" asked Kat

"I shall go through each one and defeat them, and cripple or kill them" said Xiang with the same tone of voice one would use to say the lawn needs mowing.

"You can't be serious? Not only do I doubt you could beat them all… they have warehouses full of supplies!" said Kat in response.

"Oh? Where are they? Lead me there. Perhaps I will find something to stay my hand" said Xiang wistfully.

Kat felt her eye twitching in response. *Why do I get the feeling that nothing he can find will stay his hand?* Kat sighed and double checked the sounds from across the compound. The only people that might be issues are the greenhouse twins, or the guy in the cafeteria. *Hmmm, should be doable then.*

"Ok, to get to the storehouse we need to make a bit of a run for it. Lot of ground, no certainty we won't be seen. I want you to follow me. Stay silent but sprint if you can" said Kat

Xiang nodded, face hardening into a face of determination. Kat felt another sigh threatening to break free, but just turned around and moved to the corner. Taking a quick peek revealed what her hearing confirmed, nobody in sight, with the warehouses on the other side of the courtyard.

Kat took off at about human sprinting speed. Kat cast her glance towards the person she knew was at the cafeteria. They were just barely inside the building, and she hoped that would stay that way. As she ran Kat was crouched down with wings tucked in, letting most of her focus drift to her feet. She had to dodge a few twigs in the way to maintain her silence that almost seemed to spread from her feet instead of sound.

Of course, Xiang wasn't quite so careful, standing on almost every stick she'd dodge. Kat felt herself flinching every time a crack could be heard, but nobody she could hear reacted, and she hoped that would be the end of it.

When Kat made it to the warehouse wall, she glanced over at the smaller compound to the right. *I hope those walls are high enough.* The compound turned out to be on a very slight hill. She couldn't see inside from where she stood, and she could only hope this applied the same for people inside that wall… but she wasn't sure. At least she didn't hear anyone near it.

It was just a moment later that Xiang pulled up beside her, it was a good thing Kat took that chance to check up on him. He was still running full speed even though the wall was mere centimetres from his face. Kat suppressed the urge to click her tongue as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from the wall.

Xiang let out a light choking sound but Kat couldn't find it in herself to care. *It's his own fault for running nearly full speed next to a wall.* Placing Xiang down, Kat gave him a disappointed look. Xiang glared back with no shame.

*Now I just have to figure out what to do. That guy sitting up at the cafeteria will see if he looks over while we are opening the door. Can hear him in the seating area now. Hmm, is it safe to jump on the warehouse roof?* josei

Kat let her focus return to her hearing. *Hmm, the only one that might is those guys from that enclosed area. I just can't be sure how high those walls are, especially if I'm sitting on the roof.*

Xiang however, was getting sick of Kat's planning. Pulling out his sword carefully, Kat turned to see him about to hack into the wall. "What are you doing?" hissed Kat

"Well clearly you didn't want to go in the front for some reason. This wall looks flimsy so I'll just break it" said Xiang

Kat shook her head and said "No Xiang. Not only will we get heard, I'm sure there is some security on this"

"I doubt it" said Xiang

Kat smiled and placed her hand on the wall, slowly, she pushed on it with increasing strength. As she did so a golden light started to shine beneath her hand, sparking around Kat's palm as it tried to repel her. *Thank god that worked. I just guessed that they'd have some sort of keep away. I can almost certainly break it but this is good enough to prove my point.*

Xiang just clicked his tongue and looked away, not willing to admit Kat was actually right in this instance. Suddenly, there was movement from the cafeteria dude. Kat froze. *Shit. Is he coming this way?* She could hear them walking back into the building proper before exiting and… yes heading her way.

*Shit shit.* "One guy heading our way. Don't say anything, just follow me if we need to move" said Kat

Xiang gave Kat a long, pained look. Every second he wasted glaring back at her was another step closer that figure came to their hiding place. It wasn't even a very good one, as soon as he rounded the corner it was going to be enough. Kat cast a glance over to the small fence surrounding the field she hadn't properly seen from the air, thinking it was just some markings. *Dammit can I squeeze behind that? I mean… maybe… the wings though…*

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